"We married for love. I went against all the odds for your mother. But as I say LOVE IS NEVER ENOUGH."

I swallow uncomfortably, my father is still madly in love with the woman, who doesn't even think of him.

Why the hell would they have kids out of love when it was never fucking enough?

"I will marry her. But don't expect anything else."

Because no matter how much I try to avoid the reality, my father is right. We need this deal. And if I have to marry for it, so be it.

My father smiles and pats my shoulder. "I knew you would do the right thing. Aakhir, beta to mera hi hai na."

(Afterall, you are my son.)

"When are we meeting them?" I ask.
"Soon." He says while dialling a number. And I don't even need to ask who he is calling.

Definitely the Mehtas.

"Aadi maan gya, mehta sahib. Aap kb milva rhe ho apni beti se." My father speaks into the phone with a huge grin on his face.

(Aadi, agreed to the deal, Mr. Mehta. When can we meet your daughter?")

There is a silence for a whole 5 seconds before my father speaks into the phone again. "Toh kl shaam 8 bje milte hai, aapke ghar."

(Let's meet at 8:00 PM, at your place.)

I look at my father as he turns his face towards me. He has the same annoying grin on his face.
"You are getting a bride, dear son of mine. And a huge fucking deal. You have no idea what this deal will bring for us on table."

"I know what it will bring. An annoyance for lifetime. An unnecessary wife."

"Don't be bitter, Aadi. You will be meeting the girl tomorrow. So play nice with her. I don't want you upsetting her."

I am mad at my father. I hate Vanie Mehta. How can someone be so happy all the time.

She is weird and from what I know she is a teacher.

How patient does one can be to choose this profession for lifetime?

Kids annoy the shit out of me. Thank fuck, I don't need to have one.

I run my hand in my hair. As I take out phone from my pocket. I have 4 missed calls from Roohani. I shoot her a text.

Everything alright?

She replies me immediately.

It's been a week since we talked. And I can call you without an emergency too. So, please pick up your damn phone.

My sister is the best thing that came out of my parents marriage. She is not like me but she is the only person I can tolerate without thinking about 10 ways to murder them.

Will call you once I reach home.

I text back. And put my phone back in the pocket. I take a deep breath. I have royally fucked my life. A wife, seriously, a fucking unnecessary wife.

The Unnecessary AllianceWhere stories live. Discover now