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Yes, very romantic. You should click it when Rus and Ame started dancing . //  


TONIGHT is our masquerade ball. Viet insisted on doing my makeup because she claimed that she's an ' expert '. She also said that if she makeup me, I can save money, unlike our other classmates who hire stylists just for the event. I didn't do anything so she turned me into a doll without anything. on time. Phil kept laughing as he watched Viet turn my face into a coloring book.

I made Viet leave my hair alone though because I didn't want to put any products on it so I just went straight to sleep after the event later. I just combed it properly to make it look presentable.

I put on the dress and looked at myself in our dorm room's mirror. No matter how beautiful it is, I still felt uncomfortable wearing it because I got it for free. I even spent hours the previous night wondering why someone would just give away one of their precious creations for free. I looked up at the reflection of my face in the mirror. I must say Viet did a pretty good job on my face.

"You're really beautiful! I really have a crush on you!" Viet keeps on gushing about how I look tonight. She has been telling me repeatedly that she has a crush on me.

"It's ugly. We're not losers. You're beautiful, I'm beautiful too, so we're not a good match," I answered with a laugh and then I took my mask and put it on.

"What game do you think they are planning for us to play?" Viet asked as she fixed herself one last time.

"You know, we're not really going to play a game," phil answered her.

"You know there's an eighty percent chance that the rumors saying that the Fearsome Four is involved in the planning are true," Viet said. "I just hope they didn't plan on anything too wicked."

"Maybe we're going on a treasure hunt again this year."

"In floor length clothes again?"

"Just be aware of it."

I just shook my head at both of them. Rumors spread really easily here, especially if it involves the high-ranking vampire students. it was their source of entertainment here and in fairness, there's always something every week.  You'll just get used to it.

"It was confirmed earlier, we will play a game," I said softly. I really had no intention of telling them what I know but as I was listening to their conversation, I was tempted to laugh because of how clueless they sound.

They looked at me together. "How did you know?" they asked in unison.

"I heard the other students talking in the hallway earlier," I lied. I even shrugged to make it seem like I know nothing important. But the truth is, I actually learned about the game from New Zealand. He is the one who planned it.

New Zealand and I got a chance to talk earlier. She told me that balls could get boring so she decided to spice things up by organizing a game every student could play. She said she included Russia in saying goodbye to the superiors so the teachers easily allowed him.

I asked her what game she was planning, but she didn't want to tell me what it was because she said she wanted it to be a surprise. I can't forget that goofy smile on her face when she told me that, so I'm a little nervous now. Since we are friends, she might trip me in the game.

"Is there a free dance?" Phil wondered as we walked to the venue of the ball.

"Of course, there is that. It is usually the highlight of the night, apart from the game. You know, someone might danced with Ame." Viet teased while looking at me.

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