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[ America's pov ]

" BUT it's up to you get to know them. "

I heard what Viet and Phil said over and over in my head. For some reason, I was drawn to New Zealand, Australia, and Russia.

Is this how they affect everyone? or was it just to me? They seemed to be a big deal around here, but why was I so interested in them?

I shook my head. I shouldn't be thinking about students I barely know right now. It's only my first day here in SA, so it is best if I just focus my attention on things that matter.

I barely knew the layout of this place and I had no idea what the attitude of the students here was. The only thing I was familiar with were the policies I read in the student handbook. And based on what I saw in the few hours I spent here, I realized how unprepared I was. Because this place is very different compared to what I used to study.

Almost everything here in SA looks new and modern. It is also obvious that the students who study here come from luxurious families based on their clothing. There is no uniform here and everyone is free to wear whatever they want. I'm just wearing a simple T-shirt and pants today.

"I told you, they will be students here again. You just don't want to believe me," I heard a student whisper behind me. I swear every single student here was enthralled by the three of them.

single student here "But they're not the only ones coming back," I heard the person he was talking to whisper too.

Even before the end of the lunch hour, another rumor spread. Aside from New Zealand, Australia, and Russia, there is another former student who is a student here again. They said, her name is Poland and someone said he was seen walking in the hallway this morning.

According to Viet, Poland is said to be the fourth member of New Zealand, Australia, and Russia's group and they are called the Fearsome Four. She said, Poland and New Zealand used to be known as the queens of Sinclaire Academy. But one day, Poland left without anyone knowing why. But before she left, she made it clear to everyone that Russia was hers.

I asked Phil if Poland and Russia were together and his only answer was, "She wished they're together, but Russia didn't seem to give a f*ck about her."

Does that mean, Russia made Poland hope?

They said Poland is beautiful and she is the type of student who makes sure everyone knows who she is here in SA and what her position is in the social hierarchy.

Viet and Phil also explained to me that apart from the Pyramid, they also follow what they call social hierarchy here in SA. It is said that what your rank is in the Pyramid is also your rank there. This is what tells the students where they will be here. Humans obviously belonged to the bottom of the social hierarchy while the Fearsome were on top.

"Sinclaire Academy is a school where social status, rank, and blood are everything," Phil

Social status, rank, and blood. Of those three, I only understand social status. I just shook my head as I wondered what 'rank' and 'blood' could mean.

After lunch hour, Viet and I went to our next class together. This is an elective class so humans and vampires are together in the class. I couldn't shake off the uneasiness I was feeling while in the same classroom as vampires. I'm not really used to their presence.

Viet played a game on her phone while we waited for our teacher to arrive. According to him, when twenty minutes pass and there is still no teacher, we can leave the placereen classroom. "Ten minutes na lang," I said while tapping my desk with my hand.

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