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[ America's pov ]

" WHAT happen to him?"

"your annoying. l said I didn't know!"

I woke up when I heard familiar voices. I opened my eyes and saw Phil standing at the end of my bed while Viet's face was hovering over my head. He backed away when he saw that I was awake.

"I was looking for you all over the academy, 'then you were sleeping Just here in your dorm room!" Viet exclaimed. By now, I'm used to it.

in his presence here in my room with Phil because he is often hang out here. Because vampires are not forbidden in Dusk.

Phil approached me and then touched my forehead. "You don't have a fever. What happened to you?"

Before I could answer her question, Viet suddenly winced. "You smell like grass."

suddenly felt conscious. I got up and sat on the edge of the bed and then I looked at them. "Couldn't I just be sleepy so I thought I'd take a nap?" I'm lying. I don't know what to answer them because I have no idea how I got here. The last thing I remember, I was talking to New Zealand at the cemetery this afternoon.

"We were about to have dinner but we can't leave you here alone," Phil said.

Dinner? It means it's night. It's been a while since I fell asleep.

"And since you're awake, let's go," said Viet's nanny to which I just nodded.

We left Dusk and headed to the dining hall. I hugged myself as we walked because of the cold. It's usually cold here in SA even in the morning, because it is located up north.

When we entered the dining hall, Phil and I immediately took food and sat in the usual spot for the three of us. Viet was babbling but I couldn't follow her story because my eyes trailed off while she was talking and it landed on the table of the Fearsome Four. I saw them complete there. New Zealand was busy on her phone while Poland was talking and Australia was listening to her. Russia, on the other hand, looked bored.

I returned my attention to my food. I wanted to know what happened earlier, but I couldn't talk to New Zealand right now. I don't have the courage to go to their table to ask her, so I have to wait until she's alone.

Viet stopped talking when an alarm rang on her phone that landed on the table. When she heard this, she took out the syringe from the stainless steel box she was carrying and injected it into her skin. I looked away while she did this.

After I ate, I turned back to the Fearsome Four's table. I saw New Zealand stand up and walk straight out of the dining hall. Australia's gaze followed him but it didn't follow him. That means, New Zealand was alone outside and I could talk to her now. I immediately stood up from my seat and turned to the double doors of the dining hall.

"Where are you going?" Phil asked when he saw what I did.

"Uhm... I need to pee."

"Why are you leaving the dining hall? There is a comfort room here-"

"I'll just use the one with the science wing. Because my bladder is picky," I answered and then hurriedly left so he wouldn't be able to ask any more questions.

After I left the dining hall, I immediately looked for New Zealand. I saw her at the end of the hallway so I ran there while calling her. "New Zealand!"

New Zealand looked back. She looked at me and raised an eyebrow. She didn't look surprised to see me. "You ran so close but you gasped immediately," she commented when I got in front of her.

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