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[ America's pov ]

ON a beautiful Saturday, Phil drove his car out of the student parking lot and passed through Sinclaire Academy's private road. Viet sit on the passenger seat while me was in the back seat.

Today will be my first day to go out of the academy since l started studying here, so l decided to wear my comfiest clothes-a simple t-shirt that written ' NATO ' and wearing a pants. Today will be my first time to go Town Square too. it's the main shopping district in Hangrove and most SA students hang out there during the weekend. Because I'm a homebody and I immediately entered the Academy before I could even settle in our new home, I haven't been there yet.

Before we left, I called mother to say goodbye that I was going shopping. She agreed, as long as I first buy the things I need before I spend for my snacks. Mama really spoils the plan sometimes. It just so happens that my two-week stock of chocolates has run out.

I turned to the window and watched what we were going through. SA's private roads are wide. mother and I almost got lost when she brought me here on my first day. I feel like it's nice to walk around here because there are many trees around and the air is fresh, but that doesn't seem like a good idea. If I had done that, my feet would have fallen off before I could reach the end of this long road.

It is said that this private road was made to hide Sinclaire Academy from the eyes of outsiders. It is said that you can only see the academy when you're halfway down the road because it is covered by tall trees.

"Shall we go shopping first or go to the cafe you mentioned?" Viet asked Phil when we reached the main road.

"I suggest we go to the cafe first then go shopping. We could go back after to chill and buy pastries to take home," I answered. Phil told me earlier that the cafe we are going to makes the best cheesecake, and thought of mouthwatering pastries was making me excited.

l saw Phil smiled from the reaview mirror. " l Agree! " She exclaimed.

l looked back at the window. I admired the view outside while Viet was busy with her phone and Phil was singing along to the sing on the car radio. My phone suddenly vibrated, indicating that I had a text message.

' Queen Z ' stands for Queen Zealand. New Zealand put that name on my phone when she gave me her number the night we talked in the open field. My eyebrows furrowed as I read her message. I immediately sent her a reply.

After a few minutes, my phone vibrate again so l opened it, Carly's reply blew me away.

I didn't reply to her because I knew what she was saying. 'Don't doubt my choice' she said. I know I make unusual choices often. Sometimes, I don't think about my decisions anymore. Was she talking about that?

Thinking about what New Zealand meant, I didn't immediately realize that we were already here in Town Square. My spirit just woke up when Phil parked his car in front of a cafe called La Patisserie.

When we entered the cafe, I immediately smelled freshly-baked pastries. Phil picked a spot near one of the glass windows for us to sit on. I can clearly see the view outside from here . I could see people walking in and out of the stores, couples strolling together, and kids laughing. I found comfort while watching them because they look so normal.

Town Square looks like it belongs to a different era. Because it has a vintage vibe. There are few cars that pass here, because the roads are small, so it must be nice to walk around this place.

"What do you want, Ame?" Phil asked. She was sitting across from me.

"What do you suggest?"

"They serve awesome cheesecakes here. Their red velvet cakes are great too. "

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