Summer heat

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Genre:- Fluffy smut---(no explicit description tho......smut is only heavily implied....)

Disclaimer:- Well Chan needs a vacation. From all the stressful work. Producing, writing, editing, managing the members. Exhaustion eats him away. And Minho notices his boyfriend burning himself out. So he plans an impromptu vacation for a week with his lovely angel of a boyfriend.


The summer had arrived with it's heat and bustling crowds of both foreigners and indigenous natives. The city was bustling with citizens of all ages.

The conditioner was on and yet the brunet could feel the scorching heat on his neck and forehead. His hands trembled from tiredness.

Summer had brought with her a ton of work for Chan, and her scorching heat. Currently the sleep deprived insomniac was building the tempo for one of the last songs in their album.

Chan was relieved to see a gap for resting in his schedule. He had only a dance practice in the evening. Maybe the boy could finally let his eyes rest and recover from the throbbing headache.

Little did he know that he spoke too soon.

"Chan you have a meeting with JYP and board of directors in the afternoon. Be there on time."

And with those words the manager crushed all plans of the brunet to recover from his fatigue. The meeting went on for till the evening.

The directors droned on about programs and budgets, non noticing the slumped figure of a male. Eyes heavy with fatigue and sleep deprivation.

As soon as the meeting finished Chan dashed towards the dance studio. Completely ignoring his grumbling stomach, the weakness in his legs and dark spots in his vision.

Minho's POV

The practice had already started, all the members were present except for the tiny adorable koala. My koala.

My eyes scanned the whole perimeter of the room searching for a hint of bright smile or a tuft of soft curly brown hair. To my disappointment there was a lack of them.

No sooner had I turned to ask about the whereabouts of my sunshine, when he burst through the doors. His forehead slick with sweat. His pale skin glistening like the softest of pearls. Cheeks and lips flushed in an enticing natural pink. His soft brown eyes wide. And yet the lines of exhaustion marred his sweet face.

Worry started pooling inside me as I saw how he had pushed himself to the brink of burning out again. Why does he have shoulder all the burden himself. My selfless, dumb, idiotic, cute boyfriend.

I can't help but move towards him. Like in a entrance. Only when I feel him relaxing in my arms, sharing warmth do I feel anxious thoughts fade into the recess of my mind. I nuzzle my nose his neck, breathing in the soft scent of cherries.

"Hyung. Had lunch?"

"No Min, had a company meeting which ended late so I had to skip."

A couldn't halt the crease from forming.

"Are you sure you should practicing on an empty stomach hyung? Why don't you rest, I will ask the managers too food for you."

A soft honeyed giggle escaped his tantalizing lips. A small loving smile forming on his endearing face.

"I am fine baby, just hold me for a bit your hug is all that I need."

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