Your absence is my downfall

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For one of my most excited and impatient readers . You know who you are. Hope this satisfies you and is not trashy......

Disclaimer:- continuation of I could never let you go

Trigger warning:- (well all of warnings from last chap) rape, domestic abuse, suicide, homophobia, and idk honestly just this one doesn't have any fluff completely angst and hurtful.


Noone's POV

The boy lay on the cold floor. His mind and body tired from the burden the world placed. His mind ensnared by his inner monsters. As the word of the adult rang in his head. Seeping deeper into his bones.

Slowly he stood, on unsure feet, walking towards the first aid kit. His being in autopilot, while his heart kept on questioning was pushing through worth it. Was life worth it? When you had noone to hold you as your inner self shattered? Was it worth it to keep on pushing forward when in the end you are the only one breaking?

Was it worth it to fall everytime and get up, seeing that your absence was more welcomed than your presence?

How could anyone love your inner monstrosities when the people for your existence couldn't?

Everyone said life was not a fairy tale, not everyone had a happy ending. Then what made them think that the boy could? If the pain is going to persist and vanquish every joy why not stop this journey of pain itself?

A loud scream brought the boy out of thoughts that kept on eating him from the inside.

Chan's POV

It was too good to be true anyway. How can Minho like me, when my own blood doesn't. I got too comfortable and let my wishful thinking get ahead of myself. He deserves better than me. A person who can love and protect him. Someone who is not broken. Someone who is good, an angel, he deserves an angel, not a forgotten soul from the depths of oblivion.

The thought of oblivion brings a wierd sort of relief. The eternal sleep seems enticing, and my exhausted self can't help but run towards the abyss. But the road keeps stretching on and on. It is so close yet eons away.

I flinch at the loud yell aimed at me, telling me to go grocery shopping as their was none left because I ate too much.

Did I eat too much again? I had only one meal for the last few weeks, do I need to cut it off too?

Even the wind is harsh today. The nature seems to be reprimanding me. Annoyed that I still haven't taken away what was meant for me. Angered because I still exist. Like a stain that refuses to go away even after being cleansed a thousand times. Ruining her beautiful work of art.

The can't hold back the sigh that escapes me as I walk towards the grocery store. Every movement taking away bits of my life force from me.

Noone's POV

Guilt and shame wrapped inside Minho. No matter what was said Chan had his heart in a chokehold. The silent angel had shown him the warmth that noone else did. His smile never hid any ulterior motives. It was scary how Chan's warmth made Minho's world light up.

And yet he was the reason for the latter's heartbreak. If he had been honest then maybe he could redeem himself. But now Minho felt like he was sinking as his angel has not been to school for one whole day. And the anxiety his choking Minho.

Unable to bear the fear spreading inside his whole self. Minho texts Chan. The wallpaper sending another pang through his chest. As the picture of Chan holding a flower and smiling like the moon was placed in his hands. His eyes twinkling like the brightest of stars and his smile showing his unsymmetrical dimples.
Minho hears the bell ring. And quickly opens his chat with Chan and sends a series of texts apologising for his guilless mistake. And pleading for forgiveness. His heart lurches as his texts are left on delivered. Hearing the teacher return Minho takes one last glance at his wallpaper before putting his phone back.

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