Wish upon a Star

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Genre :- angst , fluff


Minho doesn't believe the insinuations Chan says about his friend and brushes it off as jealousy. Chan feels insecure and sad as the  friend keeps hitting on Minho and subtly disses Chan. One day they have a big fight and Minho leaves the house. Later he realises Chan was saying the truth but he doesn't have the courage to confront Chan.


Noone's POV

The boy stood under the vast canvas of the sky. His sparkling eyes watching and hoping. Has dread gnawed at his heart. Rivulets of sorrow flowed through his eyes. The eyes which once were the doorway to his heart. Now brimming with pain and ache as he kept asking the same question over and over again.

The moon shone bright yet it seemed faint to the amount of desire he held. All his life he desires only one thing. And that is also what he fears. Yet he let himself fall in the sensation of having what his heart demanded. Only for it to feel like an illusion. A dream made of mist and clouds. Meant only to hover.

He gazed at the stars wishing upon them the only thing he needed constantly and the only thing that can destroy him, love.

Chan's POV

The wind has been colder lately. Lonelier, colder, and more distant. The wind used to be friendly companion to me in the evening. And now even the wind seems to resent me. Just like him.

The memories together tirade over my mind. I have no control over the wave of emotions coursing through me.

It's been 2 weeks since he went away.
Maybe to him. Breaking my heart to pieces.

Sometimes my thoughts go to him, wondering if he would be holding him in his arms, just like he used to hold me. Whether he cries over me just like I ache for him. Long for him.

Why? The question often enters my mind. But all I can do is wait. To see whether he will choose me or him.

Noone's POV

On the other side of the city. Another boy sat alone glancing at the stars. Eyes full of guilt, anguish and pain. He hurt the only person he gave his heart to. Made him suffer because of his ignorance. And now he didn't have the strength to apologise and face the consequences of his actions. He felt that separation was inevitable. Because of how grave his mistake was.

Only he didn't know that under the same starry sky. His love was waiting for him, blaming himself and waiting for the boy to hold him again. Wishing upon the same stars as him.

Minho's POV

The sky was bright. The stars that he held in his eyes lay scattered over the horizon.

I wronged him. I hurt the only person who didn't deserve it. All because of my ignorance. Has he already left. These 2 weeks I didn't go back home, could not go back to him. I can't face him but is he waiting for me to come back or is he already on his way to a better place. The stars may bring comfort but nothing is more comforting than a hug from you.

I remembered the words I told him before everything went down. My hands scroll back to our texts. As I go through them. My hands quiver. Doubt creeps through me as I stand indecisive whether to let the things be unsaid or try to explain.

Chan's POV

"The sky looks ethereal today. Let's star gaze tonight. Please comeback quickly I am waiting for you."

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