Sunshine and warmth

858 25 26

Genre :- Fluff

Requested by yeolbaek123 hope it doesn't disappoint

TW:- ahmm has a teeny tiny bit of steamy moment :/

Disclaimer:- A just a normal day in Minho's and Bangchan's married life. Minho trying to do household chores while his clingy human puppy keeps demanding cuddles and the small baby keeps running all around the house playing hide and seek to avoid eating his lunch. In short, adventures of Minho and his 2 chaotic babies lol. And to avoid further confusion Seyeon is their baby, and he is 1 year old, he can walk but can't talk like adults, most of the time babbles, he can talk but most of the times it's not very clear and since he is a baby he makes up new words, if he finds any words hard to pronounce. And he sleeps in a crib in Chan's shared bedroom since they don't want to leave the adventurous toddler alone.


The sunlight drew soft circles on the patch of milky pale skin. The soft brown hair curling in like a protective layer of ferns over the brow and eyes. While the plump lips, a shade rosier than usual sat in an endearing pout, puffing out the soft squishy cheeks of the male. Ignorant of how it stirred the butterflies in the onlookers stomach. Of how a certain ravenet couldn't help but coo at the adorable koala, who was now burying his head into the sturdy chest of the ravenet.

A soft smile gracing his soft lips on seeing Chan's serene face. Minho inhaled the scent that belonged only to Chan, burying his nose in the soft tufts of the brunet's hair. His hold getting tighter on the waist of the short petite boy, pulling him into an equally soft and warm embrace. Earning a soft grunt from the sleeping male.

Minho closed his eyes, letting sleep lure him into spending some more time here by his husband. Dozing off into the dreamspace. Before taking one last look at the crib near by making sure his baby is asleep as well.

Soft brown eyes gazed out of the crib with adorable innocence. Searching the room for the two comforting humans, as soft babbles filled the room. The tiny fairy sat up from his crib, confused at the silence and absence of his parents cooing and picking him up, to reward him with soft kisses. The baby tilted his head even more, confused on seeing a big lump of blankets on the bed but none of his parents. Holding the bars of his confinement, the small baby tries to stand up, his soft voice carrying out in the silent room.


His soft voice fizzling out, as he reaches out his hands in hopes of being picked up. His hands swaying around the crib. As he gets frustrated and a small whine leaves his throat. His soft cheeks puffing out, as his eyes become impossibly rounder. The boy plumps himself down, disappointed in the lack of love and attention. When a shiny blue toy catches his attention. Intrigued by the blue object he reaches out towards it. A happy giggle leaving the baby on seeing his favourite toy.

Minho jolts awake at the sudden noise, ready to high kick any intruder. Startled at the sudden noise, he removes his blankets searching the room when his eyes land on the culprit. The tiny boy stops playing, finally seeing his father. Reaching out his hands and soft whispering to Minho. His round eyes looking innocously, while he flails his hands asking to be picked up. Chanting out to his father.


A sigh leaves Minho's mouth as he melts due to the adorableness of his son. Walking and quickly picking up the demanding baby. Smothering his soft cheeks with morning kisses. Babbling how cute his son looked or how naughty he was or just pure nonsense to elicit giggles from the small human bean.

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