Soothe my heart

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Genre :- fluff

Chan has a nightmare. And he gets a panic attack because of it. Minho tries to soothe away Chan's fears and show him how much he is loved.


Noone's POV

The cold wind sent chills through his soul. As his fragile heart shattered like glass. Love never caused such pain before this. The love of his life, his boyfriend was holding hands and sharing a kiss with the person who hurt him the most.

He felt like life was playing a cruel joke on him. The person who gave him comfort when he doubted himself was with the guy who made him doubt himself.

And yet Chan couldn't find in himself to fight with him, even when he heard his boyfriend, his Minho say

"You really think someone can love you? I became your friend out of pity. But your presence disgusts me now."

The world felt like it was swirling . Everything was moving around, the colours were becoming too hard to distinguish. Chan's breathing became shallower. It felt like he was drowning.
But the worst thing was he didn't resist it. Life took away all of his will with Minho. Now he had nothing left.

Chan's POV

Everything morphed into a black void. The colour which used to comfort me now was suffocating. It seemed like there was no air in the endless space. But it didn't even bother me.

I was falling and floating repetitively. My mind didn't make any sense. Alas Minho's emotionless voice kept repeating the same words. And I felt pathetic because I believed it was true.
How can he love me, when I don't love myself?

I could feel the tears streaming down like a steady river. I couldn't stop them neither did I want to. I was alone. My breath was getting shallower. The air was getting stuck in my throat. And I kept on weeping curling into myself.

Noone's POV

Chan woke up. From the insistent shaking. He opened his glassy eyes. A pair of worried brown eyes were staring at him. He couldn't comprehend what was happening or what happened. His mind was in a disarray.

Minho's POV

I came back after cooking breakfast to see a sleeping koala. He was facing the window. His hair fluttering in the cool breeze.

No matter how much time passes this sight always gets more endearing. Breaking my reverie I went to wake Chan up.

Worry bubbled through me as I saw his cheeks stained with tears. His breathing became erratic. He muttered words that made it clear he was having a nightmare.

Noone's POV

Minho was getting more and more worried as Chan didn't wake up from his pats and voice. He started shaking Chan lightly by grabbing his shoulders.

Minho's voice brought Chan out of his thoughts.

"Aegi, look at me. Breathe with me okay?"

It was the same voice but instead of the coldness it exuded warmth. Chan nodded his head too overwhelmed to speak.

"Inhale with me ok? Now exhale slowly, Aegi"

The warm brown eyes were still staring at him. Worry emanating from them. After Chan's breathing calmed down. He realised what he saw before was a nightmare. A nightmare he couldn't forget. Unable to hold back the anxiety and fear Chan hugged him. Crying on his shoulders. While the other tried to soothe him.

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