Kim Jongin(Kai): Cook

Start from the beginning

"It looks...", you struggled to find the right word, "...interesting..."

Jongin's head bobbed enthusiastically. "Are you gonna take a bite?"

You nodded with what you hoped was realistic enthusiasm.

God, you sucked at acting. You failed that acting class, don't you remember?

It was worse than you imagined.

Way worse.

You broke off a piece, chewing gingerly, all while Jongin intently watched your face, waiting for your reaction. All at once, your tongue was hit with a spectrum of flavors and textures–bitter, crunchy, hard, soft, and the overwhelming taste of spring onion. Just...bleh...

"So?" he asked, leaning forward, eyes wide in anticipation.

The glob of "waffle" stuck in your throat at his question, and you swallowed hard to push it down,


Jongin's face fell.

"It's awful," he moaned, covering his face with his hands. He sat down in the chair next to you with his shoulders slumped, the very picture of dejection. "I never should've taken cooking advice from Chanyeol and Sehun," he muttered, almost to himself.

You froze. "I thought you said Kyungsoo taught you this recipe."

Jongin looked up from his hands and worried his lower lip.

"He did...but then Sehun showed me a TikTok and Chanyeol had a waffle iron...and I just...messed up. Why can't I cook like Kyungsoo?" he moaned.

He looked so sad, your baby. And he had tried so hard for you tonight. You stood from your chair and folded him into your arms, resting your chin on his head.

"Jongin," you started, "you and I both know that would be asking a lot of the universe. Be the most handsome and skilled dancer in all of K-Pop and be a good cook? You'd be just too amazing to be real."

Jongin chuckled beneath you, reaching up to stroke your cheek.

"Besides," you continued, "Kyungsoo has his strengths and you have yours. Affectionate. Kind. Generous. Smooth on the dance floor. So handsome," you listed, punctuating each compliment with a peck on the lips.

Your boyfriend hummed in the back of his throat, a slow smile spreading on his face.

"Actually, ____, there is one more thing I have planned for tonight," he said with a mysterious smile.

He led you to the couch in the living room and gently pressed on your shoulders for you to sit. Telling you to wait, he flipped the lightswitch, plunging the room in darkness. Suddenly, the room was dimly illuminated by a string of clear fairy lights, the soft tones of "Peaches" drifting through the surround-sound speakers.

"Pretty girl, you're like's a soft embrace...a sweetness that spreads in my mouth...feels good to be the bad guy..."

Jongin leapt into action, his body like water, flowing through the movements like he was born to do. His eyes held yours as he flew and you knew every word of this song was meant for you. Without warning, Jongin sprung forward, pulling you up from the couch and into his arms. As the last notes faded away, you simply swayed together, enjoying each other's nearness.

Jongin squeezed you close and whispered words of love in your ear. You held his face between your hands and counted your blessings that this wonderful man had found his way into your life.

You stretched on your toes to give him a kiss, only to be rudely interrupted by the sound of the doorbell.

"Were you expecting anyone, babe?" you asked, glancing quizzically at the door.

Jongin shook his head, just as perplexed.

You waited as he walked to the entrance and you could hear the muffled sound of a voice on the other side. The door closed and Jongin came back with a takeout container. Inside you found a feast of your and Jongin's favorite foods–fried chicken, roasted duck, bibimbap, and tteokbokki–along with an expensive bottle of wine.

"Did you order this?" you asked.

He shook his head, shrugging his shoulders "No, but the delivery said it's bought and paid for, so..."

Across the room, Jongin's phone lit up with a text:

"Jongin-ah, just a tip: never take cooking advice from amateurs like us. Enjoy your meal 😜.

~Chanyeol and Sehun"

"Wow, just wow," Jongin explained sarcastically. "Can't trust anyone these days."

"Except me," you added, batting your eyelashes playfully.

"Except you," he agreed. "Well...shall we?" he said, motioning towards the food.

You nodded. "Might as well," you said with a smile.

"Happy anniversary, jagi." 

tumblr: dreamylittlesugarcube

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