Ji Chang Wook: Sfw

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A - Attractive: What does they find attractive about each other?

He loves how fun and carefree you are. You make it easy for him to feel comfortable and relax whenever he's with you. He also loves the sound of your voice and could listen to you talk for days on end without getting tired. For you it would also be related to his voice and his sillier side

B - Baby: Do they want a family?

Oh, big time. The idea of creating a family with you sends him into fits of giggles. And he wants more than one kid. The sooner the better if you ask him, but he'll wait as long as it takes until you're also on the same page or are ready for that stage in your lives and relationship

C - Comfort: How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?

He would definitely be one to hold you and try to get the bottom of whatever is bothering you. He tries his hardest to bet there for you, even if it's at a distance because you want some space while dealing with whatever it is you're dealing with. Lots of hugs and cuddles though. That I can assure you

D - Dates: What are dates with him like?

A happy medium between fancy and very casual. More oftentimes than not you two will be staying at home cooking together and watching a movie, but that doesn't mean he never treats you out. Once a month the two of you do go out to a nicer place but every week you guys have a date night

E - Equal: Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?

Equals here once again. He does tend to be rather passive on certain matters especially if they don't really mean a lot to him, but he's not one to just completely skip over giving feedback or voicing himself

F - Feelings: When did they know they were in love?

He knew the moment he realized how excited he was to get to see you after a rather long period. He had noticed he would get happy at the idea of seeing you and you always seemed to be on his mind, and it wasn't just an infatuation over you. Or maybe it was, but even the smallest things you did would being a smile to his face. And then there's the heart eyes he always gives you whenever he sees or is talking about you. You would realize you're in love with him in a similar fashion: being excited for him to get home from shoots and schedules. It would be missing each that would bring these feelings out

G - Gratitude: How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?

He can never seem to put into words how grateful he is for you and everything you do for him. From making sure he's ready to tackle whatever the day throws at him to spending time with his mom so she's not alone all day while he's out filming. He knows you do a lot for him, and he can only hope that you know it's not taken for granted in the slightest

H - Honesty: Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?

None in the slightest...unless it's something that he's planning for you, which in itself would be hard work because he can tell you anything and everything. You make him feel that comfortable. Unless it's something that he fears will worry you, he doesn't keep much, if anything, from you

I - Inspiration: Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?

He's much more open about his problems. He doesn't bottle things up anymore since he met you. It could be that he started doing it in effort to make you feel comfortable sharing your own struggles with him. Mental health has definitely changed for the better because of you

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