Chapter 18

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Riley's POV
I kissed him and sat back down. I whipped my tears again as began eating. Carol walked into another room and called the doctor.

A few minutes later, Carol walked back in the kitchen.

"You have an appointment with Dr. Martin. You just have to go in, they will check to make sure you're pregnant, and see if the baby is healthy. You will have to give parent information but you can use mine" she said and smiled. I stood up and hugged her.

"Thank you so much! You have been there for me since day one and I'm glad you're in my life" I said, backing out of the hug.

"Your welcome. I'd do anything for you! You're an amazing daughter!" Carol said and smiled.

"Good. Because I want to do something" Colten said. He got on one knee and pulled a ring out of his back pocket.

"Riley, will you do me the honor in marrying me?" Colten asked. I started crying and I couldn't talk.

"Colten," I said. "Of course I will." He stood up and I wrapped my arms around him.

"Babe," he whispered. "I love you so so much." "Oh, but I love you way more" I whispered back. I crashed my lips to him and still, I get fireworks. "I won't ever leave. You mean the fucking world to me and I have no clue why I'd do without you. You're my everything. I can't wait until the day you walk down that isle" Colten said and I smiled. I still had arms wrapped around his neck and his hands were on my hips.

"Colten Christopher Stud, I love you more than even. I'm really really happy that we met and that we made it this far. Without you, I'd hate this life but you give me reasons to smile, and for that, I am thankful" I said with a smile. "We promised not to keep secrets, so do you have any?" I asked him. "Maybe..." He said. "Tell me!!" "Oh wouldn't you like to know!" "I would! Tell meeee!! COLTENN!!" "Maybe you'll just have to catch me!" Colten said then started running. He ran around the house up the stairs and back down. As I was running downstairs, I twisted my ankle and fell down the stairs.

"Colten!" I screeched. I was crying in pain. "Riley!! Are you okay?" He asked me. "No. I need to go to the hospital. Now" I said. He ran to grab his phone and called the hospital.

When he ended the call, he picked me up bridal style. "Don't worry babe, they are on their way" he said. "I'm so sorry about this" he said. "Babe, it wasn't your fault. It's okay!" I said trying to hold the rest of my tears. "No it's not. This is my fault." "I'll be okay, baby. I promise" I said and he leaned down to kiss my cheek. He carried me to the kitchen where his mom was.

"Mom, Riley fell down the stairs and the ambulance is coming. Can you please grab my phone, a charger, Riley's phone, water and her shoes. Thanks" Colten said all nervous. "Colten, I'm good. I don't need water" I said laughing a little. "Oh but I do" he said and I laughed.

"I'll be fine!! The worst it could be is a broken ankle!" I said to try and calm him. "That's my fault. Baby girl, I'm really sorry. I'll make this up to you" he said. We could hear the sirens and soon, they were here.

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