Chapter 9

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Riley's POV
Colten took his lips off mine and smiled at me. Fireworks flew out like the Fourth of July. He bit his lips again and starred into my eyes.

"When you do that, I fall in love with you all over again" I said to him. "Well then ill keep doing it" He said and smiled his perfect smile.

I looked at the clock behind him that read '10:30' I looked back at Colten.

"Babe, it's 10:30. We should go over to the movie" I said while looking up into his eyes. "Okay babe. Just let me go grab my keys" he said and kissed my cheek. He ran upstairs and came back down a minute later.

"Let's roll!" He said and intertwined our hands. We walked out to his car and he helped me in the passengers side. I buckled up and he got in on his side.

We drove to the movie theater that was only 10 minutes away. I turned on the radio and Beautiful Soul by Jesse McCartney came on through the speakers. Colten started singing to me.

"I don't want another pretty face,

I don't want just anyone to hold,

I don't want my love to go to waste,

I just want you and your beautiful soul" He sang aloud. I smiled sang with him.

When we got to the theater, we got our tickets and went to the theater. We sat down in our seats at the top of the theater. The movie started shortly after we found our seats.

We intertwined our fingers and watched the movie. During the movie Colten went to get more popcorn and I stayed to watch the movie. When Colten left, some other boy came and sat next to me. I couldn't see who he was because it was too dark. But when he said "Hey baby" I knew exactly who he was. Nick, Dylan's older brother. Yeah, the abusive 'ex'.

I wanted to start crying but I couldn't. He grabbed my face and started making out with me right then and there. I wanted to scream, but if I did he would hurt me even more. I just had to wait until Colten got back. I just sat there as he tried making out with me.

"B*tch. Where have you been?" He asked when he took his lips off mine. "Staying away from you" I whispered to myself. "Well I'm back" he said and placed his lips back on mine. He pulled my lifeless body on his. WHERE IS COLTEN?! I thought to myself. I was now sitting on Nick's lap and now he was rubbing his hands up and down my body.

Finally, Colten came back and saw Nick. He gasped and started to cry. But when he saw that I didn't like it, he punched Nick. Nick fell to the ground because he was knocked out.

I walked to Colten and wrapped my arms around him and cried into his shirt. He rested his head on mine and cried with me.

"I'm sorry I wasn't back earlier. I'm so sorry, Riley" I heard him say. I stepped back from him. "It's not your fault" I said and we walked out into the hall. We sat on the floor and just kept crying.

"Let's go home" Colten said and we stood up. We walked out to his car and drove to his house. When we got inside, Colten's mom, Kaelee, Dylan and cops were sitting on the couch. We walked over to them totally confused. Colten's mom, Carol, and Kaelee were crying. Dylan was helping them calm down.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Colten asked and ran to her side. I followed him and sat on the floor by them.

"Riley...." Carol said to me. "Your parents....they.... they died in a car crash." I looked from Carol, to Kaelee, to Dylan, and finally to Colten.

"Riley. I-I-I'm sorry" Colten said while crying. I was frozen. Everything stopped moving. I stood up and hugged Colten. I cried into his chest again.

"Riley, you have to stay with us for a while. We knew you don't have any aunts or uncles and your grandparents passed so we are taking you in. We don't want you to have to go somewhere else. Are you okay with living with us?" Carol asked. I looked at the cops.

"You don't have to get adopted. But you can live with them until you are old enough to have your own house. Normally you have to be about 21 years old" one of the tall, buff cops told me. I nodded to them because I understood.

"Sure. What are we going to do with my house then?" I asked them. "Well, we were thinking it could be our guest house. Then when you are old enough you can move back into that house. We will pay for the house until then" Carol said. I went to hug her because she was amazing.

"When can I got get my stuff?" I asked still crying. "Whenever you're ready. You, Colten, Kaelee and Dylan can go back to your house and get your important stuff" Carol said. "I love you so much" I said to her and whipped my tears.

"Can we go get my stuff now?" I asked them all. Kaelee, Colten and Dylan all nodded. We all walked out to Colten's car and got in. I cried all the way to my house.

"Riley, I'm really really sorry about what happened. If you need anything promise me you will come to me?" Colten said to me. "I promise" I said to him.

When we got to my house we all got out of the car and walked into my house. We all quietly walked up to my room. That's when it all hit me. I couldn't do it. It hurt to be in my room. I quickly grabbed all my clothes and other important stuff. Then I walked into my parents room. I wanted to be alone in there. I took a few of the pictures they had in there and other stuff.

I wanted to leave so we packed everything back in Colten's car and drove to my new house.

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