Chapter 10

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Riley's POV
When we got back to Colten's house we brought everything inside. "Carol?" I said and walked into the kitchen where she was.

"Yes sweetie?" She said to me. "What room will I have?" I asked politely. "Well, you can use the guest room. We could make that your bedroom" Carol said and smiled. "Thank you so much for everything. I can get a job and help you pay for everything" I said. She had a husband but he was always working. Mr. Stud was an amazing dad. He loved me as if I was his daughter.

"No. It's fine. You don't have too" Carol said with a smile. "But I will help with anything. Just tell me if you need help" I said and walked away. Colten and Dylan helped me carry stuff up while Kaelee talked with her mom.

We put everything in my room and I settled in. It took me a while but I was finally ready to live with them. When we finished, we all sat in my room and talked. There was already a bunch of stuff in the room. There was a desk that was already there, a walk in closet, a bed, a full size mirror. It was perfect. But the best part was that the walls were already painted my favorite color. Mint green.

"I can't believe you live with us now" Kaelee said and smiled at me. "I know. I never thought in a million years I would be living with my best friend and her family" I said and smiled uncontrollably.

"It must be weird though. Going from being best friends who live 10 minutes away from each other to practically sisters who live WITH each other" Dylan said. We all sat in silence for a while. Then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in" I said to whoever it was. In walked Carol. "It's time to eat" She said with a smile. "Dads home too" she said and we all stood up and ran downstairs to see Mr. Stud.

"Riley!" He exclaimed when he saw me. "JIM!!" I said back and ran to hug him. "I haven't seen you in a long time!" He said when we stopped hugging. "I know!" I exclaimed.

We all sat down at the table to eat dinner. "This is delicious Carol" I said to Mrs. Stud as I ate the ham she made. "So Mr. Stud. How's work?" Dylan asked Mr. Stud. "It's good. It's hard sometimes but I love it" Jim, Mr.Stud, said. "Hey Jim. I don't know if Carol told you but I'm living with you guys now" I said and smiled at him.

"I heard. I'm really sorry about your parents" Jim said and I half smiled. "It's fine. Not everything goes okay" I said to him.

When we finished dinner, we all went into the living room watched Despicable Me 2. Carol, Jim, Kaelee, Dylan, Colten and I were all sitting on the couches in the living room. Colten and I sat on the love seat together and cuddled.

After the movie it was 10:00. "We are going to bed. Love you guys" Carol and Jim said and went up to bed. Multiple "I love you"'s were said back. Kaelee, Dylan, Colten and I went into the kitchen and got stuff out to make sundaes. We had sprinkles, ice cream, bananas, chocolate. Everything.

"They look delicious!" I exclaimed as we made our sundaes. Colten put a little whip cream on his finger and put it on my nose. I laughed a little and tried getting it off with my tongue. I couldn't get it so Colten licked it off.

Colten placed his hands on my waist and kissed my nose. "You taste like whip cream" He said and I started laughing. "I wonder why" I said sarcastically.

When I finished making my sundae, he grabbed a spoon and put a little of the sundae on the spoon. He wrapped his arm around my waist and put the spoon in my mouth. I ate the little bit of the sundae and he pulled the spoon out.

"Good?" He asked me. "Yummy" I said like a little kid. He put more on the spoon and tried a little bit of it. "Mmmmm" he said in delight.

"I'm getting tired. It's been a long day. I'm gonna go up to bed" I said and kissed Colten's cheek. "Good night guys" I said to them. "I'm gonna come up too. Good night Dylan and Kaelee" Colten said and we walked upstairs. He walked me to my room and say goodnight. Then he closed the door and went to his room.

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