29. Justice

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I sat in the courtroom with Millie, Robert as well as, Harry. My breathing became heavy, my throat was as dry as the Sahara Desert, my heart was also pounding at the thought of me taking the stand whilst facing him.
With the help of Millie, encouraging me to face him, as well as, getting justice for Millie, my mum, also me.

I took the stand, I gulped at least a thousand times before I did, I was so nervous.
The lady in the courtroom walked towards the stand, the lady had brown fair hair, green hazel eyes, the lady wore a black top, black blazer, black skirt, as well as, wearing loafers.

"Miss.Roland, what age did Mr.Jones start to sexually abuse you?" the lady asked politely
I gulped, took a deep breath, then spoke.
"I was 14, when the sexual abuse started" I cried
"Why didn't you call the police right away after the incident?" the lady begged
"I did, he got away with it. If you would've looked at my files, you can see at age 14. I reported it" I replied
"He got away with it, due to not enough evidence. Why was that?" the lady called
"I had a bath, because I felt ashamed, I felt disgusting" I answered
"So why did you wash all the evidence away, when you knew for well you was going to the police to report him?" the lady asked
"Didn't you just hear what I said?" I urged
This is why I hate going to court, because lawyers, attorneys never listen to you.
They think they have everything right, when they don't.

"Answer the question Miss.Roland" the judge cried
"As I said, I felt disgusting, ashamed, even dirty" I replied
"Ashamed for wanting sex or ashamed because you got caught?" the lady asked
"Neither" I replied
I decided to keep calm, that was the best way to be, especially with attorneys and lawyers.
If they see you get angry, they start to assume, that you're the liar.
"Nothing further, your honor" the lady answered

The lady sat down next to Niall, I kept smiling at her, because I was calm.
She sat across from me, then started glaring, I'm too smart for this shit.
When I done my business degree, I was studying to be a lawyer as well.
The judge turned towards the jury, cleared her throat, then started to speak.
"How do you find the defendant, guilty or not guilty?" the judge asked
"Guilty" the jury answered

I stood there, with tears pricking my eyes, for 8 years I've been waiting to hear those words. I can't believe how far I've come, I've went through hell and back to get the justice I deserved.
"How do you find the victim? Guilty or not guilty?" the judge urged
"Not guilty" the jury cried
Tears started to stream down my face, I couldn't help it, I ran over to Millie whilst she was wiping the tears from her eyes with a handkerchief.

I hugged Millie tightly, I didn't want to let go of her. Without Millie, I wouldn't of put up a fight, I wouldn't be standing her if it wasn't for her.
"We won!" I chanted
"I know" Millie sniffled
I walked out of the court room smiling, Robert walked with me, I strode towards my car.
"Well done Katie, you smashed it! I'm so proud of you" Robert cried
I hugged Robert, after everything we've been through, as well as, the arguments. I still loved him.
The hug ended, I unlocked my car door, whilst closing it behind me.

I started to drive away, as I kept driving, I see Robert's facial expression change, in my wing mirror.
It went from smiling to sad, as well as, him looking at the ground.
I've kept my distance from him, as I'm moving to Folkstone, I leave tomorrow.
So, that was my last hug from him. I will miss his soft hand cupping my cheek, as I kiss those soft cherry red lips. I will miss the way he made me smile, because nobody in this world and I mean NOBODY! Has made me feel the way, that he has made me feel.
He makes me smile, whilst nobody else can.
His touch is like electric volts, it runs through me, it's a sensational feeling.


I park my car up, hop out, whilst locking it. I walk towards my flat, I strode up my flight of stairs, put the key into the lock, twisted it, then opened it.
I close the door behind me, I shuffle into the living room, where boxes are packed and ready to go.
Suddenly, my phone starts to ring, I grab my phone out of my pocket. I swipe up, unlock my phone, whilst looking to see who it is.

It's Millie, what does she want? I was only with her an hour and half ago. Is she okay?
I pick up the phone, while I answer with concern.
I gulp, clear my throat, then speak.

"Hi Millie, you okay?" I asked
"Yes I'm okay, hear me out please" Millie cried
"What have you done?" I urged
"I've told Robert, that you don't want to see him again" Millie cried
My jaw dropped open, well, that's not going to happen is it?
People can see we both love each other, it isn't hard to guess that from a mile away.
It's just complicated.
"Why would you do that for?" I begged
"I'm sorry, I thought it was for the best. You're moving after all, aren't you?" Millie begged
"You're an idiot! Stop getting involved in my private life, it's got nothing to do with you" I shouted

I hung up, her saying: "I've told Robert, that you don't want to see him again", it angered me.
As much as me and Robert are keeping our distance from each other, it doesn't mean I don't want to see him again.
I know Millie is only looking out for me, but she needs to stop getting involved in my life, she should focus on hers.
Unexpectedly, I heard a knock on my door.
Who is that?
I walk towards the door, I open it, I peeped my head round the door.
It was Robert.

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