I saw Ethan standing at the end of the aisle with his best men. They were all handsome in black tuxedos. On their left stood my bridesmaids in their sexy red dresses.

Arianna was my flower girl and threw red petals along the way. She was so beautiful and happy I felt my heart soar at the sight of her smile.

We reached Ethan and his father said. "Walking her down the aisle, I declared Nina as my daughter. Take care of her and never make her sad or you will answer to me."

Ethan nodded his head and took my hand. I was too shocked by Damian's words. Was he serious?

"Yes, he is," I spoke the words out loud.

I looked behind me, and Damian winked at me. I gave him a big smile and turned back to the priest waiting for us. Life was giving me a chance with a loving family and a caring husband, and I was damned to let it pass.

This time we took our vows as we should. We said them from our hearts and meant every word. This marriage was real and not a scheme to save my life.

"You may kiss the bride." The priest said.

Ethan lifted the veil and connected his lips to mine. He kept it sweet and short. Everyone clapped for us, and I was beyond happy seeing the people I came to love smiling for us.

We kept the party after our wedding short since I was feeling a bit tired and the doctor insisted I don't push myself.

The first dance with Ethan was magical. He held me with love and care, and I melted in his arms. He swayed me to the music and I felt myself on cloud nine. Today, I fell in love with him harder and harder.

I danced with Jackson and Damian as well. I made sure I expressed my gratefulness to Damian for the gesture he did for me. For the first time, I felt I had another shoulder to lean on other than my husband.

Hunter and Jasper kept their distance, and I didn't blame them. They could not forgive as easily as the others. I respect them though because they didn't treat me badly or shot me with insulting looks.

By midnight I was exhausted, and we left the party after thanking everyone who came and shared our happiness.

Because of my complicated pregnancy, we decided not to go aboard for our honeymoon. Ethan wanted to take me to some beautiful hotel, but I asked him to spend a month at his Disney cottage.

The days of our honeymoon will be imprinted in my mind forever. He treated me like a princess and made sure I have everything I needed.

Ethan was the light I found at the end of my dark tunnel. I never thought I would find a man who can love me and accept all my imperfections. Ethan not only did this, but he also loved my flaws and strengthen my weaknesses.

There were no words to describe my love for him. I finally started seeing my ever-happily after on the horizon. I believe I can be happy and content with everything in my life.

It took me so long to realise my worth, but I did it. I can stand and shout to the world that I survived years of abuse, surpassed challenges and won fights. I did everything to survive, I killed, I maimed, I even betrayed my love. I went to the edge of death and came back. I was a survivor who wanted to continue the fight and never give up.

I had a body full of scars and a soul broken multiple times, but in the arms of Ethan, I was whole.

I looked down at my sleeping husband and smoothed the crease on his forehead. I leaned over and kissed his soft lips. "I love you," I whispered into the silent room.


Five years later:

"Your daughter will be the death of me," Hunter complained as Elisa put the last layer of nail polish on his fingers.

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