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No one took the news well. No one at all.

Halo called his family back home and they all broke down. Jungkook told the mafia and they couldn't even bring themselves to hang up the phone, he had to hang up on everyone himself. Jimin told his friends, Chungha, Rosé, Hye-jin, and Mani. Not one of them took it semi-well at all. In fact, Chungha appeared practically immediately after he called her because she couldn't believe her ears.

She held her friend and they cried together before she had to leave. She held him tight and promised to be there for anything he needed, and then she was gone.

Prince told Yuta and they cried on the phone together.

Giant chunks of everyone's hearts were torn out and burned.

No one expected it to affect Ryan as badly as it did. Well, that's because he didn't want to show anyone. He came home after having spent time with Jungkook.

Ever since Samiah's death and Jungkook recovering from his coma, whenever either of the two has a lot on their mind, they go out for a walk. Sometimes visit the loved ones that have passed.

As soon as he opened the door, there stood George wearing a white oversized shirt and black shorts.

"Hey. I haven't seen you in days. Started to think you abandoned me. Or worse, died," George chuckled.

Ryan's eyes started to turn red from the tears he was holding back. He took off his jacket and kicked off his shoes. Throwing his jacket on the couch, he charged toward George who took a slight step back in worry.

"What's wrong? What happened?" George rushed out before Ryan pulled him into a tight hug.

"Oh! Okay... this is different," George mumbled into the beta's shoulder.

"We were supposed to be planning an ambush," Ryan stuttered through tears as he held the smaller alpha, "but instead we have to plan a fucking funeral. A funeral!"

George held him and rubbed his back.

"We're gonna make those fuckers pay," Ryan hissed as he buried his face in George's neck. "If you could've seen the way Halo sobbed. The way he wailed. God, I can't imagine."

George exhaled softly and then pulled away. He wiped Ryan's tears and smiled softly.

"Do you want some food?"

"Food?" Ryan croaked out with his face scrunched up.

George nodded.

"To comfort you. You can have me and some food."

"I don't really want food, right now," Ryan sniffled as he rubbed his face against George's hand.

"What do you want?"

"I've been holding back tears all day. When I finally got to cry, I cried with Jungkook for hours. I'm so fucking tired. I just want to sleep."

George nodded and took Ryan's hand in his own and dragged him toward the couch. He laid down and opened his arms for Ryan who practically collapsed on top of the alpha.

He wrapped his arms around the alpha's waist and buried his head in his chest. He let out a weak sigh and exhaustion finally took him over.

With George's fingers running through his hair and his other hand patting and rubbing his back, he felt peace for the first time in a long while.


Liz stared at his husband's moving body as he cleaned up the mess Rein made right before her nap in their room.

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