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It's nerve-wracking when you're a transfer student at a school, especially if you're going to Sinclaire Academy. This is the most social school in Hangrove, not only for humans, but also for vampires.

Vampires live freely in Hangrove, because they are the ones who developed and enriched this place. It is undeniable that their species is superior to humans, not only because of their number, but also because of their power. In the ranking system of the world, this called the Pyramid, they are in the highest position. Vampires have been above everyone else ever since the pyramid was established-or even before that. But even if they can lift, they still have laws to follow. They have to follow laws to keep our kind, the humans safe.

He haven't put much thought about the coexistence of humans and vampires before. It was only now that they moved to Hangrove.

Even though He have always known that vampires existed, he have never encountered one. Because the place where he grew up is not a big city or a prosperous town like Hangrove. a simple one
province Florida is the only one, so the vampire population there is small. it was even believed that there was only a two percent chance of seeing a vampire there.

America have lived in Florida in his whole life and he didn't expect one day, we would get together and move to Hangrove.

Three days after selting in Hangrove, america's mother dropped the news that he will be a student at the Sinclaire Academy. He was shocked when he found out about it.He thought he was going to study in a human public school. Apart from that, the Sinclaire academy is on a different level and he wonder where mom got the money to enroll him. It's only the money left by dad that we expect now.

he reluctantly agree,
because even though he's not ready, he know there's nothing he can do, because according to his mom, everything is fine and he don't have anything to worry about. She said she already went through the enrollment process for him, so he felt bad to go against it. After everything that happened to us, all he wanted for her was to be happy.

so, now, he, America, an the new boy, or better yet the 'new meat'.

He's so nervous right now, he feel like he want to run away and then hide under the bed and never show the world again. he would rather go back to our house and tease my younger brother incessantly instead of studying here at the Sinclaire Academy. he miss his home. he miss his life back in Florida. he miss his old school. He miss his former classmates.

He closed my eyes and took a deep breath as he counted to ten. l
he thought of everything that happened to his family the past two years. to remind hisself why we moved here in the first place. he's here now. he can't turn back and run away anymore. he can't do that to his own mother.

his mother insisted that he would be safe here. The tall metal gates in front of the academy gave the illusion of safety. while the concrete walls hid it from the eyes of outsiders. but, while he was looking at the high wall earlier, he couldn't help but still wonder if it's really safe to be inside this school with vampires.

Vampires murdering humans is not new. it happened before and it will happens again. No matter how much they try to control thirst for human blood, some of them would eventually fail.Not all vampires are under what they call a blood diet.

The vampires promised us a world that's safe for my kind, but, Until now, they are still working on a solution to the problem they started.he don't know if the rumors were true, but some humans believe that they are testing formulas on the vampires students of Sinclaire Academy. he guess he will also know the truth once he meet some of them.

it's pitiful to think that there are vampires who are willing to undergo experiments to keep their kind from coexisiting with ours. But it still doesn't change the fact with humans dying at their hands.

I bit my lip and adjusted the big bag slung over my shoulder. I've been standing here in the main lobby of the Sinclaire Academy for a while now but I can't see anyone who can help me find my dorm room. America eyes are still swollen because he cried when he said goodbye to his mom when she brought him here because unfortunately, he have to live in the dormitory of the Sinclaire Academy while he study here because it is said that the students are required to stay here on weekdays even though his house is nearby. As what he read from the handbook, it was for the student's safety.

He sighed. He wanted to face-palm and have fun. Why did mom leave him right away? she didn't even help him find his dorm room, maybe she expected that he could handle everything on his own. well, he couldn't.

Everything was new to him. he was out of his comfort zone so he know he will have a hard time adjusting to this place. he just hope that his future classmates don't have a bad attitude. 'by chance, maybe he come home without time, 'then mom will kick him back here too. she would tell him to
'suck it up' because the money she paid for his tuition was wasted. maybe she'll even add a long lecture about how money doesn't grow from trees.

" Are you united States of america ? "

He was startled when he heard a voice behind him.
He turned around and saw an old woman with a clipboard. He nodded in response.

The old lady was giving off a vibe that he was not used to. Since he came to Hangrove, he haven't attempted to catch a glimpse of ' her kind ' This was the first time he was seeing a vampire in person.

After a while, he gasped when she smiled. l
he immediately noticed a sharp and pointy fangs in her mouth when she spoke.

"Welcome to Sinclaire Academy."

cc - l hope you enjoyed this.. l was nervous.-

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