Chapter 22

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01:06 ━━━━⬤─────── 04:05
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"LETS GO." spoke Miles before stepping into the portal that led to Earth 1610. It was time to save Miles 1610 dad and deal with Miguel.

Zuri hesitantly hopped into the portal in front of her. It was opened using another watch Hobie had made, Miles had one and so did Hobie.

Hobie opened another portal near them and sent a nod to Miles before hopping in, the rest of the gang following in suit.

Zuri took in the colors and sounds around her as she went through the portal, all of it new to her. Different universes flashed before her eyes before finally they were on Earth 1610.

They had landed ontop of a building, approximately 4 hours before Miles dad was supposed to die.

Zuri cringed at the thought of the plan going wrong and Miles' 1610 dad actually dying. She didn't think she could handle hearing and seeing another version of her love in pain.

Miles gently grabbed Zuri's face and planted a kiss on the lips, silently letting her know that he was always there for her.

She smiled into the kiss before pulling away. It was time to put the plan into motion. Zuri slipped her mask on before swinging over to the police station, Miles following in suit.

Zuri watched Jeff in the station silently, knowing she'd have to wait for the spot to appear to do anything.

She looked over to Miles who had an unreadable look on his face as he watched Jeff walk around the station, laughing with his coworkers.

"Hey." spoke Zuri looking at Miles. His head snapped over to hers. "It's okay." she spoke before grabbing his hand and holding it in hers.

Miles smiled and squeezed her hand as well before turning back to the building.

Jeff walked around the station, nothing had happened so far so Miles and Zuri just enjoyed each-others presence.

Zuri's head laid on Miles shoulder as he silently rubbed her back and she rubbed his hand.

Miles watch lit up as Hobie appeared on it. "Ay, we've got Miguel in sight, he's not doing much but we'll keep you updated." spoke Hobie.

Miles mumbled an okay before Hobie disappeared on his watch.

About an hour or two had passed before she heard commotion coming from the station. All units were being dispatched and she knew the Spot had arrived.

Zuri and Miles followed Jeff's car, not expecting the scene before them.

The city was in complete chaos in a matter of seconds. Broken buildings everywhere and debris falling from every which way. The sounds of terror from the city was overwhelming.

She looked over to her right and saw Miguel and another lady with Gwen arguing. She also saw the gang on a building above, seemingly hiding Miles from Miguel's sight.

Miguel began shouting and pushed Gwen to the side before looking over at the building Zuri was on and a look of rage filled his eyes. "You brought her too?!"

Miguel swung from the building he was on and walked up to Zuri before a loud boom sounded through the city. Everyone froze and looked over to see Spot before them.

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