Chapter 13

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                               Rolling Stone
    Brent Faiyaz
01:06 ━━━━⬤─────── 04:05
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IT HAD BEEN A MONTH. A very long and painful month. Zuri had made it through, alive but in a coma. Miles' heart broke when he heard the news. It's been a rough month for him.

He had flipped out when the doctors told him Zuri was okay but in a coma, throwing stuff around and storming out of the hospital. Zuri's mom tried to console him, but nothing worked.

Every night he went to the hospital, telling Zuri how much he loved her and how his day went. Always ending his visits saying that his day would've been much better if she was in his arms and healthy.

Miles spent the nights helping out the police and catching villains he once used to work with. He took on the role of Spider-girl while Zuri was gone, knowing she cared about her city so much. Everything he did was about her. Because she was all he cared about. The press had tried to ask him where Spider-girl was, but every-time he just got pissed and walked away leaving people with more questions then answers.

Miles family had been worried about him, never seeing him like this except when his dad died. And to him, until Zuri woke up it felt like a piece of him died while she lied unconscious in that hospital bed.

Zuri was in a state of paralysis. She heard everything he would say to her, listening to how his days went and hearing the sadness in his voice. She so badly wished to wake up and tell him sorry. Sorry for lying to him, sorry for pushing him out, sorry for not communicating so they could just figure things out together.

It had been a long month for her, trying her best to wake up but her body not letting her. Miles came in like he always did, and held her hand while he spoke to her in great detail about his day. She tried her hardest to wake up, to open her eyes. She put all her energy into opening her eyes, and it finally worked.

While he was holding her hand, she opened her eyes and smiled at Miles. "Hi my love." said Zuri hoarsely. Miles sprung up and hugged her tight, not wanting to let go. "I didn't know if you were ever going to wake up, I was so scared Zuri." mumbled Miles into her neck. Zuri soothed him and rubbed his back. "I'm here baby don't worry." said Zuri.

The doctor walked in. He explained to Zuri that she was alright, and that she had almost fully healed. She would just have to stay in the hospital another night so they could make sure she was fully stable.

Miles stayed the night with her in the hospital. She told him to go home and get some rest but he refused, sitting next to her not leaving her side. She stopped arguing and allowed him to stay.

Zuri was released from the hospital the next day. Her and Miles just laid in bed all day, watching the cheesy movies she wanted to like he promised. She felt guilty tho, and knew she had to have a talk with him.

"Miles." mumbled Zuri. "Yes ma?" said Miles stroking her hair. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for lying to you about being Spider-girl, I'm sorry for not communicating, and I'm sorry for pushing you away." said Zuri remorsefully.

Miles grabbed her face and spoke. "Hey, hey it's okay. You were scared. I remember when I first became the Prowler, I did the same thing as you and pushed my family away because I was scared of them getting hurt. I imagine you felt the same." said Miles looking into her eyes. "You aren't alone Zuri, you have me. No matter what's going on i'll be here and i'll help you through it. Just talk to me love."

Zuri smiled with tears in her eyes, hugging Miles. "I promise to always talk to you from now on."  Miles smiled and pulled her further into his chest, kissing the top of her head. "Communication love. I think that would solve a lot of our problems." mumbled Miles into her head.

"I love you Miles." said Zuri moving from her position to look into his eyes. "I love you too ma, with all my heart." said Miles before kissing her.

" said Miles before kissing her

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Word Count: 735

A/N: Very short chapter, sorry about that. Not my usual 1000+ word chapters. It's come to my attention some of y'all don't like Zuri and maybe me as an author hasn't done very well in representing her as a character. So i'll probably add a bonus chapter or two going into Miles and Zuri's childhood as it should explain who they are now better. Kind of pains me knowing y'all don't like her as I personally love her. But i'm hoping explaining their childhoods will make y'all like her more. As always leave feedback 👍🏽

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