Chapter 4

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              01:06 ━━━━⬤─────── 04:05
                        ┊ ⇄ ◁◁ II ▷▷ ↻ ┊
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ZURI WOKE UP in Miles arms, she smiled prying herself out of them and walking to his bathroom. She took a shower, lathering herself in his body wash that smelt like him. She rinsed her hair and hopped out the shower, putting on some shorts and a crop top she packed. She slicked her hair back into 2 puffs and looked in the mirror. The bruising on her stomach had mostly went away, and it was just a couple scratches and light discoloration.

Miles woke up, and stood up to go to the bathroom. He noticed what she was wearing and although she looked good there was no way she was wearing that outside of his house. "Change" said Miles. Zuri looked at him like he was crazy. "What?" said Zuri puzzled. "You heard me the first time." said Miles. "No." said Zuri challenging him. He sighed and walked to his closet, picking out a t shirt he thought she would look good in.

He then proceeded to pick her up, put her on the countertop and take off her shirt. Zuri was speechless and stared at him like he was crazy. He pulled the shirt he picked out over her head and smiled. "That's better isn't it" he said. She sighed and mumbled a yes while hopping off the counter to grab her bag and head to his kitchen.

She grabbed some fruit for them while he got showered and dressed. He headed out grabbing the fruit from her hand and taking a bite. He grabbed his keys and walked out the house, Zuri following in suit.

"So what do you think about the Prowler?" said Zuri curiously. Miles choked on the piece of fruit he was eating, turning to look at her with worry in his eyes. "I think he's an anti-hero, contrary to the news." said Miles. "I think the same, he doesn't seem too bad." said Zuri smiling. Miles smiled and continued on walking.

School went by in a blur. Inara teased her but when Miles walked up she immediately stopped, grabbing his arm in a sad attempt to flirt with him. Zuri sighed and attempted to walk away but Miles grabbed her, shaking off the girl holding him and continuing to walk with Zuri. She smiled knowing he'd still choose her in any situation.

"So I wanna show you my art ma." said Miles pessimistically. Zuri smiled "Of course, I'd love to." said Zuri. Miles and her walked to his house, then took the stairs to the roof of the building. There was a huge picture of a man in a police uniform, with RIP surrounding it. It was a beautiful but sad piece of art. "That's my dad" said Miles. "He was a police captain, and one of the best men you'll ever meet." Zuri smiled seeing how high he held his father up. "This is beautiful Miles." said Zuri saddening, thinking back to her own dad and the accident.

6 years ago
Zuri was walking home from school with her dad, the man she considered her best friend. She begged him to get ice cream before returning home. Her dad eventually gave in, walking with her to the shop across the street. She was holding hands with him crossing the street, when a car came speeding across the road, too fast to stop and hit Zuri's dad. He was killed on impact.

To this day Zuri blames herself for the incident. What if she didn't beg her dad to get ice cream? What if they just went straight home? This was one of the main reasons Zuri distanced herself from people as she didn't want to lose them as she lost her dad. All of this emotion came to Zuri at once, the memories flooding back. She thought to herself, did I even deserve to be happy with Miles?

"Ma?" said Miles, worried as Zuri had been quiet for a while. "I have to go Miles" said Zuri urgently . "Okay well let's go then." said smiles standing up. "No Miles, just me." said Zuri. "Oh well then i'll call you later." said Miles shrugging off her weird behavior. "No Miles, it's best we stop hanging out" said Zuri, her voice breaking. "Zuri what do you mean? What are you saying?" said Miles urgently. "I just don't think we're a good fit Miles, don't contact me anymore" Zuri said turning her head away from him. "Zuri is this a sick joke? Please tell me your messing with me." said Miles full of emotion.

Zuri grabbed her stuff and walked away from Miles, leaving him standing there on the roof. He felt crushed, wondering what he did wrong to scare the girl away. He suppressed these feeling and replaced it with anger, returning to his room and letting out all his anger and frustration into the punching bag in front of him. His fists became caked in blood from the amount he punched the bag. He slid to the floor, thinking of Zuri the whole time.

Zuri walked home with tears in her eyes, now regretting what she did to Miles. She knew he meant well but she couldn't stand losing another person in her life like how she did her dad. The thought of Miles being injured because of her was something she couldn't bare.

While walking home, she stopped in the subway and headed to where she painted her art. The huge mural she painted stared back at her, the word "Expectations" staring back at her. The outline of her body was present, that her dad had traced for her. She picked up a paint brush, and started to paint sunflowers as they were her favorite flowers. She went to pick up a different bottle of paint. A multicolored glowing spider rested upon it, the number 926 on its back. Before she could shake the bug away, it bit her. She slapped the thing off her arm and continued to paint as it was her therapy and she needed something to clear her mind.

Zuri headed home, feeling a bit better at the fact she completely blew off Miles. She unlocked her house with her keys and set them on the counter heading to her room. She hopped in the shower washing off the paint and sweat that was on her. She turned off the water and searched for something to wear, settling on some shorts and a oversized shirt. Zuri laid there for a couple minutes, thinking if she made a mistake pushing out Miles. Zuri sighed turning over to sleep, missing the comfort she got the boy she usually fell asleep with.

 Zuri sighed turning over to sleep, missing the comfort she got the boy she usually fell asleep with

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Word Count : 1112

A/N: A little bit of a shorter chapter but i've decided to turn Zuri into a spider person, as I have a ton of ideas as to what I can do with this. I'll be posting pictures of her suit and most of her persona will be similar to 1610 Miles, and y'all will figure out why 😋

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