Chapter 8

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                                 Omar Apollo
              01:06 ━━━━⬤─────── 04:05
                        ┊ ⇄ ◁◁ II ▷▷ ↻ ┊
                          ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯

ZURI WAS HEARTBROKEN. She sobbed in her bed for about the 5th time today. She finally sighed prying her self out of bed and stepping into the bathroom. She rinsed off her body, her injuries being almost fully healed besides a couple burns that were barely visible. The water ran down her face as she stood there thinking back to the scene she walked into.

Zuri was happy to see Miles, walking to school actually feeling excited about something for once. She walked to her seat and sat next to Miles smiling at him. He looked more tired then usual so she decided not to bother him. Class passed by slowly but the bell finally rang and it was time for lunch.

Zuri grabbed her lunch and sat in the cafeteria, waiting for Miles. About 10 minutes had passed, and Miles still wasn't at the lunch table. She stood up and walked into the hallways looking for him. She heard something in the classroom they were just in before lunch, and walked to see if it was Miles.

She opened the door, and there was Miles, but not alone. The new girl she had seen him laughing with previously was pressed up against him with her hands all over him, about to lean into Miles to kiss him. Zuri was shocked, and stumbled backwards. Miles snapped up, making eye contact with her before Zuri bolted out of the classroom.

"Zuri!" shouted Miles running out of the classroom to explain himself. Zuri was long gone though, running to the locker room and changing into her suit. She grabbed her stuff and walked out the back of the school, swinging onto a building. She swung all the way home and dropped her stuff off before heading to the roof and sobbing.

Flashback Over

Zuri had sat atop the roof for a good hour before heading to her room. She whimpered, biting her lip before she could burst into tears again thinking about the scene. She stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel, drying off. She threw on a shirt and shorts before sitting on her bed.

Why was she so sad anyways? It's not like her and Miles were dating or anything. She felt as though she was being stupid and decided if Miles was going to go ahead and kiss someone, she would too.

Zuri looked at her phone, calling one of the girls on the basketball team named Amanda. She answered and asked what was up, surprised and weirded out as to why Zuri was even calling her. Zuri asked if their were any parties going on. Amanda scoffed and said yes, utterly shocked Zuri would be the one asking her this as she was so uptight.

"Yeah i'll send you the address" said Amanda before hanging up. Amanda was almost always at a party, which is why she decided to call her. Zuri sighed and walked to get ready, as she needed something to relieve her stress. She sorted through her closet looking for something to wear. She settled on a short black dress, a little shorter then she liked due to her being so tall. She grabbed a pair of short heels with thick bottoms so she wouldn't be too uncomfortable.

Zuri straightened her curls, her hair touching the sides of her waist after doing so. She continued to get ready, doing some simple makeup before grabbing a medium sized bag and shoving some essentials in it with her suit just in case something went wrong.

Zuri arrived at the party, drawing attention immediately. Amanda walked up to her shocked but directed her to where the drinks were and instructed her to grab one before following her upstairs.

The Villain || Earth 42 Miles Story  Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora