Chapter 1

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                   Stay Ready (What a Life)
                       [ft.Kendrick Lamar]
                                  Jhené Aiko
              01:06 ━━━━⬤─────── 04:05
                        ┊ ⇄ ◁◁ II ▷▷ ↻ ┊
                          ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯

ZURI'S ALARM blared through the room. She groaned as she pressed stop on her phone, making sure not to press snooze as she hated when she acidentally did that. She opened her phone checking to see if she had any notifications, which she didn't. She sighed as she wondered why even bother, as she herself knew that there would be none.

"Mija, schools in an hour, be ready!" her Mom yelled. Zuri stepped out of bed, grabbing what she would be wearing then hopping in the shower. She let the water run through her thick curls, and washed her body while thinking about how badly she did not want to go to school today. Sighing, she turned off the water and dryed off. She slathered some lotion on and put on her outift for the day, which consited of sweats, a hoodie, and some Jordans. She slicked her hair back which took quite a bit as she was very paticular about her hair if nothing else. She grabbed her basketball bag and bookbag while heading to the kitchen where her mom was.

"What time is practice over today?" her Mom said while grabbing her purse and keys. Zuri walked from the doorframe she was leaning on to grab a piece of fruit. "I think 7? Not sure you know how coach is." stated Zuri while rolling her eyes as she personally disliked her coach but put up with him because of her love for the sport. Her mom nodded while heading to the door.

"Do you need a ride today? I work late so you'll have to walk back." said her Mom. "Nah, I can walk today." said Zuri grabbing both her bags and following behind her mom to the door. As she headed out she popped both her airpods in, and hit play on her phone. Givin' Up (Not the One) by Metro Boomin blasted in her ears, as she walked to the place she dreaded being in.

Zuri walked to the back of the classroom, popping one earbud out while keeping the other in and took her usual seat. The teacher announced they had a new student, Miles Morales. She listened to him say his last name while introducing himself. She quite liked it, as it had a way of rolling off his tounge that made it sound pleasing.

Zuri usually sat by herself, not because she had no friends, but the class had an odd number of people and most work was done in pairs so she ended up working alone. The teacher directed Miles to sit by Zuri which she didn't mind but was also not very optimistic about as she would now have to work on projects with someone instead of herself.

Miles sat in the seat next to her, and she turned to look at him. His 2 braids dangled, nearly touching his shoulders. She observed his facial features and the stoic look in his eyes as he looked foward. She spaced out while doing so, only coming back to earth after hearing the words "It's rude to stare." coming from the boy next to her.

She looked up, seeing him looking straight at her. She got a better look at his face now, his hazel eyes staring directly at her. "My bad" said Zuri turning away. She didn't really care that he caught her staring, as she went back to looking back at the board straight after. She sort of expected him to ask her to introduce herself, but he didn't.

Zuri felt eyes on the side of her face minutes later, and turned to see Miles staring at her with no sense of embarssment after getting caught "It's rude to stare." she said, copying him from a minute ago. He chuckled a bit, "Just returning the favor" he said. She heard his accent right away, it was strong and clear. It sounded similar to her dad's, which she cleared from her head immeadiately.

"So you gonna introduce yourself yet ma?" said Miles continuing to stare at her. She took note of the nickname before saying " Im Zuri, Zuri Brown." "Fitting name" he said while looking away. Zuri wondered what he meant by fitting, but paid no mind to it and continued on with class.

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