Chapter 12

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So Low
                            Shiloh Dynasty
              01:06 ━━━━⬤─────── 04:05
                        ┊ ⇄ ◁◁ II ▷▷ ↻ ┊
                          ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯

ZURI SWUNG to the clock tower and waited for Miles. She arrived a bit early and just swung around the tower for fun, practicing how she would web up the place Kingpin was in. It was now 6. Miles still hadn't arrived.

She waited for a bit longer, the clock hitting 6:10. Finally Miles showed up. Zuri pulled her mask over her face before addressing him. "You're late." stated Zuri unamused. "Well i'm here" mumbled Miles not caring about the time.

Miles instructed Zuri to follow him to the location. He hopped on his motorcycle and sped to the location. Zuri followed in suit, swinging through the buildings quickly as to keep up with him.

She turned invisible once they got there, watching Miles walk up to the warehouse and through the door. She slipped in after him, making sure not to make a sound.

"So you finally decided to help me." said Kingpin chuckling as he watched Miles walk in. Miles took off his mask, his face expressionless. "Yeah i'm here. Don't make me regret it." said Miles. Zuri proceeded to web up the area around them, circling through pillars and boxes.

"This so called Spider-girl has been getting in the way of things. Putting my villains in jail and stopping certain shipments from getting to there locations." said Kingpin. "And what does this have to do with me?" said Miles. "I need you to capture her. Specifically kill her." said Kingpin.

"I've managed to keep all my business under wraps from the police but they are starting to get suspicious because of her." said Kingpin irritated. Zuri listened as she began to web the roof as well. "I want her dead." said Kingpin with no remorse on his face. Miles wasn't surprised, Kingpin was serious about his business and didn't like when people got in the way.

"The last time someone got in my way, I had him killed the day of." said Kingpin. "His daughter was with him too, sort of felt bad having him ran over in front of her but he had begun to get too close to figuring out my business." Zuri froze after hearing this. Her dad. He was a detective. She remembered the long nights he was working to figure out a case, but she had no clue what it was. Now she knew. Kingpin killed him. In front of her. And he didn't care.

Zuri was immediately angered. All these years she spent mourning her dad, and it was all because he got too close to putting away someone horrible? She had finished webbing the area up, falling from the ceiling and punching Kingpin in the face. "You were supposed to wait for my signal." said Miles annoyed she hadn't fully followed the plan.

"I finished webbing everything. Whatever." said Zuri continuing to hit Kingpin like there was no tomorrow,putting all her pain into her punches. Kingpin threw her off him with force, knocking her into a stack of boxes. "Fuck." groaned Zuri sitting up. "This is why we wait for my signal." said Miles.

Zuri didn't listen to him and got back up to continue fighting. Miles had managed to deliver a couple of blows to Kingpin, clawing into him as well. Kingpin and Miles had been going back and forth for a bit, before Zuri webbed his face and punched him as well. Miles hit Kingpin to the left while Zuri hit him to the right.

Kingpin began to get fed up and chucked Miles across the room. Miles laid there groaning for a bit. Zuri looked panicked but continued to fight Kingpin. He had managed to pin Zuri to the floor, pounding into her chest multiple times. Zuri kicked him off of her, feeling the taste of metal in her mouth.

Kingpin gripped her by her throat, lifting her in the air. "I've been wanting to see who's under this mask for a while." said Kingpin smiling. As soon as he said this Miles had gotten up, and kicked Kingpin making him drop his hold on Zuri. Her mask had been lifted up above her lips and she took this as an opportunity to cough up the blood she had been holding in her throat.

Miles continued to deliver blows to Kingpin, seeing he was getting weaker. Zuri shot her webs at some boxes and threw them at Kingpin. He looked over at her and hit Miles again, knocking him across the room. This time, it was going to take some time for Miles to get up. This blow was hard and he was winded from the hit.

Kingpin marched over to Zuri. She punched him and he grabbed her hand and threw her to the ground. She tried kicking him and the threw her leg to the ground. She shot a web at him and he broke it dropping her to the ground again. "I can't wait to tell everyone I killed Spider-girl." said Kingpin smiling. He watched her squirm on the ground and struggle to get up. She looked over and saw Miles looking at her.

"Get up Spider-girl." he mumbled, barely audible but she heard it. And hearing this was enough to give her the strength to stand up. "You killed my dad. You took everything from me. And now, i'm going to take everything from you." spat out Zuri. Kingpin looked surprised, realizing this was the daughter of the man he had killed. She punched Kingpin, sending electricity through his body which sent him flying into a wall, knocking him out.

Zuri webbed him up and collapsed after doing so, the blows that had been delivered through her finally kicking in. Miles had finally gotten up and caught his breath, running to Spider-girl. "Hey, hey get up Spider-girl." said Miles. Zuri smiled looking up at Miles. "Hi Miles." said Zuri in her normal voice. "Zuri?" said Miles immediately looking panicked and pulling off her mask.

"Surprise!" said Zuri trying to be enthusiastic."I didn't know I could do that." she said. "I didn't know you could either." said Miles smiling. Zuri began coughing up blood, her eyes getting droopy. "Baby, please stay with me." said Miles holding her up to his chest. "I'm sorry for lying to you." said Zuri looking at him sadly. "Hey, hey it's okay. After this me and you are gonna talk all about it. And we're gonna watch all your favorite cheesy movies, okay?" said Miles tearing up looking down at her.

"Okay." mumbled Zuri. "You know I love you." said Zuri looking up at him. "I love you too baby, with all my heart." said Miles hugging her. He held her while authorities showed up, all the commotion alerted them. "I need you to keep your eyes open okay?" said Miles panicking. "I'm sleepy." mumbled Zuri closing her eyes. Miles panicked and the authorities busted in then. He put on his mask and grabbed Zuri running away.

He changed her and his clothing in no time before rushing to the hospital, knowing no one could know their identities "HELP, SOMEBODY HELP!" screamed Miles sobbing while holding Zuri in his arms. Nurses and doctors rushed to help, putting Zuri on a stretcher and rushing her into a room.

Miles sat there sobbing, not knowing if Zuri was okay. Not knowing if she was alive. All he knew was that he loved her with his whole heart, and he didn't think he could live without her in his life.

 All he knew was that he loved her with his whole heart, and he didn't think he could live without her in his life

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Word Count: 1256

A/N: SURPRISEEEE! Song is on soundcloud if u can't find in on apple music or spotify

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