Chapter 18

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Collect Calls
                         Kendrick Lamar
              01:06 ━━━━⬤─────── 04:05
                        ┊ ⇄ ◁◁ II ▷▷ ↻ ┊
                          ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯

MILES AND ZURI walked back to the room where Miles 1610 was. When they walked in, Miles was untied from the punching bag and sitting calmly.

"You untied him?" Miles said looking at Aaron who was still there. "Nah. Got out himself." he said before proceeding to walk out the room. Zuri watched Aaron walk out the room before turning to Miles 1610.

"So Miguel is after you... and me for some apparent reason. What's the game plan?" said Zuri who had taken the initiative to walk up to Miles 1610. She touched his face and hair, making sure he was completely real as all of this was still a shock.

Miles 1610 blushed at her sudden touch and Miles 42 became visibly upset, walking to the corner of the room. "Uh, I don't really have one at the moment. Nothing besides getting back home and saving my dad." mumbled Miles 1610.

After he said that, Miles 1610 glitched and fell to the floor in pain. Zuri became panicked and grabbed his face, asking if he was okay. "Yeah just the result of being in the wrong dimension." sighed Miles 1610 before pulling himself off the floor.

"He looks perfectly fine, you can unhand him Zuri." said Miles looking at Zuri. Zuri realized she was still holding onto Miles 1610, and unhanded him while mumbling a sorry and walking over to her boyfriend.

"Anyways, I really have no idea why Miguel is after you. Maybe you have some tie to what's going on." said Miles 1610. Zuri hummed and racked her mind with reasons as to why she was being chased after.

Then Zuri thought back to the spider that but her. It was.. unlike anything she'd seen before. zit also had the number 926 on its back. "Miles, what number was on the spider that bit you?" said Zuri.

"42. Your guys dimension." said Miles 1610. "Fuckk." groaned Zuri putting her head in her hands. "The spider that bit me had the number 926 on its back." mumbled Zuri into her hands.

Miles 1610 eyes widened before speaking. "So you're an anomaly too. Fuck that complicates shit." said Miles 1610 looking panicked. "Pretty sure Miguel's not saying something about these "anomalies". I don't think he wants me and you to... exist."

"Shit." said Zuri. "So a fake ass Spiderman wants y'all dead is what your saying." spoke Miles 42 with a hand pinching his nose. "Yeah, at least I think so." said Miles 1610 meekly.

"So now that we've figured out this information, how do we go about I don't know.... not dying!" exclaimed Zuri. "I'm gonna.. look around the city and see if anything's going on." spoke Miles 42.

He walked up to Miles 1610, whispering in his ear. "Lay a hand on her while i'm gone and i'll be the one to kill you." Miles 1610 gulped before watching him plant a kiss on Zuri's forehead and leaving.

Miles walked to the top of his building. He observed the buildings around him, noticing a large light shining in the alleyway below him. He jumped down from the building he was on, landing softly before walking to the alley.

There he saw multiple.. spider people? He observed them seeing some that looked a bit more normal and some more out there. Like a pig? Who allowed him to be Spiderman.

"The Prowler!" exclaimed one of them. He looked to the person that exclaimed it and saw a girl in a black and white spider suit with a hood. "Hmm." mumbled Miles standing there.

They all got in stance to fight, and Miles chuckled. He took off his mask before speaking. "Relax, I'm not gonna hurt you." he spoke. All of them looked shocked, the same girl from before speaking. "Miles?"

"Yeah.. but not yours." he spat out annoyed with the group in front of him. They were so quick to assume he was going to hurt them, it was annoying. "Follow me." he said before heading to his Uncles house. They cautiously followed him, being ready to fight at any moment.

Miles and the rest of them arrived at his Uncles house, leading them to the room Miles 1610 was in. They all looked at Miles 1610 before running to him and hugging him, asking if he was alright.

Miles watched as they talked to the other version of him. He walked up to Zuri silently before sitting down and pulling her into his lap. "Weird group over there huh." mumbled Miles into Zuri's neck.

She grinned before humming a yes and leaning into him. "You know we still have graduation tomorrow, don't think I forgot." said Zuri's smiling. Miles smiled and kissed her cheek. "Let's focus on you not getting killed ma." he said.

Miles 1610 looked over at them in jealousy, which caught the attention of the group around him. They looked over and saw Miles 42 with Zuri on his lap smiling, pecking her lips and holding her.

Miles kissed Zuri one last time before speaking. "So y'all gonna introduce yourselves or what." said Miles blankly. They all straightened up, a bit intimidated by this new version of Miles.

"I'm Spiderwom-" spoke one of them before Miles 42 interrupted. "Ah ah ah, I know you all are iterations of Spiderman. Introduce yourselves, not your superhero name." spoke Miles holding onto Zuri tighter.

"I'm Gwen." spoke the girl who had already gotten on Miles 42 nerves twice. He hummed and looked at the others, expecting them to continue. "I'm Peni. Peni Parker." spoke Peni with a slight smile.

"Noir." spoke Spider Noir, not wanting to talk about his actual personal name. He never even took his mask off. "I'm Peter Porker." said the pig sticking his hand out for Miles 42 to shake. "I just washed my hands, their wet for no other reason."

"Yeah i'm gonna pass." said Miles pushing away the pig from him. "Peter B Parker." spoke Peter. He seemed to be the oldest of the bunch, but not the most mature.

"Hobie. Hobie Brown." smirked Hobie looking at Miles. "I like you already." spoke Zuri with a smile looking at him. Miles 42 pinched her arm to which Zuri winced at and looked at him unamused.

Hobie chuckled before leaning back onto the wall in the room. "I'm Margo" said a girl enthusiastically. Zuri smiled at the girl, already loving her energy. "I'm Zuri, if you guys didn't already know.

"I'm Pavitr! Wow I love your hair." spoke Pavitr looking at Zuri. "Thank you." she said shyly leaning back into Miles more. He chuckled at her shy behavior.

"So you all are here to help Miles get back to his universe and save his dad i'm guessing." spoke Miles 42. Gwen looked over at Miles 42 with.. yearning in her eyes?

Zuri wasn't the type to get jealous over Miles, as he had told her, and showed her, how much he loved her many times. But something about her just was off putting and she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

"Yeah mate, got the jist of it." spoke Hobie cutting off the intense staring contest between Zuri and Gwen. "And id also like to know why Miguel is after me too." spoke Zuri.

Peter B looked over at her in shock before speaking. "You don't know yet?" he spoke. "Know what?" said Zuri cluelessly. "You're Miguel's..."

Word Count: 1246

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Word Count: 1246

A/N: Cliffhanger! Who y'all think Zuri is to Miguel? Let me know 😝

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