Chapter 14

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                              Rolling Stone
                                  Brent Faiyaz
              01:06 ━━━━⬤─────── 04:05
                        ┊ ⇄ ◁◁ II ▷▷ ↻ ┊
                          ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯

ZURI AND MILES were great. They had been spending almost every day together. They patrolled the city together and just enjoyed each-others company.

Zuri had stayed true to her promise, communicating with Miles and always telling him how she was feeling. They were both honest with each other and things were better.

That was until Miles was looking for an extra blanket and found Zuri's stash under her bed.

"What the fuck is this Zuri?" said Miles looking at Zuri who had just entered the room. Zuri's eyes grew wide, stumbling over to the box he was holding and closing it before taking it into her hands.

"Zuri I said what the fuck is this." said Miles again while taking the box back from her hands. "This shit could kill you Zuri? Did you know that?" yelled Miles.

"I-I can explain." said Zuri about to burst into tears. She knew she didn't need drugs anymore, but the knowledge that it was always there for her was comforting.

"I'm throwing this shit away." said Miles walking out the room with the box. "NO, no you can't Miles." said Zuri following him. Miles looked at her with pain in his eyes, before turning and chucking the box in the trash.

Zuri sobbed, not knowing why she felt so attached to the box. It was a comfort knowing she always had it. Miles had made her forget about it but now that she was made aware again it hurt. She didn't want to be reminded of something that she used to struggle with so badly.

She ran to her room before Miles could stop her, slipping on her suit and climbing out the window after grabbing something from her drawer. Miles knew he couldn't catch up to her, she was too fast for him.

"Fuck!" yelled Miles before grabbing his keys and heading to his house. Zuri had now reached the top of a building, retrieving what she grabbed out of her drawer from her pocket.

It was a pack of cigarettes, something she forgot she had in her drawer until now. Zuri grabbed one out, lighting it and bringing it to her lips. She sobbed as she smoked, not knowing what was wrong with her. Why couldn't she just explain to Miles what she was feeling? Why did she run away?

Zuri felt like a failure. She never wanted to disappoint Miles but as always she screwed up. She sobbed as she smoked, not wanting to feel anything anymore. Just wanting Miles to hold her in his arms and tell her everything was alright.

Miles had arrived home and immediately walked to his room. He was angry, not at Zuri but at the fact she would do that to herself. She was his whole world, and the thought of her ceasing to exist because of stupid things like drugs was angering.

He punched the punching bag hanging from his ceiling until his fits were bruised and bloody. He slid to the floor, holding his face in hands. All he wanted right now was Zuri.

Meanwhile Zuri had found herself swinging through the city, the cold air numbing her face as it blew past her. The feeling of it soothed her. She swung to Miles house, wanting to apologize and explain herself. She was done sitting around feeling sorry for herself. She wanted to be in his warm arms.

Zuri swung to a window in the stairwell of Miles building. She proceeded to his door, using her key to get in. She stepped into his house, walking to his room where she knew she would find him.

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