Chapter 3

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                     Sex on the Beach
01:06 ━━━━⬤─────── 04:05
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IT WAS A WEEK LATER, finally Wednesday. The first game of the season was today and Zuri was hype. Miles had a game the same day after hers, but even then he promised to show up. Her and Miles had gotten closer, but things were a bit awkward between them right now considering what happened Sunday.

Sunday Night:
Zuri and Miles were watching a movie per usual . Miles slid his hand on Zuri's thigh which he normally did but today it just felt different. Miles rubbed her thigh with his hands and gave it a little squeeze causing Zuri to let out a noise she definitely did not want to. Miles looked at her suggestively as he liked hearing that coming from her as a result of him, but Zuri just looked plain embarrassed. Zuri got up from the couch and suggested that Miles leave. He protested at first but seeing how adamant she was he grabbed his things and left.

Zuri thought back to the night, cringing at her actions. They had texted since but Miles didn't come over after that, which stung a bit but she was overall grateful as she thought her actions were embarrassing and would scare away Miles.

Zuri headed to school wearing some jean shorts and one of Miles hoodies. She walked into class and plopped down in her seat next to Miles. "I like seeing you wearing my things ma." said Miles looking her up and down with no shame. Zuri blushed and replied "It was the first hoodie I grabbed, don't feel special." He chuckled and turned his attention back to the teacher who was currently talking about the project due Friday. Her and Miles had been working on it, and it was near completion they just need to tweak the powerpoint slides a bit.

Class was dismissed and it was now lunch time. Zuri headed to lunch with Miles, as most of the time they sat together unless his teammates asked him to come over. Even then he usually declined to sit with Zuri.

"So are we gonna talk about Sunday or are you just gonna continue ignoring me" said Miles plainly. Zuri thought back to the night trying to explain herself. "I really don't know what came over me Miles I'm so sorry" Zuri said remorsefully. Miles laughed which confused Zuri. "You really thought I'd be mad at you Zuri? I could never." said Miles smiling "Well I just assumed you'd be scared away." said Zuri embarrassed. "I'd rather hear you making those sounds as a result of me compared to anyone else ma." whispered Miles in Zuri's ear. She went bright red at this stuttering as he chuckled and stood up to throw away his lunch. What is this man doing to me?

It was finally time for Zuri's game. She searched the crowd for Miles and there he was front row in his undershirt and uniform shorts as he had a game after. She smiled and stood behind her teammate waiting for the tip-off.

The ref blew the whistle and the game was on from then. Zuri moved almost gracefully with the ball, swiftly scoring about 3 layups in the first minutes. Her teammates passed her the ball where she was standing on the 3 point line. She just couldn't miss this game, all her shots swishing perfectly making a satisfying sound.

They won the game 86-54. Zuri was obviously the reason they won, but she herself knew that so she needed no congratulations. The guys had started warming up for their game, and before Zuri could walk away Miles grabbed her by her waist.

"You played great ma, I love your aggressive side." he said, smiling brightly as he was proud of her. "Thanks Miles, I'm excited to see you play." said Zuri beaming. He kissed her cheek before turning to go warmup with his teammates. Zuri smiled and took off her jersey putting it aside to go watch Miles in the stand.

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