Chapter Sixteen

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Today was the first day of what I thought would be couples therapy. Emily said we needed to go to therapy and work through our problems, who knew she meant that we had to sort through our problems separately.

Sitting in that waiting room, alone. With the clock ticking and my thoughts. I couldn't help but wonder what this girl was telling this so-called doctor, I needed to know what my girlfriend was saying about me behind my back, I needed to know everything about what Emily couldn't say to my face.

You know how many times I thought about barging into Emily's session, call her out on her cowardness for not talking to me?

When that door opened, my heart almost stopped as Emily walked out, and I was asked to step in.

Emily said, "I'll be back when you're done."

Like she had anywhere important to be.

Instead it was just me and this so-called doctor. This doctor wanted to know everything about me, while I wanted to know what Emily was talking about.

Who knew, you couldn't ask what the other talked about.

This quack had the nerve to ask if I had a temper problem.

Why would I have a temper problem? I don't. I raise my voice like any other person on this friggin planet does. I get cranky. I cry. I scream. I throttle pillows. What were they trying to imply that I strangle my girlfriend? I'm not that twisted!

Than this moron wanted to know about our bedroom habits.

So, I lied and told this moron "We're just like rabbits, can't keep our hands off each other."

That made the bitch shut up than of course, she had to write it down. Of friggin course. I'm the one with the issues, now aren't I?

It wasn't like I wanted to be here; this was Emily's choice.

Just like everything was Emily's choice.

It was Emily's choice for me to move in. It was Emily's choice to ask me out. It was Emily's choice for me to sleep on the lounge. It was Emily's choice that I was stuck driving longer to work. It was Emily's choice that I hated the very sight of my very own girlfriend!

It was all Emily's choice!

I was so angry that day. I was so angry that I felt like I couldn't even look at Emily for the rest of the day.

The tension whenever we were in the same room couldn't even be sliced from space. It was so thick; it was so disgusting. It was so painful that we both could see the damage this day had done.

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