Chapter Thirteen

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We never talked about marriage after the day she caught the bouquet, but I knew it was constantly on her mind with the way she looked at window displays.

It was almost as if I was a toy that she was playing with.

Couldn't she see that I wasn't a toy?

We never talked about marriage.

We didn't even talk about kids. Now we have to.

The problem with her and I is our talks always came after a moment of pressure. Pressure from friends. Pressure from family. Pressure from tv. Pressure from magazines. Pressure from anything and everyone in HER life.

Three of her friends had told us they were expecting, they couldn't wait to have babies be the best of friends.

Of course with HER friends, they pestered us with that stupid question "So?? You two?? When??"

Seeing the shade of red Emily went when she was too embarrassed to give a certain answer. Oh, the red that I wanted to squash.

"First marriage? Now kids?" Emily huffed as she stormed through the house "Why not?"

"Are you serious, Emily!? Really? You couldn't of asked me. You just assumed I want both of those. Isn't the whole point of marriage and kids, that it's a TWO discussion not a ONE!"

"We didn't discuss! You just shut it down. 'I don't want marriage' and what was the words you used in the car 'if I had children, I'd kill myself' who says that!? What did you think you were getting into when we started dating? Do I look like the type of person who doesn't want those things?" Emily seemed to have her life planned and it didn't involve me.

The silence that I gave could've been heard in space.

"I want to be a wife. I want to be a mother. I want to spend my days looking back without regret."

"You'll just end up divorced with a brat." Those words had slipped out without even thinking straight.

That had done it.

That had caused the rope to snap in our love. 

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