Chapter Ten

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When you spend long days in an office, sleeping on a couch isn't that bad. It beats snoozing slouched in a chair while trying to keep the glare of ceiling lights out of your gaze. 

I knew I was alone in her house when I woke up, it was almost like routine now.

As much as I like routine, I didn't like it when I lived with someone.

I always thought living with someone would be full of fun, full of out of sorts instead with Emily, it was routine. She liked routine.

I liked numbers. She liked routine.

The sigh I gave as I sat up on the couch seemed never ending as I listened to the silence, knowing I had a long day ahead.

I hated that she couldn't talk to me about my thoughts on marriage, I hated that she had to catch the bouquet, I hated that she had to act like she was ready for marriage.

What did she think I was?

Just cause I had money, didn't mean this was the life I wanted.

She never dared to ask me when she joined the partnered ladies on the floor.

Why didn't she ask me?

We could've solved this real quick if she had just asked me.

That's all she had to do.

She could've asked me during the wedding, she could've asked me when the announcer asked for all the ladies on the floor, she could've just asked me.

No, she had to be selfish and join all the eager ladies.

No, she had to be SELFISH! 

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