Chapter Five

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Emily was always home before me, at first, I had thought she was used to living alone but then as time grew on, I realized she never left dinner for me.

Maybe she was selfish?

One night, after a long stressful day I snapped "why the fuck do you never cook for me?"

The way she was startled, almost as if she retreated to another world, the way she blinked her eyes to stop the tears, the way her lips moved as she tried to form something expressive.

"Emily, I'm sorry." Those genuine words must've caused a chain to snap as she crumbled into a mess. She couldn't even let me touch her that night.

The next morning, she watched me make a coffee in my travel mug. She said, "I don't know how to cook for two."

"So, you buy takeaway?" I shrugged off the question.

Emily shook her head "Every time I cook for two, it ends up in the bin. So, I don't."

"I promise not to throw it in the bin" noticing the weakest smile across her lips.

That weekend I had off, I showed Emily how to cook for two; me and her.

She was like a child who thought they could do it all, only to flinch with every word I spoke.

It was almost as if she was scared to show me what she could do in the kitchen.

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