Chapter One

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Never thought I'd have the girl of my dreams, marriage and kids weren't on the cards.

But when I meet Emily, it was almost as if I was intertwined with love. 

We barely knew each other.

Our paths only crossed on Mondays and Wednesdays, at exactly 6.10am. She'd come in set up the breakfast for the office, we'd pass pleasantries.

She took the leap first.

She asked me "Would you like my number?"

I must've been high on love because I took her number, without hesitation messaging her like she was leaving my life.

Surprisingly, she replied to every one of my babbling messages.

Our first date was something I picked, bowling.

Probably weird for two grown thirty year olds but I wanted to see her smile, noticed how competitive she could get, hear her laughter, even noticing the little ways she scrunched up her face as the ball hit the gutter.

We hadn't even made it through our first date when my waste of a mouth said "Emily, I love you."

It was almost as if time had stopped, maybe she could've stopped breathing if I had paid attention.

The pit in my stomach felt heavy as Emily opened her mouth "Thanks."

Maybe we were back to square one.

Driving home alone left me with my thoughts, the thoughts of how easily I stuffed it all up.

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