Chapter Seven

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One year. My love for Emily had changed, she had changed.

Our sleepless nights were perfect, her screaming out my name, telling me what she liked and how she liked it.

Every night she arrived home before me, she'd messaged me with "I'm cooking dinner, do you want some?"

Sometimes I took what I got. She was still getting used to cooking for two.

On my nights home at a reasonable time, I'd cook for the two of us than watch whatever trash kept our attention.

Exactly one year and three days, she finally said "I love you."

My reply to her "Thank you".

Watching her face seem so confused, I had to remind her of what happened on our first date.

She apologised as if I hadn't heard her explanation before.

Than she explained our intimate experiences "The last guy I was with preferred silence. If he could've silenced me completing, he would."

In the time I had known Emily, she never once talked of exes. I had assumed she had a few but knew my ego would've prompted a few questionable words if she spoke of them. Instead right now, I let out a slow breath and showed an ounce of sympathy for her. 

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