Chapter 15 - Through Fire and Flames

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Ominis found himself standing in the garden of his family's estate, shivering violently. The cold night air felt as real as it ever had, but he knew that was not why he was trembling. His ears were being assaulted from all sides by a cacophony of harsh words and bitter humourless taunts as his mother and older brothers demanded he do the one thing he swore to himself he would never do.

"It's for her own good, Ominis," Arsene insisted darkly.

"Don't tell us you're too weak to save your precious little squib?" Vasileios added with a cruel snarl.

"Leave him alone!" Iris's voice cut across them, brave and defiant despite the fear he was certain must be gripping her heart. He could feel her presence nearby – the singular source of warmth and comfort amidst the darkness that was his life with this family. He loved her more than anything... hurting her was unthinkable...

"Hold your tongue girl!" his mother hissed dangerously. "Cast the curse, Ominis, don't make me ask again."


"Never?" Arsene countered with a sneer. "We'll see."

Before Ominis could react, he felt the excruciating pain of the cruciatus curse rip through him, tearing at his very being as if his insides were being shredded by invisible claws. Through the haze of unbearable agony, Ominis could hear Iris sobbing, begging for mercy on his behalf. Over the sound of his own cries, he heard the unmistakable two sharp cracks of his mother's hand striking Iris's face. His heart twisted painfully at the sound of her choked sob.

"Silence, you filthy bastard squib!" she spat venomously. "This is all your fault!"

"Stop it!" he forced himself to gasp through the pain. "Please, just stop!"

"Enough!" his mother commanded, her voice slicing through the chaos of pain like a knife.

The sudden cessation of pain left Ominis momentarily disoriented, the world around him an indistinct blur of sound and sensation. He jumped in shock at his mother's sudden touch. She stroked his hair, her fingers cool and soothing against his fevered skin, but the cloying scent of her jasmine perfume made him feel nauseous.

"Ominis," she said softly, her voice sickeningly sweet. "I hate doing this to you, my darling boy. I want this all to be over so we can be a happy family again."

"Mother..." he choked out through ragged breaths, his tears felt like molten lava, burning his cheeks.

"Tell me, Ominis," she continued, her tone becoming more insistent. "Do you want Iris to stay a part of our family?"


"Then we must make her use magic. This is the only way, I promise you." she said firmly. "Cast the curse on Iris."

"I... I can't," he sobbed, his whole body shaking, wracked with fear and despair.

"Vasileios," his mother said, her voice suddenly cold and hard as she dropped Ominis from her embrace. "Hit him again."

Ominis tensed his muscles, but nothing could prepare him for the agony that tore through his body as his brother complied. The scream felt as though it was being ripped from his very soul.

Through the pain, he heard a scuffle. "Stop!" Iris cried out, her voice panicked and desperate as she broke free from Arsene's grip. She rushed towards Ominis, shielding him. The pain once more coming to a stop so abruptly it left him reeling. "Just cast it on me yourselves! Ominis doesn't have to do it!"

"He needs to grow up," Arsene barked. "Prove himself."

Iris turned to Ominis and he felt her small warm hand on his arm, grounding him amidst the chaos. "It's okay, Ominis," she whispered, her voice soft and brave. "I'm not afraid. It will only hurt for a little while, then it'll be over. I can take it... just don't let them hurt you anymore. I promise it'll be okay. Please."

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