Chapter 5 - The Restricted Section

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Maggie raced up the stairs towards Fig's classroom. She was anxious to find out what her mentor had found, the sooner they untangled this mystery the better. As she reached his classroom, she headed strait up the stairs into his office and unceremoniously burst through the door.

"Ah, there you are!" Fig exclaimed, looking up at her, his face painted with concern. "Thank Merlin you are in one piece. I heard about the attack! You weren't injur—?"

"I'm fine," Maggie interrupted. She had almost forgotten about that. But now he brought it up she could finally voice the relevant details she had had to keep to herself: "More importantly, the trolls had armour on!" She said meaningfully. "With that same dark glow I saw on Ranrok and the dragon."

"Goblin silver!" he gasped, his eyes widening. "It seems Ranrok was using it to control the dragon somehow. And now to send trolls?" He shook his head, clearly disturbed.

"That is not all!" she said feeling her voice rise with excitement. "I saw him speaking with Victor Rookwood. They are definitely targeting me. And it seems he has Rookwood working for him."

"Ranrok was in Hogsmeade...with Rookwood?" Fig echoed, flabbergasted. His fingers drummed nervously on the desk as he narrowed his eyes, trying to figure out where these new pieces fit in the puzzle.

"Yes, the trolls were meant as a distraction to get their hands on me." She smirked, her old self momentarily resurfacing. "A wild underestimation on their part."

He shot her a warning look. Clearly, he thought she was taking this too flippantly. "This is grave news! Ranrok clearly hasn't given up on getting his hands on that locket. And if Rookwood is involved—"

"Speaking of the locket," she interjected, trying to sidestep the lecture. "Your note said you discovered something." 

He eyed her for a moment but answered all the same. "Yes, yes—I discovered an inscription. When I read it aloud, this map appeared." He tapped the parchment on his desk. "Clever enchantment."

"Sir—this looks like..." she said, leaning closer.

"Yes! It's a map of Hogwarts, to be sure, but I don't know where it's meant to lead—"

"The library," she pointed to a spot on the map where she could see lights dancing about the page. "More specifically...the restricted section..."

"I suspected you would be able to see something." He said, unable to hide the hint of pride in his voice.

"Let's go!" she said excitedly already turning to leave.

"Fig!" The door to the office burst open with a bang and Professor Black stormed in. "I have work for you. Come!"

"Headmaster," Fig replied, startled by his sudden appearance. "I am with a student, and my schedule is—"

"Your schedule will wait! As will your student!" Black snapped, casting Maggie an appraising look. "I would think that after all the trouble you caused me with Osric, you would be eager to make amends!"

Maggie's instinct to try and sway this turn of events in her favor with charm evaporated quickly under the coldness in his sharp blue eyes.

"Surely Miss Darling has her assigned schoolwork to see to." he said briskly. "My office, five minutes!" With that, he strode out of the room, leaving Maggie to look anxiously back at her mentor.

He sighed, shaking his head. "That man is exasperating! Unfortunately, this will have to wait."

"But, Professor—" Maggie protested, her heart sinking. The library as so close.

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