Chapter 12 - Feldcroft

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As Sebastian pushed open the door to the Transfiguration classroom, he was met with the musical sound of Darling's laugh and his eyes found her. She was sitting with Weasley, giggling uncontrollably. He felt a stab of annoyance, he'd intended to get here earlier... but he pushed the feeling aside, chalking it up to lack of sleep and headed inside.

"Ah, there you are," he said, settling into the seat on Darling's other side. She turned to him, a bright smile spreading across her face— his earlier irritation seemed to melt away in an instant. Leaning closer, he took in the soothing scent of her lilac perfume and for a moment, he forgot Garreth was there. 

"I'm visiting Feldcroft tomorrow," he said eagerly. "You still up for joining me?"

"Course!" she exclaimed with delight. "Can't wait."

He couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness at her enthusiasm. Covertly, he glanced at Garreth, who seemed unphased by the exchange. "Morning Sebastian, gotta say, detention has been a bit lonely without ya."

Sebastian chuckled in spite of himself. "You really need to work on not getting caught Weasley."

"You both do," interjected Darling. "I'm rarely within bounds in this place and I have yet to earn a single detention."

"Settle down, everyone!" Professor Weasley called, bringing the class to attention.

As the lesson progressed Sebastian couldn't seem to stop smiling. By this time tomorrow he would be introducing Darling to his sister. There was no doubt in his mind that Anne would adore her, and hopefully, Darlings infectious warmth would be able to bring back a little of the old Anne he so desperately missed.


The following morning, Sebastian and Darling set off on their broomsticks. The sun was just rising, casting a golden light over the mist that blanketed the valleys as they followed the river south. 

It was a beautiful day for a flight, the treetops painted in autumn colours. But, the further they got from the school the more evidence there was of Ranrok's Loyalists digging up the countryside. Sebastian tried not to let it spoil his mood but the fact of the matter was, this place just wasn't what it used to be.

He glanced over at Darling, those eyes of hers were alive with wonder as she took in the horizon, her golden hair rippling behind her as she flew along side him. This was nice.

"Thanks again for this" he called over the wind.

"Of 'course," she replied brightly. "I'm actually a bit curious to meet the poor girl who's been stuck looking after you since day one."

He laughed. "Anne's actually always been the most mischievous of the three of us," Sebastian said, a fond smile on his lips as they sped through the air. "I'm sure you'll get along swimmingly."

"Really?" Darling asked, raising an eyebrow. "I think I'm starting to understand why Ominis is such a grumpy old man."

"Ominis has a bit of a 'blind' spot when it comes to Anne," he joked nostalgically. "He typically spends summers with us. As many times as he's lectured me, he's let Anne talk him into getting into just as much trouble himself."

"Sounds like my kind of girl," Darling replied with a grin. "Speaking of getting into trouble, I've been able to put that blasting curse you taught me to good use. Even used it on some of Rookwood's men the other day."

"Really?" Sebastian's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "You certainly waste no time Darling. I hope it's been helpful, in dealing with your other problem..."

"It has, but unfortunately that's not exactly going well," she sighed, her expression turning serious. "These portraits that call themselves, 'the Keepers', have been putting me through these 'trials' to decide if I'm worthy of... something. They keep leaving me memories, but I haven't learned anything remotely useful yet. It's frustrating. I'm being strung along by a bunch of corpses, and there's nothing I can do about it."

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