Chapter 24 - Gone Too Far

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Maggie stood atop the ramparts of Clagmar castle, her breath coming in sharp gasps as she surveyed the battleground below, where the high ranking Ashwinder Sylvanis Selwyn and his men lay defeated. She couldn't help but admire her handiwork. There had been a lot more of them than she'd expected, but she'd made it through almost completely unscathed...almost.

Running her fingers through her tangled hair, she grabbed her bag and rummaged through it. She only had one wiggenweld potion left, but she wasn't worried. She could replenish her supply when she returned to Cragcroft for the bounty.

Her injuries weren't severe, but she was exhausted and it was a long flight back to the castle. So she uncorked the vial and downed its contents, feeling the rejuvenating effects almost immediately.

Just as she finished the potion, there was a flapping of wings and an unexpected visitor swooped down and landed on the ramparts. Maggie just stared at the barn owl for a moment, a sense of unease creeping up the back of her neck. Who would be writing her now?

Hesitantly, she untied the letter from the owl's leg and began to read the frantically scrawled words.

"Anne's worried. She said Sebastian promised her that I would be there if she went to meet him at the catacomb. But now he's asking her to come immediately and come alone. She says he doesn't sound himself. Meet us at the catacomb as soon as possible. I hope that my quill has conveyed my message clearly. -Ominis"

Panic rose within her as she read the letter over again. Sebastian had said that he was going to speak to Ominis, that they were all going to go to the catacomb together. He'd promised not to do anything without her.

Surely at this point she'd proven how capable she was and shown that she was somebody he could rely on. So why had Sebastian gone out of his way to lie to her, to Anne, all so he could do this without her?


An unwelcome memory flashed across her mind: sparks flying from her fingertips, a sudden darkness engulfing her, and the overwhelming sense of disconnection when she woke up under the night sky. She shook her head, trying to clear the image from her thoughts.

""No time," she muttered, stuffing the letter into her bag and mounting her broom. She sped towards the Feldcroft Catacomb, trying to ignore the way her heart was pounding. If she hurried, everything would be fine. She just needed to get there before it was too late.

As she approached, she caught sight of Anne and Ominis standing in front of the now barricaded entrance and felt a stab of panic. Where was Sebastian? Had they shut him inside alone? What the hell was going on?

"Sebastian's gone too far," Anne was saying as Maggie touched down. "You saw what lies in the catacomb... I can't stay here!"

"Wait, Anne. Please—" Ominis pleaded, trying to stop her, but she stepped out of reach.

"Ominis, he's put the whole hamlet and himself in danger for the chance that some old relic could heal me," Anne replied, clearly nearing the end of her rope. "I'm sorry. Make sure he's alright, will you?" She turned to leave, shooting Maggie a dark glare as she passed by.

"Thank Merlin you are here" Ominis said, turning his attention to Maggie.

"Where is he?" she asked urgently as she darted forward.

"Inside the catacomb," he replied, confirming her fear. "Frankly, I was surprised you weren't with him."

"Ominis I—"

"Stop! You swore you wouldn't let Sebastian take this one step further. Yet here we are!" His words struck right to her core. He was right, this was her one job, her purpose.

Legacy Disowned - Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora