Chapter 7 - The Life of a Student

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Imelda stood on the quidditch pitch, hands on her hips, appraising the freshly constructed race course she'd engineered. Professor Black may have cancelled Quidditch, but she would be damned if she didn't get some kind of flying competition out of this year.

Students from every year and every house were gathering on the pitch, either to compete or enjoy the show. Imelda was glad to see such interest, but the chatter was starting to irk her.

"That's right, that new fifth year!" She heard a second year whispering excitedly. 

"Yeah, in Kogawa's class," another chimed in. "I saw her over the footbridge, she is really good! I wonder if she will show?" 

"Ridiculous," Imelda muttered to herself. The idea that Darling could be considered a rival after just one day on a broom was absolutely absurd. But thanks to that buffoon, Everett Clopton, the whole school was buzzing about the new girl and placing bets to see if she could beat Imelda's record. Let the fools waste their money, she thought bitterly.

As if summoned by her thoughts, a petite figure on a broom appeared in the distance, coming in hot from the direction of Hogsmeade. Imelda's eyebrows shot up in surprise as she watched Maggie Darling land smoothly, mid sprint, and run up the pitch towards her. It wasn't easy to do, perhaps she did have some talent, but still...

"Well, well...if it isn't Slytherin's newest broom talent!" Imelda called out, laying the sarcasm on nice and thick.

"Hey Imelda!" Darling replied cheerily.

"Caught wind of you showing off in flying class with Clopton? " Imelda drawled. "Everyone knows that class is only for beginners, troublemakers, and bumbling baboons"

"Uhk—" Darling rolled her eyes. "Can a person do anything around this place without everyone spinning it into nonsense? —I'm only two of those things at most," she added with a giggle.

Imelda had to work hard not to smile, but as amusing as the girl was, she wasn't about to let this go. She leaned closer to Darling, "Fraid not. Seems everyone's got you pegged as the next big thing. But I'm not so easily impressed." Imelda gestured to the series of rings. "Let's see if you can beat my best time, shall we?"

"Sounds fun! Let's go!" Darling grinned. She seemed to be rather enjoying this little rivalry. Imelda couldn't help but chuckle as she watched the girl make her way to the starting line with the tiniest skip in her step, as if she hadn't a care in the world.

"Ready? Set?" Imelda blew her whistle, and Darling was off like a shot.

Imelda's eyes widened as she watched the girl fly— her form, her speed, her control were all incredible, and not even just for a beginner. Darling looked like she was born to be on a broom. Most new flyers were afraid of speed because they lacked confidence in their ability to maintain control. But there was no fear in Darling.

She lay flat to the broom, weaving through the rings with such grace, she almost looked like she wasn't on a broom at all. She made no attempt to slow down through sharp turns, only narrowly missing the edges of the rings at times. To the untrained eye, it might have looked reckless, but Imelda knew better.

She had seen this in Darling during Defence Against the Dark Arts— her exceptional spatial awareness, her ability to gauge exactly how much space she needed to give herself. She was incredible.

As Darling continued to fly through the course, Imelda couldn't help but start mentally placing her on different positions for next year's Quidditch team. Keeper would be a waste of her talents; with that speed, she'd be a game changer as a Chaser or Seeker. But her spatial awareness and understanding of leverage, combined with quick reflexes and sheer nerve, could make her a formidable Beater.

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