A Secret Uncovered

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Danny woke the next morning with a splitting headache. 

He slowly sat up in bed and felt the urge to vomit, but just about kept it down. He tried to recall what had happened last night, but couldn't really piece it together. He remembered drinking at the house. He vaguely remembered a bar. Did he speak to Ruby maybe? He wasn't sure.

It took him a while to gather himself together, before he pulled on some clothes. He was about to leave his room before he remembered to pull some socks on to hide his painted toe nails. That was a close call.

He stumbled downstairs and entered the kitchen, where he saw Ruby and Chloe at the table. The two girls were chatting intensely, but stopped suddenly when Danny entered.

"Morning" he mumbled, finding it hard to talk.

"Oh hello" said Chloe.

"Morning" replied Ruby.

Danny sat at the table. He didn't feel up to eating anything, so he poured himself some orange juice and sat there feeling sorry for himself.

"So, how are you feeling?" asked Ruby.

"I've felt better" laughed Danny.

"I bet you have, you were quite a mess when I found you last night" said Chloe with a knowing look.

Danny was confused. Found him? When had Chloe found him? He didn't remember anything like that, and didn't remember being in too much of a state.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Well, I heard you vomiting your guts up last night so I went to check on you to make sure you were OK" replied Chloe.

Danny's memory was jogged slightly. He could suddenly taste the vomit in his mouth, so he swigged some more orange juice.

"God, I'm sorry" said Danny. "I hope I didn't make a mess."

"Oh no you found the toilet in time don't worry. There was something a little peculiar though."

All of a sudden Danny had a sinking feeling in his stomach. He was still wearing his panties from last night, and he realised where this conversation was going.

"When I found you, you were wearing... well, I don't quite know how to say this. You were wearing panties." said Chloe.

Danny gulped, but didn't say anything.

"I couldn't help but notice that your toe nails were painted purple too." continued Chloe.

The two girls looked at him expecting some sort of response.

"Ummm, maybe... maybe I switched underwear with someone while I was drunk. As a bet or something! That must be it" replied Danny in desperation. It was a lazy lie, but it was all his hungover brain could muster.

"Hmmm, is that so? Then how do you explain the bra you were wearing?" asked Ruby. "When I gave you a hug last night I could feel it under your shirt. You swapped bras with someone too did you?"

Danny was too hungover to come up with anything. He couldn't think of anything to say. How could he let this happen? For months he'd been living with Ruby. Covering things up. Hiding Danielle. Or at least he thought he had. Ruby continued.

"Look Danny, I want to ask you something, and don't be upset or mad, because I don't mind I still love you as a friend no matter what. But there's something you want to get off your chest isn't there? You told me last night at the bar you had something to tell me. Is that what it was? Did you want to tell me about this?"

Danny couldn't remember that conversation. Had he wanted to tell her about Danielle? Or did he want to speak to her about something else. He couldn't remember. He remained silent.

"Because listen" continued Ruby. "I've noticed after the past couple of months that you've been... changing, shall we say. Every now and then I've noticed some lace poking out from your jeans. I've caught a glimpse of your toe nails when you've left the shower and noticed they've been painted. I noticed you started getting your eyebrows shaped but I didn't want to say anything."

Danny listened, embarrassed that he thought he'd been covering all of that up so well.

"And look, I don't mind, I really don't. But I hope you know that we are close enough for you to tell me anything. So Danny. I want to ask. Are you transgender?"

Danny was shocked. That word. He'd never considered it before. He had acknowledged that he wasn't necessarily a full on man. He was enjoying his feminine side far too much to ignore that. But transgender... That was a big word. He wasn't sure what to say.

"It's ok Danny, you can tell me. I think its great if you are, there's nothing to be ashamed about." said Ruby, placing a hand on his arm to encourage him.

He was too hungover to fully process what was really happening. But the tone of Ruby's voice was very soothing and comforting, so he simply nodded.

"Oh my god, amazing. I'm so proud of you darling" said Ruby, moving around the table to give Danny a hug. "I knew there was something up but I didn't want to say and make you feel ashamed or embarrassed. But once Chloe caught you I knew I had to say something."

Danny accepted the hug and nodded in agreement.

"I can't wait to find out all about your girl life! I can't believe there's a whole side of you I don't know."

He wasn't sure how he'd ended up here. A few months ago he'd agreed to come on this trip to try to make Ruby his girlfriend. Now he was one of her girl friends.

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