Part 55

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It was Khushi's 7th month and she had already started knitting sweater for her baby. She mostly spent time in either knitting or dreaming how the presence of the baby would change their life to more good. On the other hand Arnav Singh Raizada was very busy in his work. He wanted to spend maximum time with Khushi during her 8th and 9th month. This over work now had made him little restless and sensitive in terms of getting angered. Even today since the time he had returned from the office he was on call, almost barking at someone on the phone for missing some deadlines in their work. Khushi came inside the bedroom with his Evening Coffee and she realised he was not in a very good mood. She walked slowly towards him with the coffee mug.

Arnav: ( on call): Mistakes are not something Arnav Singh Raizada will tolerate Mr Shah. Now make the ammendments by tomorrow and resend me the details. If you cant do this within few hours then quit the job. Thats the best I can offer you.

He disconnected the call throwing the phone on bed. At such crucial times, of hypersensitive occassions he missed the dosage of that medicine in his body which would cool his senses down.

Khushi: So much anger is not good for you Arnavji..You were speaking so harshly to that person. ( she tried placing her arm over his shoulder)
Arnav: Dont get into this Khushi. I know how to deal with my employees. ( he angrily replied)
Khushi: Yes you do, I am sure but this is still not the way..
Arnav was highly frustrated.. He clutched her arms in anger pulling her close.

Arnav: Who are you to teach me how to behave? Stay in your limits Khushi.. Biwi ho.. HumeshaSar par baithne ki koi zaroorat nahi. samjhi? ( You might be my wife.. but there is no need to sit on my head always.. understood? )

Khushi was very much surprised he said something like this to her and that too at a stage when she was carrying his baby inside. He has anger issues but thats not the way he can behave with her. Seeing Khushi's eyes becoming moist all of a sudden, Arnav realised his mistake. He loosened his grip on her but didnt leave her completely.

Arnav: Dammit!! I lost control on myself !! I .. I shouldnt have said that..

She pushed him away gently not taking in his polite words. Keeping his coffee on the table she thought of leaving but he stopped her.

Arnav: ( clenching his jaw): I havnt finished my talk yet..
Khushi too was getting little angered now. She turned back. But she tried not to reveal that anger on him. He was reading her expressions and everything that she was undergoing in her heart and mind right now.

Arnav: How do you do that? Controlling your anger ? Showing so much patience to my behaviour?
Khushi gulped nervously because what she was going to tell him now was going to hurt him bad. But it was better she clears her mind and conveys him.

Khushi: I am just trying to protect my baby from becoming another Arnav Singh Raizada..

Arnav fisted his fingers..

Arnav: What's that suppose to mean? ( his anger was well reflected in his tone)
Khushi: Arnavji a baby learns most of the things when it is in the mother's womb.. Whatever happens between us in the outside world gets feeded inside my womb. A mother is the mediator between the baby and the outside world which includes you too. Your anger, your bitter sentences towards me or others, it all reaches to our baby too, now that its growing. The more we talk good, behave good and keep a healthy atmosphere of peace between us, the better it would be for our baby's future too. Thats why even though sometimes you pour all your frustration out on me, I show patience and try not to argue. I am not just a machine for delivering this child. I am a Mother who wants all the right things to reach her baby, nothing wrong , nothing unhealthy..

Arnav did realise what she meant now..

Arnav: (cupping her face): That should be my responsibilty too. I know just taking care of your health is not enough. Keeping you and your surroundings happy is also important. I assure you this wont happen again. I will keep a control on my anger. At least when I am around you .. in this house..

Once again his maturedness in dealing with this matter made her mellow down. She felt a kick in her stomach all of a sudden. She hissed in pain clutching her tummy. Arnav got worried..

Arnav: Khushi? What happened? Should we go to the Doctor? ( he impatiently asked making her sit on the Recliner )
Khushi ( holding him ): No Arnavji.. I just felt a kick inside..
Arnav: What the!! A KICK? How can our baby kick you?
Khushi ( gigled): Its normal..It wants to come out.. feeling conjusted inside..

The way she explained him about it made Arnav feel nice..

Arnav: You are doing so much for me and the baby.. All this pain.. heaviness.. morning sickness.. its so hard to manage at this tender age of 22.
Khushi: I am not 22 yet.. Going to be 22.. ( he declared)
Arnav: Okay going to be 22 girl... Let me put you to bed. Come..

He picked her again and placed on bed.. She liked that concern he showed always to put her to bed. It makes her feel wanted by him.. He was about to get up from bed but she stopped him.

Khushi: Nani had called me today morning..

Arnav's smile faded. He knew what that call might have been for.. He sat again next to her.

Khushi: uhh.. She wants to talk to you..
Arnav: About sending you to them for the next few months?
Khushi gulped but noded in acknowledgement. She too was confused what to do.. She wanted someone from her home to be beside her and she cannot even leave Arnavji alone..

Khushi: Dont get angry again now.. Please..
Arnav: NO Sweetheart.. I am good. Pass me the phone..
Khushi: No .. Arnav.. You dont have to talk to Nani now.. You talk later when your mood is good. Lets not argue with her now.. please..
Arnav: I said PASS ME THE PHONE!! ( he demanded again in a serious tone)

Khushi unwillingly passed his phone. He dialed Nani's number sitting next to Khushi still , entwining his fingers with hers..

Arnav: Nani? Arnav bol raha hoon ( Nani.. Its Arnav)

Nani was surprised to receive his call at this hour.

Arnav: Nani.. Khushi told me you wanted to talk to me about sending her there until the delivery..
Nani: Haan beta.. Its a tradition..
Arnav: ( looking at Khushi): No tradition can compensate my need of staying with Khushi in her crucial medical conditions. It's not that I dont rely on her family. I know you will take the best care of her. But Nani.. I would still prefer Khushi to be here.. With me..
Nani: I understand Arnav Bitwa.. But there its just you and her.. No other family members .. no one to guide her.. We all can do that better when she stays with us.. We have Anjali and Lavanya here too..
Arnav: I am not sending her Nani.. But If she wants to stay with you against my decision, I wont stop her.. Ek minute.. Talk to her..

He passed the phone to Khushi who was confused what to do next. .He put the ball totally in her court..

Arnav ( looking at Khushi): If you go there, its not that I am not going to talk to you or stop liking you. Max.. I can keep coming there everyday to see you and our baby..Decision is yours..

He had left her in a very terrible situation now.. But it didnt take long for her to decide. She took the phone from his hand and answered.

Khushi: I am not coming there Nani.. I wont leave Arnavji alone here..

Arnav didnt speak a word. He just kept looking at his wife with appreciation.. Nani didnt argue. She did not want the couple to fight because of her.

Nani: Okay Khushi. We will think of some alternative. Now you rest well. I will call later.

The moment Nani said "Alternative", Khushi got a mindblowing idea..

Khushi: Nani wait.. dont hang up..

She moved the phone away from her mouth so that Nani doesnt hear her conversation with Arnavji.

Khushi: Can Nani come here?
Arnav: What?
Khushi: I cant go there but she can come here to take care of me?

Arnav understood it finally.

Arnav: hmm.. wise thought. call Nani here.
Khushi happily answered the call again. She shared the idea with Nani who agreed readily. After discussing when Nani would be able to come, the phone call was disconnected.

Khushi: One problem solved ( she sighed)

Arnav smirked and looked at her stomach..

Arnav: You look more adorable with the baby inside you.

Khushi blushed hard. She still got goosebumps whenever Arnavji praised her. Arnav sat close to her , placing his palm on her stomach.

Arnav: Kitna kuch karna pad raha hai isse iss Duniya mein laane ke liye.. (So many things we have to do to get the baby in this world)
Khushi ( chuckled): Sunna baby.. ( she touched her stomach too).. Sunna paapa ne kya kahan? Now come out soon and reduce your Mumma's weight ( she gigled )

Arnav laughed too seeing Khushi talking to the baby who hasnt even taken birth yet...


8th Month

Nani had already come to stay in Raizada house with Arnav and Khushi. Arnav had worried if her presence will make Khushi spend most of the time with Nani than him, but it didnt look so. She still gave all her attention to him and Nani too was a sweetheart. She always gave the couple their much needed privacy and never intervened until they wanted her attention.

It was night , almost 3:30 am. Arnav tossed on the other side when suddenly he realised Khushi wasnt beside him. He opened his eyes instantly and even gave her a voice. Not finding her in the room scared him, he wore his Night robe and reached down to see if she was anywhere in Nani's room. Suddenly he saw a light in the Kitchen. He walked there and finally took a sigh of relief seeing his Wife looking for something seriously in the Refrigerator..

Arnav: Should I help? ( he lovingly asked)

Khushi became alert and a little conscious too.

Khushi: When did you wake up?
Arnav: When you walked away from me.. What are you doing in the Kitchen at this hour?
Khushi: I wanted something to eat. The baby is hungry I suppose making me hungry too.

All these baby related jitters and her mood swings had always given him a tough time though he had started liking it now. He came forward.

Arnav: I can make good Custard.. If thats what you feel like eating?
Khushi's lips curved with a smile.
Khushi: That means my husband knows to cook? And I am learning this after so many months of our marriage? Strange.
Arnav: I dont keep propoganding my goodness to everyone.. ( he winked at her and opened the Refrigertor to get the ingredients out)

Khushi's jaw dropped. .Was he indicating her that she keeps propaganding her goodness?

Arnav ( not looking at her directly but reading her mind): That was a punch.. Not for you.. Get seated till I make the Custard and feed you..

Khushi obeyed him and took a chair. Arnav helped her sit as she always faced difficulty due to her enlarged stomach.. The Custard was done and the couple enjoyed eating it at a very odd timing talking about their future plans when the baby is born. As the months passed, it was not just Khushi waiting but even Arnav for the baby to take birth and be a part of their life..


The 9 months completed and today suddenly Khushi felt a sharp pain in her stomach which she couldnt bear at all. Arnav and Nani didnt take much time in getting her to the Hospital.. The Doctor confirmed her time was due and hence took her in the Operation Theatre. Arnav was restless. He could see the Nurses and the Doctors rushing in and out.. The Gupta family reached there.

Anjali ( to Nani): Nani.. How is Khushi? Is she fine?
Nani: Haan Bitiya.. She is fine. The pain was worse so we got her here.
Lavanya: What did the Dr say?
Nani: They have taken her in the OT.

Anjali saw Arnav who was pacing outside the OT door nervously.. She kept looking at him for long.. Almost for 1 hour when the Dr finally came out..

Dr: Mr Raizada..
Arnav : How is Khushi?
Dr: Congratulations Its a baby Boy.. And Khushi is absolutely fine. you can meet her after few minutes.

The moment the family came to know this good news they all took a sigh of relief and started wishing each other.. Nani came to Arnav and kissed his forehead..

Nani: Mubarak ho beta.. Tum paapa bangaye ( Congratulations Arnav.. You have become a Father now )

It was a very proud moment for him.. He never thought he would ever see this day in his life. Not until Khushi showed him the meaning of a true and blissful life..


was the first one to see Khushi and his baby. Khushi was lieing on the hospital bed whereas the Nurse just got the baby cleaned up and placed him beside Khushi. The couple were touched to see their own child. Khushi's eyes filled with tears..

Khushi: he is so tiny.. ( she replied holding the baby in her arms.. )

She then gestured Arnav to hold the baby too but he was afraid.. There was so much tension on his face.. Firstly because of the Operation that Khushi had to undergo and secondly the mere fact that the baby was finally in their lives..Khushi understood his worry and then slowly leaned herself with the baby towards him. So that they both could touch the baby the same time and only she will have to hold it.. The baby's eyes were closed but the moment Arnav touched his cheek, he made a movement and they both felt like he SMIRKED.. Arnav's eyes became moist too seeing his byproduct.. Just like him.. Before smile or cry.. he SMIRKED!! He kissed the baby's forehead.. A lone drop of tear fell on the baby's cheeks which he gently wiped off. Khushi saw that and got very emotional .. She never seen Arnav SIngh Raizada so sensitive like he was today. Arnav cupped Khushi's face..

Arnav: You have not just given me a reason to live.. You have given me Life khushi.. All these months I have seen you taking pain for this one moment in our life, for this one blessing in our life.. I can finally feel it.. You have managed to make me feel the most blissful feeling on this earth. .. I wont hold myself from confessing it to you anymore..

He took a long and deep breathe and then finally cupped her face more tightly.

Arnav: I love you Khushi.. I now realise I love you.. More than any damm thing in this world.. More than any damm person in this earth.. I love you!!

He took Khushi in his embrace who was totally thrilled hearing the best confession of her husband for her. Finally she was able to get his true feelings out.. All the time he named it Passion, intensity, liking.. and what not.. It was today after seeing their baby that he realised it was LOVE..!! This is LOVE!!


It had been almost 2 weeks now that Khushi and their baby boy had returned back to Raizada House. Nani was still with them to take care of the new born and Khushi. Arnav Singh Raizada was so much enjoying his fatherhood though he was still not very sure if he can hold such a tiny baby in his arms comfortably. Khushi was in the bedroom feeding her baby when Anjali knocked the door and came inside.

Khushi: Di? When did you come?

Anjali came inside the room and kept the fruits she got for Khushi on the table aside.

Anjali: Just fes minutes back. I was talking to Nani downstairs. Even Shyam has come. He is down with your husband.
Khushi kept the baby on the bed as he was fast asleep by now. Anjali sat next to her .
Anjali: How are you doing? Is the baby troubling you much?
Khushi: I am good Di.. Baby doesnt let us sleep much at nights. ( she proudly stated).. So I sleep at day times. Both me and Arnavji are wide awake to take care of the baby at night.
Anjali: ( sighed): Strange!! But I am not surprised..
Khushi was initially confused what she tried to mean but later she got the hint that may be again her Di was going to utter ill things about Arnavji.
Khushi: Di.. If you are going to speak about Arnavji now, dont!!
ANjali: ( holding Khushi's hand): Dont worry.. I have realised what he is.. And how much deserving he is to become your husband..
Khushi was surprised.
Khushi: Means?
Anjali: I have read him thoroughly when you were in the ICU delivering the baby Khushi.. His pain for you.. his worry.. everything reflected right from his heart that day. I could see he doesnt just adores you, he loves you from the bottom of his heart.. And Nani also told me how much he takes care of you and the baby these days. A true husband and a true father.. I was always worried how your relationship would work. But you managed it beautifully Khushi. You wont believe but there was a time when I also used to be jealous of you..

Khushi was shocked.. Her Di was Jealous of her? Why? She remembered how Arnav had already pointed that out long ago..

Anjali: But now I have realised that jealousy was just a phase.. My insecurity towards you as a sister. I wanted to protect you but in that duration, when I saw Arnav's passion for you, his full time supportive nature towards you and our family, the way he always stood up for you against each and everyone, and then this baby.. Everything changed my heart. I now can be sure that He is the right partner for my Khushi. Sorry for all what I did earlier .. Sorry for being so rude towards him. I know as a wife it might have hurt you so much..

Anjali's tears mellowed Khushi. She immediately hugged her sister to make her feel better.

Khushi: Di its okay.. Such things do happen.. And I am glad you have realised your mistake..
Anjali ( pulling back from the hug): Its your kindness that you have not taken it to your heart

There was a knock at the door that same instant.. Both the sisters wiped their tears as Arnav came in..

Arnav: ( looking at Anjali): You never fail to make my wife cry Mrs Jha.. Atleast now spare her.. ( he clenched his jaw)
Khushi: Arnavji.. Its not what you thinking. Di and I were talking something else.
Arnav: I dont appreciate any talks in this house which hurts my wife or my child.

Khushi ( quickly getting up from bed): Arnavji.. Please..
Anjali (interrupted): No Khushi.. He is right.. No man can tolerate his wife and child being hurt.. Thats what the traits of a good husband and father is.. ( she came forward to Arnav and smiled at him ..) I dont need to say this, since I have now realised what Khushi means to you. But still, being her sister I will still hope that you continue to always stand by her.

She then walked out of the room leaving the couple alone.

Khushi: Aap bhi naa Arnavji... !! Di was apolozising for what she behaved all these days with you. Thats what made we both emotional. And you taunted her again..
Arnav: She apolozised?
Khushi: Yes..
Arnav: Good her eyes opened on time and she could see my LOVE for you..

He took a deep breathe and looked at Khushi, whose face lighten up hearing that one word "LOVE". He realised what he said.. And he had no confusion left in his heart with respect to that feeling. He had already confessed his love to Khushi the same day their baby was born and since then he kept telling her those beautiful 3 words day and night... in different ways.. He clicked his fingers to get her attention..

Arnav: Shyam was asking me if we have decided the baby's name..
Khushi: Couples do that long before the delivery.. We never thought about it..
Arnav: Hmm.. I have one name in my mind..
Khushi was thrilled to know that. Arnav slowly walked to the bed and touched the cheeks of his baby softly with his finger.. Khushi always had noticed a delicacy in the way he handles the baby.. So much opposite to his nature of pull push and pin.

Arnav: Ansh!!

Khushi was very delighted to hear that name..

Arnav: Means Portion.. He is the most important portion of our lives.. Ansh!!
Khushi: True Arnavji. ( she sat next to him and caressed the baby too) .. Arnav and Khushi ka Ansh!! I loved the name.. Ansh Singh Raizada.. Again.. ASR!! ( she proudly stated)
Arnav: He will be a lighter version of ASR though.. Unlike me.. !!

Khushi gigled at that comment and leaned her head on Arnav's shoulder.. Their peaceful life had become more enthral after the arrival of their baby..

Khushi: I will tell Di, Jeejaji and Nani about this name.. Ek minute..

She started running to the door.
Arnav: Khushi.. Careful.. You are still weak ( he shouted at her but she didnt care).

Arnav sighed.. This woman was so active and lively even after becoming a mother..


Khushi had done the propogonda of their baby's name to everyone downstairs and after getting the compliments on thinking of such a cute name, she came back to her room to tell Arnavji the good comments .. The moment she entered the door, she saw Arnavji sleeping on the bed, just beside the baby, wrapping his arm securedly around him, to ensure he is safe.. The scene was blissful and Khushi couldnt take her eyes off them.. She had never seen her husband sleeping so peacefully in the past few days. Her sudden pregnancy had definitely scared him the most than her but as the days passed he turned out to be the most sensible husband in understanding her needs and fulfilling her demands.. Patience had never been his cup of tea but these days it was his only weapon to sustain his wife's Post delivery mood swings too. Truly Love had changed this mighty monster to a sweetest and lovable man who only wanted to protect his little family against every odd. She had seen him taking efforts in learning the responsibilities of a father and he was managing that very well too. He had to be rewarded for that. .She locked the door and climbed the bed just behind Arnav, wrapping her arm over his body and closed her eyes to get some rest. This was the only time the couple could sleep at day time as their nights always goes in baby sitting..

The End

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