Part 51

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It took almost few minutes for Khushi to realise that she had totally given into this relationship with Arnavji.. She had accepted her husband and their marriage in all terms today. A totally nerve tickling feeling ran into her heart and body as she kept admiring her sleeping husband.. her Arnavji..!! This same man whom she called Devil .. whom she hated for messing her life and turning it upside down, was the one she had started loving. And tonight she even broke all the major barriers she always had built between them. He would no longer get any chance to complain her about not being his complete wife. She chuckled softly and ran her fingers in his hair, brushing it gently. Even that movement wasnt enough for him to wake up.. He was not so insensitive.. He was very quick in realising things happening around him even when he was fast asleep. But today the sleep he was having had double effect.. Firstly he had lightened his heart by sharing his childhood grief with her and secondly he got his wife.. his Khushi.. in all terms tonight whom he had always wanted so terribly.. Why wouldnt he sleep peacefully then? She looked at the clock. It was 04:00 am.. Very early to wake up when you are holidaying with your husband.. She found him holding her hand in sleep and cuddling it to his heart. She closed her eyes smiling at his actions and drifted to sleep.


09:00 am

Even after sleeping after him, she was the first one to wake up and start her day in "Bali".. The weather outside was calm and the beach looked so amazing from their room window.. She stood there for a while reminscing about the last night's events when suddenly she heard him calling her name and getting up with a jerk from his sleep.

Arnav: Khushi??? (he screamed looking everywhere around him)

She immediately rushed to the bed and sat next to him, touching his cheek.

Khushi: Arnavji? I am here.. Kya hua? Koi bura sapna dekha? ( What happened? Did you see a bad dream?)

Arnav took few seconds to calm down and breathe normally. He caught her arm and kept looking in her eyes.. She had no idea what he tried to read in them.. Or may be she knows what he wanted to ask..

Khushi: Hum theek hai Arnavji.. (I am alright Arnavji)
Arnav: You sure? ( he didnt know why he wasnt convinced she was okay.. )
Khushi: Haan.. Ab kya likh ke de? ( Now should I write it and give?)

She gigled to calm down the conversation but he was still very serious.. She stopped gigling..

Khushi: Kya hua? Why are you looking so tensed? I thought from today, you would wake up happily every morning.. ( she smiled again)
Arnav: I dont want anyone to share their best moments with me only because they Sympathize on my past.. ( he was clear enough to make her understand what he meant )
Khushi's smile faded. She cupped his face.
Khushi: Believe me Arnavji.. It wasnt Sympathy!!
Arnav: What would you name it then?
Khushi: Love.. ( she cleverly replied and no wonder she meant it by her heart)

Arnav didnt know how to respond to her.. But he had to make some terms clear to her.. He caught her wrists and lowered her hands from his face.

Arnav: I might never believe in this term Khushi..
Khushi: I know.. You never got it from anyone.. how can you believe it then? But you know what Arnavji? You are soon going to believe this term.. And even confess it with your heart to me.. I am going to shower so much love on you that you will have no place for your griefs and that ugly past in your heart at all.

He just liked what she said.. He pulled her close but she pushed him away getting up.

Arnav: What the!!
Khushi: I dont intend to spend my whole day in the room.. Did you see how nice the weather is outside? Lets go out..!!
Arnav: I hate sightseeing.
KHushi: I know you like to see only ME.. But that is not going to work today.. Please Arnavji.. This is my first international trip. Wont you make it happening?

She pouted at him almost driving his senses in a positive way though..

Arnav: Alright!! Chalo..

Khushi jumped with joy and rushed to open her bags. .She wanted to see whats the best she had to wear for the outing today..



She sipped the water from the straw which was immersed in the Soft coconut.

Khushi: Ummm.. It tastes so good.. (she commented looking at Arnavji who was looking at the way she was relishing that coconut water in the beach.. )Aap bhi pijiye naa. ( You too drink it)
Arnav: I will ask the waiter to pour it in a glass..!! ( he was about to call the waiter when suddenly she interrupted)
Khushi: Glass? Coconut water in a glass? WHo drinks it that way?
Arnav : I do..
Khushi: Ufff.. I need to teach you so many things then.. Wait..

She pulled her chair closer to his and dipped a straw in his Coconut..
Khushi: Sip it.. (She anxiously waited to see how Arnav Singh Raizada looks when he sips from a straw .. )
Arnav: No way. ( his replies were always short and to the point)
Khushi: WHAT THE!! You are denying your wife? Your BELOVED wife?
Arnav: Alrigghhhhtt.!! ( he stressed the word to make her stop blabbering further).. I will drink. happy?
Khushi ( folded her arms on the table top , admiring him.. ): Very happy.. Drink!!
Arnav ( slightly blushed): you are going to stare at me like that while I sip this Stupid coconut water?
Khushi replied only by blinking her eyes.. Ofcourse she was not going to miss this moment..
Arnav ( sighed ): Okay.. The more your trouble me now.. the more I am going to torture you later..

Khushi's cheeks turned red but she didnt mind him flirting.. Afterall he was her so loving and caring husband..

Khushi: We will see that later.. First drink this..

Arnav: I have a better plan.. wait..

He picked another straw and dipped it in the coconut so that now they were two straws in that one Coconut..

Arnav: Lets drink together..
Khushi: Awwwww...
Arnav placed the tip of the straw towards her mouth. she readily agreed to share the Coconut drink with him.. Arnav finally sipped it from the straw the way she wanted him to do..

Khushi: feels good.. Hai naa?
Arnav: Amazing. ( he replied continuing his next sip with her)


After spending a long day outside they reached back in the Resort.. She had bought a pair of Sunglasses for her and Arnavji, a pair of slippers to wear in the room and on the beach.. a hat for him and her.. and some real cool floral design clothes for him and her.. She had to convince Arnavji a lot to buy those. He wasnt agreeing to wear such floral design shirts.. it wasnt his style.. but only for her, he agreed to buy if not wear it.. But Khushi knew how to make him wear it too the next day.. She wanted to see her husband minus that Singh Raizada attitude.. which means.. She wanted to see the real goodish.. childish and sweetish Arnav behind this masked man..!! They were walking inside the resort , hand in hand. Both tired and exhausted .

Arnav asked the receptionist to pass them the room keys. Once he got it, they turned around only to find Claire Thomas standing right before them and smiling..

Claire: Hope you are enjoying your stay here? How did you find this Resort?

Arnav's hold on Khushi's hand tightened.. She realised he was getting angry for meeting his Mother again..

Claire: Ohh Well.. I forgot to give my other introduction to you . Apart from being your mother.. I am also the Owner of this Resort..!! And see my luck... My Son is here to spend some good time with ...( she looked at Khushi again not specifying their relationship openly as if teasing her son and this girl but to her surprise the moment she looked at Khushi, Arnav completed her sentence.. )
Arnav: WIFE!! She is my Wife!!

Well! This was not something Claire didnt knew.. She was just testing her son's patience to see what level of bonding he shares with this girl.

Claire: WIFE ? Woww.. Since when did Arnav Singh Raizada get the need to marry a woman to keep her with him?

Now this question hit directly his brains.. He walked closer to Claire, holding Khushi's hand still..

Arnav: (looking angrily in Claire's eyes): I dont explain my relationships to strangers Lady!! But since you have displeased my wife, by speaking unwanted about me and her, let me make it clear to you.. Women like you are meant to be kept at a distance.. But Women like Khushi should be worshipped.. The day I realised this difference, I married her..!!

Khushi kept looking at Arnav with more admiration.. Did he just say woman like her should be worshipped? Awww... Arnav dragged Khushi with him to leave to their room. Even though Claire kept calling out his name he didnt stop neither allowed Khushi to turn back. The moment they reached their room, he pulled one of their bags..

Arnav: We will check in elesewhere..
Khushi: Why?
Arnav: You know WHY Khushi ( he angrily screamed)
Khushi jerked but she didnt mind clearing his thoughts.
Khushi: I strongly feel that you should stop running from your past Arnavji..
Arnav gritted his teeth. .He probably never wanted to talk more about this again after last night. .
Khushi: The day you stop running from your past, you will get your real happiness.. And you are not alone in this Arnavji. .I am with you.. I will be with you everytime you need me..

She softly caressed his cheek trying to get his anger composed..

Arnav: Your Words are not enough to heal what I have been through..
Khushi: I have given myself completely to you for a lifetime Arnavji.. Even that isnt enough to heal your past?

Whatever she just said turned his anger down.. He caught her arms and pulled her close. They remained silent, looking in each others eyes for few moments..

Khushi: Feeling better now?
Arnav: Not until you put your last said words to practice.. ( he smirked while her cheeks turned redder and redder. )

Before she could run away, Arnav had made his boundary secured .. There was no chance she could cross the boundaries of his arms.


Next Morning

Arnav: This is insane..I am not wearing this shirt and going out.

Arnav tried to take off the Floral print shirt which Khushi had made him wear forcibly. Khushi stopped him immediately.

Khushi: Arnavji, whats wrong in this shirt ? You are looking 10 times younger in this. Trust me..!!
Arnav: I dont want to look younger. ( he took off the shirt and threw it on the bed)
Khushi sighed in disappointment.
Khushi: Well.. I forgot. Who am I to make you do things as per my wish ? ( she was trying to blackmail him now by her emotional talks)
Arnav keenly observed her reactions. Her face looked pale as she turned the other side.

Khushi: You are Arnav Singh Raizada afterall. !!

She picked the shirt from the bed to fold it and keep back inside. He came to her and turned her around.

Arnav: Stop Blackmailing me. Thats the last thing I would want anyone to do me.
Khushi: Hmm.. (she started folding the Shirt quietly not looking happy about it)
Arnav snatched the shirt from her.
Arnav: I am wearing this just one time.
Khushi's lips curved for a smile. She jumped happily wrapping her arms around his neck.

Khushi: My blackmailing worked!!
Arnav's eyebrow twitched high. His wife was good at both .. blackmailing him .. and teasing too..
Khushi: Okay.. I will get changed too. Should i wear that peach frock?
Arnav: Anything you want to.
Khushi: No.. You tell me Arnavji.. I want to wear clothes of your Choice..
Arnav: YOU are my choice.. doesnt matter what you wear..

Khushi was so touched by his words..

Khushi: I love you Arnavji.. ( she blushed hard while meeting his eyes)

Whenever she said she loved him.. his heart always melted and he felt like to reply the same to her. But he didnt wanted to use that word until he really understands the depth of it. Love had a huge meaning in her life and he would confess that openly to her only when he really thinks the great mighty Arnav Singh Raizada has really fallen in Love..

Arnav: I know that Sweetheart.. Now Go and get ready fast .. Breakfast is ready downstairs..
Khushi : Abhi aayi.. meanwhile please fetch the sunglasses for me.. Its in the closet I suppose.
Arnav didnt complain.. But she was Ordering him? Thats new and looks like its going to be habit of hers from now on which he needs to get used to.

She rushed to the bathroom to get changed while he opened the closet and started hunting for the new Sunglasses she bought last evening ..

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