Part 10

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"Hi beautiful", he whispered in a low tone as he didn't wish to make her embarrass before her family and land up in more troubles.

Khushi: (trying to speak with the toothbrush in her mouth): Aaaaaaapp? Yahan?
Arnav: Hmm.. This is my house now. Kaise naa aata? ( how would I stop myself from coming?)

She just hoped not to faint. He ..he is their new owner?

Arnav: Welcome nahi karogi mujhe?? Khuuussshii?

His husky tone especially uttering her name was just not a good sign for her. Suddenly she heard her brother's voice from inside asking her who is at the door. She turned around and that gave Arnav a chance to get in. As soon as Akash saw Arnav , he was shocked. He knew this man. Akash had met him in Mehta's office. Akash got up from the chair walking towards Arnav.

Arnav had no plans to keep the family waiting for his introduction.

Arnav: Mr Bakshi sold this property to me. I own this house now.

Akash was speechless. So he was their new owner? Though he didnt like Arnav's attitude much right from their first meet, he still had to welcome him inside. The family quickly surrounded him and Khushi went inside to finish burshing her teeth. She was already in a trauma that Arnav Singh Raizada had reached her house and not just that but he always bought it from their previous owner. What did he want, she had no idea.

Akash: (To Arnav): We have met before..!!
Arnav: Indeed. You denied quitting Mehta's job and work for me.
Akash lowered his gaze feeling uncomfortable.
Arnav: You know Akash. I dont like people denying me for anything. What I want, I always get it. ( he looked briefly towards Khushi and then again saw Akash).. But I still ignored your denial because I saw loyalty in your eyes for the company you work in. And it stands way high in my eyes. !!

Akash smiled. He never thought Arnav Singh Raizada will ever praise him for denying to join his company. The family asked him to get seated. Anjali rushed inside to make Tea for him. Nani, Akash and SHyam were sitting opposite to him whereas Khushi was too thrilled what was going to happen next. She was just praying the family doesnt come to know about the Snacks date she had with Arnav the previous day. Arnav while scanning the house, did glance at khushi again and again to check what her reactions were. She seemed to be very scared of his act. Suddenly Anjali called Khushi in the Kitchen and she had to leave. Soon she came out holding the tea tray. She stopped at Arnav extending the tea cup. He stared at her face and then picked one. She kept her gaze lowered. He could see sweat beads forming fresh on her forehead. That showed how much tensed she was. She didnt follow his demand last night, this was her punishment. He sipped the tea once and kept admiring her as she served tea to the others.

Arnav(to himself): Apne aap ke alawa main Kisi pe yakeen nahi Karta toh tumpse kaise yakeen Karta Khushi Gupta. Iss liye kharid liya tumhara ghar taaki main tumhe control kar saku. ( I dont believe anyone other than myself then how can I trust you Khushi Gupta. Thats why I purchased your house so that I can control you.)

Akash introduced Arnav to the Gupta family and Khushi was the last one in the queue. Arnav had finished his tea by then.

Akash: She is my younger sister, Khushi.

Khushi kept looking down, clutching the ends of her duappata feeling horrible.

Arnav: I know her.
Khushi's eyes widened in shock. She hoped he doesnt blurt it out or else there will be a huge drama here.
Akash (Surprised): How do you know her?
Arnav: She fainted in my arms once.

The family looked at Khushi whereas she was just holding her dupatta tight and supressing the fear within her.

Arnav: My men then dropped her back home.
Akash (Remembered): Ohh Yes. They had called me on my number. It was rainy night and Khushi even fell sick after that.
Arnav: She did? (He smirked once).. I guessed so. !
Akash: So ...We should be thanking you for this favour.
Arnav: It was my pleasure. So dont thank. I wanted to see the house once. Khushi..? Will you mind giving me a tour of this house?

It was difficult for Khushi to even agree for this. What will the family feel ? They were already not looking much happy with the way he gave extra attention to her.

Akash(Interrupting): Uhh. I will do that for you ASR.. Please come.. !!

He gestured Arnav to take a walk with him so that he can see the house. Arnav was unhappy because he needed Khushi to do this , not Akash. But he kept quiet and went inside.

Anjali (Coming to Khushi): I dont like him... You better be inside.
Khushi: (Stammering): Wh.. why di ? Whats wrong?
Anjali: Nothing much Khushi. But he seems to be giving over attention to you. The way he sees you, smiles at you , I feel it quite odd. He doesnt know you much and I saw him stealing glances of yours. These rich people have no hold on their eyes. He might have bought the house, not the family living in it. So you do as I say. Just get inside and be there until he goes.

Shyam (Chuckled): Over protective Sister. Stop ordering my Saali Saheba so much. Whats her fault if she is so beautiful? Any guy will take this opportunity to admire her.
Khushi gigled hearing her Jeejaji's praises.
Shyam: Is something burning Khushi? (He purposely asked to tease Anjali)
Anjali ( Dropping her jaw): Shyamji.. Stop pulling my leg. I am just thinking good for my sister. Thats all.
Khushi: Jiji.. Dont think so much. I am a grown up girl now. I know how to protect myself.
Shyam: See. I told you.. My Saali Saheba is very matured now. Now if you done ordering her, can you please help me with my coat? I have to leave for work and I am not finding it.

Anjali went inside her room along with Shyam. Khushi was relieved that she could convince her sister somehow that she can protect herself. But was it true? Can she protect herself from a Psycho like Arnav Singh Raizada? She kept thinking all this while getting back to her room. She started selecting a dress that she should wear after her bath and thats when Akash knocked her room and taking her permission to get in, both Akash and Arnav entered in.

Akash: And this is Khushi's room. The last room of this house but of course the best one .

Arnav scanned the room very slowly. He was trying to capture each and every thing he saw in the room within his mind. The Old Teak wood bed at the center, with golden stars hanging from the top, a study table at the corner of the room with a Devi Maiyaa Idol kept on it, some books lying at the other side of the table, a small cupboard which was half open as she was choosing clothes before they entered here. Such a moderate and simple life she lead. Akash got a call on his mobile and it was from his Office. He excused Arnav and left the room, That was called a perfect timing, he thought and looked at Khushi who was standing at the cupboard, trying to relax from this uneasiness.

Arnav: So what were you saying last night? You dont care the consequences for not obeying my commands? Do you feel the same even now or planning to change that statement?
Khushi: (Sighed ): What do you want?
Arnav: Relax Sweetheart. !! So much hurrying to be punished?
Khushi : Punish? You will punish me? For what? For cutting your call and going to sleep?
Arnav (Stepping towards her): No.. I am punishing you for not letting me sleep the whole night when I really needed to.
Khushi (Confused): Whats my fault if you didnt sleep the whole night?

"Beauuuutiful", Arnav mumbled tucking her hair locks behind her ear. He didnt even care which place he was. She closed her eyes for few seconds but when she heard Akash's voice nearing, she pushed Arnav's hand and stepped back.

Akash came in. Khushi concentrated back on her work which she doing previously.

Arnav (Turning to Akash): Your family is permitted to stay here Akash. And there will be no changes in the Rent too. But you will have to sign the new agreement papers.. Just a formality.!!
Akash (Happy): Sure.
Arnav: Good. My lawyer will be getting the papers here tomorrow. (He again looked at Khushi).. I should be leaving. !!
Akash: Okay. I will call the family outside..

Akash left before Arnav giving him some more chance to disturb Khushi's peace. She was still facing the closet and fiddling with her dresses. He stood right behind her and picked one Pink dress. She almost jerked when she sensed him behind her. He moved away and placed the dress on the bed. That was enough for her to understand what his gesture meant.

He left the room giving her a final look. She didnt even went out to bid him a bye though he kept on checking regularly if she was following him. The family took a sigh of relief when he left their house vicinity. Most of them were not much happy with their new owner. He was different and little scary type. Khushi picked the dress he had chose for her. Thats when her mobile started ringing. It was his call. She was forced to answer it.

Arnav ( on call): You can wear anything you wish, I just showed you which one I liked. So no wrong consequences for wearing a different choice than mine. Now listen to me very carefully Khuuusshhi. I am going to a Casino tonight. And I want my lucky charm to accompany me.!!

Khushi: Ohh really? Then why wasting time in calling me? Ring her and talk to that lucky charm of yours..
Arnav: Thats what I am doing baby..

She hicuuped when he called her "BABY"..She hated such butter coated words from him..Sweetheart was still acceptable because she loved sweets so her heart had to be sweet. But BABY? She was not a baby!! And she was his lucky charm? That was again a NEWS for her. And last but not the least.. CASINO?

Khushi: (Coming back to her sense): CASINO?
Arnav: Hmm.. There's a huge game tonight and I am participating. I will pick you sharp at 10:00pm.
Khushi : 10:00pm? Night? No.. I cannot leave home at night. What will I tell my family? And I can never agree to go to a CASINO. I feel such places are unsafe for good girls!!
Arnav: You will be safe with me. Make any excuse, I dont care. But dare if you deny me!!

Khushi was speechless. She cannot keep accepting such demands from him always.. What is she suppose to do. He cut the call not without asking her to be mentally ready for this short ride with him to this destination. She hoped she was really doing right by hiding all this from her family. The day they will know this, she was sure to be punched hard.!!

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