Part 54

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Arnav's sudden departure from Gupta house had lead many questions raised in the minds of the Gupta family. Everything was going so smooth since the time he returned from his Business trip today morning until Akash and Lavanya's wedding happened. Though the relatives and guests were in the house, the family took Khushi in a seperate room to check if everything was alright between them.

Anjali: What exactly happened Khushi? He seemed quite okay today. Why did he leave without taking you ?
Nani: Did you tell him about your pregnancy.. ?

Nani's question instigated some more fear in Khushi's mind. She didnt know if she had to tell her family about what conversation happened between her and Arnav.. Infact there was no conversation. He didnt even speak a word to her after she told about her pregnancy. What is this supposed to mean? Seeing Khushi so lost Nani made her turn to them.

Nani: Is he not ready for this child?

Anjali was suddenly raged.

Anjali: Waah!! This is what I expected. Men like him can love their wife but they arent prepared for children.
Khushi ( interrupted with a stern Voice): Di ek minute.. Dont draw conclusions. He never said he doesnt want this child.
Anjali: Then what did he say? Why did he leave like this? Just few hours ago he was desperate to take you back home right? Then why he left alone?
Khushi knew her questions are right.

Khushi ( faking): He might have got some urgent work.
Nani: Whats so urgent than you and this baby inside you? Dont give us excuses Khushi. Should I talk to him?
Khushi: Nahi Nani.. Please dont.. Let me reach home. I will speak to him myself. He just needs little time to accept this truth I suppose..
Anjali: But for that he doesnt need to stay away from you.. I am not convinced that he needs time. I think he doesnt want this child. I wont be surprised if he comes and asks you to abort it.

The moment Anjali said this Khushi screamed in anger at her.

Khushi: Enough Di.. Just stop pointing my husband .. Please... You dont leave a single chance to talk against him.. Arnavji is my husband and I know him a lot more than you all. He will never ask me to abort this baby.. Its his baby.. Our baby..

Everyone else remained silent after Khushi's outburst. She picked her purse from the bed.

Khushi: I had called the Car from home. Its waiting outside. I will leave now.
Nani: Let us know if there is any problem.
Khushi noded and quickly hugged Nani and others. She then left for Raizada House..


Raizada House

It was 02:00 am, Khushi was standing at the Poolside French doors looking at the calm water. There was a storm blowing in her heart.. Arnavji was still not home. She hadnt tried to ring him up and check where he was. Did he ask her before leaving? No.. And why should always she try to ammend things between them? She was ready to do it always but not today.. Today he had hurt the most crucial part of hers.. He had hurt not just her heart but the baby inside her. Why Arnav?? Why did he do that?

With her moist eyes she kept leaning against the French doors waiting for Arnavji's return. She was so lost in her thoughts that she never realised when the room door got opened and he entered inside.. He was not surprised to see her back home. While driving back here, he had called up her Nani to check if Khushi was still at Gupta House but later when he came to know he had already left, he increased the speed of his vehicle to reach home as soon as possible. He kept the coat on the bed and without further delay he reached her. The room was still dark and the only light that lightened their room was the moon light. She had changed into her pink night salwar and was still in her own world when she felt his arms wrapping around her wrist and making her turn around. She closed her eyes , her tears rolling down her cheeks as he made her face him. He wasnt happy either seeing his wife in this state. He quickly wiped off her tears and that made her open eyes and see him.

He gulped down his nervousness. He was already repenting for making her feel so low and confused. He caressed her cheek bone with his finger and gulped again trying to find the right words..

Arnav: I wont let this baby face the same fate which I did.. I cant let anyone name it as our Unwanted child. We had decided not to plan a baby so soon. I wasnt prepared.. I am still not.. But now that your Devi Maiyaa has blessed us with it, lets make it happen..

Khushi felt little relieved that he didnt had any negative plans for her pregnancy atleast.. But she was still quiet..

Arnav: I left you there.. because it came to me as a Shock.. I .. I needed some time to think what was happening in our lives.. I wanted time to accept the fact that now we have someone coming between us who would need our love.. It had hardly been few months that we started our relationship. I wanted to give the best of me as a husband first before taking this responsibility. But looks like now I will have to learn the new role too and take this additional responsibility with the same seriousness and dedication like I took yours.

Khushi was still not satisfied.. She had one doubt in her mind which was necessary to get cleared at this stage.

Khushi: Will this child be a burden for you?

Arnav probably didnt like that question which is why his grip on her face tightened..

Arnav: Anything related to you has never been a burden for me.. And this is OUR baby Khushi. Our very own.. Dont think anything like that. Its wrong..

The maturedness Arnav showed at this moment was praise worthy. She quickly embraced him and he took a sigh of relief.. They stood like that for some minutes, both trying to accept the fact that their life was going to take another major turn in the coming months..

Arnav: Khushi.. ( he huskily took her name)
Khushi: Hmm..

SHe was in no mood to even open her eyes. SHe wanted to be lost in him.. in his love..

Arnav: I am not going to change the baby's diapers.. ANd you will never force me do that ever...

He was serious about this.. Khushi quickly pulled back and looked at him gigling..

Arnav: Dont laugh.. I am serious dammit..
Khushi ( holding her laugh): Okay.. I.. ( she laughed again)... Sorry.. I will never ask you do that.. Theek hai?
He took her again in his embrace..
Arnav: Hmm..

He took another serious sigh and then closed his eyes giving into this moment..


Khushi was 4 months pregnant now. Her Pregnancy hormones were very active these days and she was showing all signs of a normal pregnancy too. Every morning she would wake up and run in the bathroom to take care of her morning sickness. It would wake him up too. He would curse the fact that his wife was undergoing so much trouble but very soon she would relax him saying it was normal and that she really enjoyed this phase.. He worked only half days from office now.. He wanted to spend most of the time with Khushi to ensure she was been looked after and that she doesnt feel alone. Khushi indeed took advantage of this and made him sit next to her for hours.. doing nothing..

Nani would keep giving her tips and she would follow them seriously just to ensure that their baby would be healthy inside her.

Arnav had just returned from the Office in the evening now. He entered the bedroom only to find Khushi measuring her belly using a measuring tape. It was a breathtaking scene for him because he too was realising that her stomach was blowing like a balloon slowly. He came to her and wrapped his arms around her from behind.

Arnav: What's happening Sweetheart??
Khushi was surprised that he came back so soon. She placed her arms over his which were currently resting on her stomach.

Khushi: I was measuring my tummy.. Dr had told me by now it will grow by one inch. But see its still not.
Arnav sighed but he was enjoying Khushi's concern.

Arnav: Do woman get crazy during their first trimester of Pregnancy? I should have asked that to the Dr..
Khushi's eyes rolled up high..

Khushi: Kya matlab?? I am crazy??
Arnav: Then what?? Why would you do such antics otherwise?? Of measuring your tummy?? Dr's are specialised to check all this. You wont realise if its grown by one inch or not so early..

Khushi pouted and kept the measuring tape aside swinging slowly in Arnav's arms closing her eyes.. These days she liked being pampered by him. But very soon she also remembered he had just come back from work and might need some rest..

Khushi: You freshen up meanwhile I will get coffee..

She was about to leave downstairs but he stopped her and took her back in his embrace.

Khushi: Ehhh.. Slowly.. Ab aise pin, pull and push nahi chalega.. Our baby is feeling all that too..( now this pin, pull and push wont work. Our baby is feeling all that too)
Arnav: Then let it feel. Let him or her know how much intensity I have for you..
Khushi sighed in frustration now though she was still in his arms only..

Khushi: You only have intensity for me yet?? Not love??

Arnav was quiet.. But he didn't break their eye lock. He knew he didnt had to give a reply to that either. Khushi knows he doesnt believe in Love..

Khushi: Humme pata hai. You will never confess it until you actually feel it by heart..
Arnav: Good your pregnancy has not wiped off your memory..( he teased her)

Khushi sighed and leaned on him again closing her eyes.. He picked her in arms and carried her to the bed. He made her lie down and then sat next to her holding her arm in his..

Arnav: I had called up your Gynac today to take your next appointment. I couldn't come last time with you there which is why you took your Di along. But next all the appointments I am not going to miss..

Khushi was surprised he was planning to accompany her to the Gynacs. They had an argument over this earlier when she had wanted him to come along during her tests and he had denied. He wasnt a normal husband. He had his own likes and priorities. ?? She hadnt talked to him for a day due to that argument and later convinced herself that its better she doesnt force him for all this. The day he feels to accompany her, he will come by his own and the same thing happened. He had agreed finally after taking one whole month for this decision.

Arnav: In the coming few weeks we will be able to see our baby on the screen during the sonography.. How can I miss that??

Khushi felt so nice to hear that.. She gripped his arm tight looking passionately in his eyes.. He had changed so much.. Was he the same man who once was unsure if he wanted this baby or not?

Khushi: Hum bahut khush hai..!! At least this time I will not have to hear Anjali Di's negative talks against you that you still care for your Business more than me and my child.
Arnav clenched his jaw.
Arnav: She still feeds you all that? What kind of woman is she? What does she want to prove by brainwashing you against me?

Khushi didnt have an answer to that but Arnav did.

Arnav: I think she is jealous of you.
Khushi : What? No.. Why will she be jealous of her own sister?
Arnav: You have everything which she still dreams of.. Passionate husband.. big house.. rolling in money.. and most importantly she married before you still never conceived but you did within 4 - 5 months of our marriage. What other proofs you want to know she is jealous of you?

Khushi was still not satisfied with his explanations.

Khushi: No.. You are overthinking.. Di cant be jealous of me..
Arnav: Fine.. She is your sister.. You know her better than me. But remember one thing. I am not going to let you stay there for your Pregnancy care in the crucial months.
Khushi: But Arnavji, its a tradition.. Woman's first pregnancy has to be taken care of by her Mayka people. After my babyshower ( godhbharai) I will have to stay in my Mayka till the baby is born..
Arnav: NO.. ( he straightly replied).. You are my wife.. This is my baby. .Why should they look after you? I am fit enough to take care of you both. I dont need outsiders..
Khushi: We need a Woman in the house.. There are some things which only woman can know and assist better to a Pregnant woman Arnavji..
Arnav: I will get the best Doctors and Nurses stay in this house and look after you 24/7. I am sure they will know your condition better than your Mayka people..

Khushi could see he was in no mood to send her to her home for the Delivery purpose. She didnt want to upset him. And if she goes there for few months, who will take care of him? He definitely cant stay in Gupta house with her. He is not very comfortable there.

Khushi ( cupping his cheeks ): Theek hai.. I wont go anywhere. I will be here.. with you.
Arnav slightly smirked and caressed her face gently.. His wife was the best thing he got in his life. He will never let her go away from him, no matter what..!!

Rabba Ishq Naa Hove - Season 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora