Part 25

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Nani: Namaste beta!!
Arnav: I dont know much of the traditions followed in India. I have always stayed abroad, away from all this .Neither I have anyone who can come here and talk on my behalf. So Whatever I am doing might sound strange to you people but I cant help!

Nani and others were still in confusion.

Arnav(looking at Khushi once and then turning back to Nani): Mujhe aap ki naatin se Shaadi karni hai!! ( I want to marry your Grand daughter)

That one statement shook the hearts of every individual standing here. Khushi dropped her phone from hand which luckily didnt break. That sudden noise in the silence grabbed other's attention. Anjali was raged. She looked at Khushi in anger.

Anjali : Khushi.. Go inside the room..

Khushi was too nervous at the moment to understand anything.

Anjali: Lavanya, take her in the room now.
Lavanya noded and dragged Khushi in the room. Arnav was unhappy when HIS Khushi was made to leave the scene without his permission.

Akash: Marriage? With Khushi?
Arnav: Why? Whats wrong in that Akash? You wont find a better life partner for your sister than me.
Anjali furiously stepped towards him.

Anjali: Stop overestimating yourself Mr Arnav Singh Raizada. I dont know what made you get such a proposal for Khushi. She is still very young and we are not interested in getting her married.
Arnav: Young? I heard this country permits a girl to get married from 18. Khushi has already crossed that, I suppose.
Anjali: Even though she has, we are not interested in this proposal. Please leave.
Arnav was just controlling his anger. He didnt wanted to mess up at the moment. This was the golden opportunity of filling up all the gaps between him and his addiction for Khushi. He wont waste it.

Arnav: Well. Its not your decision I am bothered of.. (he replied in anger)
Anjali: Nani will give you the same reply. We are part of a family Mr Raizada. We think alike.
Arnav: But Khushi doesnt.. She might be a part of this family but she will not disagree for this wedding. And even if she does, I know how to convince her.

Anjali was again very much frustrated on his talks.

Anjali: Dont take my sister's name from your mouth.
Arnav stepped towards her in anger.
Arnav: I do that every second in my mind Mrs Jha.. Your sister has affected me since months and she is the only one whom I want beside me all the time. This marriage proposal is just an excuse, its a way to bind me to her in your way. I dont believe in traditions, nor in the condition that a man and woman cannot stay together until they are married. For me, what matters is KHUSHI.. Either with the Sindoor and Mangalsutra or without it..I dont give a Damm!!!

Anjali would have cut his throat if he had continued but SHyam came in between and stopped her from over reacting..

Shyam: Rani Saheba.. Please calm down..
Akash took Anjali aside and Shyam faced Arnav's talks further.

Arnav: Your wife doesnt know what I am probably. She needs to keep a watch on her tone while speaking to me Mr Shyam Jha..
Shyam: She is Khushi's sister. Its obvious you will get such a reaction from her.
Arnav: Well.. I dont want to pressurize you all for a reply today. Take your time and let me know what you think about this proposal. I will come back some other day.

He turned around to leave but then remembered something and saw Shyam again.

Arnav: I am not used to hear denial Mr Jha..And I am sure you already have my character list through Sheetal. So it would be better if you and your family dont piss me off by denying this marriage. I can give a second chance to my enemy but not to the people who try to separate me from Khushi.

His warnings were scary..Shyam didnt speak a word. Arnav smirked at the silence and cold behaviour shown by the Gupta's to him and left the house.


Khushi was sitting on the bed nervously, her mind still unable to believe what just happened. Arnav Singh Raizada proposed her for marriage before the entire family. Was he out of his mind? The moment she heard the sound of his car leaving their premises, she rushed to the window to confirm he left. She had no idea what he said to them after she was made to get inside the room. Her skin was burning with fear. Marriage ? And that too with such a psychic person whom she didnt even love? Whom she was just scared of ?Whom she was facing every day only to save her family from facing any kind of problems ahead?

She jerked as Lavanya placed her hand on Khushi's shoulder.

Khushi: Lavanya.. Did you hear.. ? Did you hear what he said? He .. he asked my hand in marriage? What will happen now Lavanya? I .. I am scared.. I dont want to marry him.. His actions fear me.. His talks.. they scare me Lavanya.. How can I live with such a man my entire life ? I .. I dont love him.. I .. Hey Devi Maiyaa.. What will I do?

Lavanya calmed her down soothing her back. She held Khushi's arm and made her sit on the bed again.

Lavanya: You are simply taking tension Khushi.. Your family will never let this happen.
Khushi: I know.. I know they wont but thats what scares me more..What will he do if we deny him? He will make our lives bitter Lavanya.. You dont know him.. I know what he is.. He can do anything.. He will punish us.. He will not let us live happily..

Lavanya was worried for Khushi. It seemed like Khushi was in a state of deep shock.

Lavanya: Nothing will happen. I assure you that.. I will not let him force you for marriage. Now just calm down and sit here.. Okay?

Khushi was shivering with fear.. Lavanya could not see her in this state. The matter was far off from her hands now.


Almost few minutes had passed that Arnav Singh Raizada had left but the moment of panic and worry still existed in that house. Nani had not spoken a word. She was sitting on the couch thinking.

Anjali: How could he ask for Khushi's hand in marriage? Is he insane? Does he think we dont know about his character?
Akash: I am confused.. How did this happen? I mean as far as we know he never has interacted with Khushi much. Then how can he suddenly ask her hand in marriage?

The family was thinking over Akash's perspective when suddenly Lavanya came there. She had seen and done enough damage on this poor girl. She cannot allow it to happen further.

Lavanya: I have something to confess before you all.
Akash: Confess? What is it?
Lavanya: Its about Arnav Singh Raizada and Khushi..

The family kept gazing at her in shock. Now what does she have to tell. Lavanya was nervous but she didnt waste time in letting the family know the real truth. The fact which was always kept hidden from them. She started telling them slowly how she was treating ASR's psychic health from past few months and how she was the reason why Khushi and Arnav started meeting each other.. The truth was messy but she had no courage of hiding it anymore from them. This family ought to know what was going on even if it meant, they hating her.

The family was shattered with Lavanya's confession. So everytime Khushi was lying to them, giving them excuses of going to Payal's house, she was actually meeting and spending time with Arnav Singh Raizada? Akash was highly pissed off.

Akash: What? You allowed all this to happen? You used my sister only because you thought that was one of the way to treat your Psyhic patient? Ridiculous Lavanya.. Didnt you have brains? Treating him was your job, not my sister's. How could you act so foolish? Did you see this one mistake of yours has lead to what now? This man has slowly started capturing every happiness from our lives..

Lavanya's eyes shed tears uncontrollably. She was already ashamed of this entire act ..

Anjali: How could you screw Khushi's life Lavanya? You guided her in the wrong track.. See what has happened now?
Lavanya: I am sorry Di.. I didnt realise this will happenn..
Akash was furious.
Akash: Enough Lavanya.. You have done enough for us .. Just leave before I take some harsh step..

Lavanya ( shocked): Akash? I ..
Akash: Just go La.. Just leave from here..

Tears rolled down her cheeks..

Lavanya: You asking me to leave? I .. I didnt expect it from you. .
Akash ( with rage in his look): Neither did I La.. You have disappointed not just me.. but our relationship too..

Lavanya wiped her tears slowly .She knew Akash's anger was genuine. And she will have to work a lot to erase this situation from the family's eyes forever. She walked out of the house..


It was the biggest moment for Arnav Singh Raizada.. He had taken an unimaginable decision of his life today. Marrying Khushi Gupta.. He never had ever wanted such strong relationships in his life. Neither did he believed such bonds exists. But after meeting his craziest addiction, his Khushi, a lot many changes came into his life, the desire of marrying was one of them. He popped open the champagne bottle pouring it into the empty glass and enjoying this pre-victory.

Aman Mathur walked in the house with some files which needed his Boss's signatures.

Aman: Boss??
Arnav (gulping the drink): Aman... Come in... Join me for a drink ..
Aman was shocked.. Drink? With his Boss? Either he was dreaming or his Boss was really in a good mood.

Aman: Thanks Boss. But I dont drink..
Arnav: Stop lieng. I wont charge this drink nor cut it from your wages.. Its free of cost ..

Aman had no choice. He sat beside Arnav and took the glass which his Boss forwarded.
Arnav: I have to know somethings from you..
Aman: About.. ( gulping the drink)
Arnav: About.. uhh.. marriage..
Aman hiccuped once.

Aman: Marriage? Whose marriage Boss?
Arnav passed him a winning smile and poured some more drink in Aman's glass.

Arnav: My marriage Aman.. Arnav Singh Raizada's wedding with his soul.. Khushi Gupta..

Now that was a thrilling news for Aman. As far as he knew, Khushi didnt like his Boss much..

Aman: Congrats Boss.. When did this happen?
Arnav: Today... I proposed her family..
Aman: Ohh.. And what .. what did they say ?( Aman raised his doubt)

Arnav: They didnt say anything yet.. but they will Aman.. They will say a YES.. I am not going to give them many options. Not this time.. Not until Khushi is mine.. forever...
Aman by now had realised what must have happened today in Gupta house.. But what worried him was the after effects if by any chance they deny this proposal..

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