Part 3

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Shaina rolled her eyes at his cards and then concentrated back on his face. Surprisingly he was noticing her which made her pass him a quick smile. He ignored.This was the first time she had the honour of having such a famous Young and dashing Business Tycoon in her Casino. She had her eyes on him from the time he had started playing his luck at this table and what surprised her was that he really was a Good player. He had already won two rounds and if he wins the third one, she might have to bear a huge loss which she cannot afford at the moment. She gestured the girl serving Drinks to concentrate on Arnav too. But the moment the tray was forwarded towards Arnav, he moved it away turning to the Bartender girl giving her a "Get out" look. His eyes were very expressive and anyone at the girl's place would never dare cross his way again. She left whereas Shaina tried to change his sudden off mood.

Shaina: Sorry Mr Raizada but its our duty to offer drinks to every guest here. I apolozise if that disturbed you.

He didnt feel it necessary to even respond back or accept her apology. He played his next card concentrating back on game. That was another reason for Shaina's hurt ego. He was here in her Casino, and not even looking at her nor showing any interest to even speak?

Shaina: Uff.. You look too desperate to win .. A beautiful girl is trying to build relationship with you and you are hurting her by your cold attitude.. You are being unpleasant here Mr Arnav Raizada. Arent you?

He played his last card finishing the game, winning it. Shaina was shocked but being a good host, she just got up from her chair and clapped for him. The person who lost, bowed his head down in despair.

Arnav (To Shaina): I dont gamble to Win Shaina.. I gamble because I like taking risks. Winning or losing money cannot change Arnav Singh Raizada's Fate because I am the one who write it.

Shaina was very impressed. Before he could walk away, she blocked his way.

Shaina: You answered only half of my doubts. I had asked you something else too.

She tried to remind him about her last words about he being unpleasant towards such a beautiful girl who was giving him so much attention. He moved her hands off his with a smirk.

Arnav: Are you Indian Shaina?
Shaina (Confused): Yes I am. But What does it have to do with my beauty?
Arnav: Their beauty lies in their values not in such open flirty talks. I dont think you need to know anything further after this. Good Bye.

He left the place with his guards following him. His words were pricky and little hard to digest for a Casino owner Shaina but she still was lost in this man. He was a Rude Charmer.!!


Hope is what people have when they want to achieve something in their favour but his ways and beliefs were little different from all. He was the ruler of his own kingdom, a kingdom which comprised of all his business affairs. His manipulating skills always worked wonders with his business in US and he had started using the same policies even here in India to grow his empire.

He was driving back home, the same place whose darkness always had haunted his mind and body, yet the only place for his solace where he could try creating new memories with people he wished to be with. A person whom he could claim to be his own. A person whom he could call his family. A person whom he could secure from the entire world and keep only for himself. The image of this Only person was already identified by his heart the same day when he had met her in that rainy night and kept her anklet with him. He would not stay at peace until he even gets the owner of that Anklet at this same place and seclude her in his private world.

His thoughts were disturbed by the phone call which was important to answer.

Arnav: Any progress on the Mehta deal?
Aman: You wont be happy to know it ASR.
Arnav: Thats my call. No self opinions Aman. Whats the update ?
Aman: Aryan Roy bagged it. Seems he has a close tie ups with Mehta's . He used old contacts to snatch it from us.

Arnav : Connect me to Mehta.

In few seconds his call was connected to Mr Mehta who was in his office discussing profits of the newly signed deal with Aryan Roy. He answered Arnav's call and also gave him excuses how inappropriate it was to even consider the Raizada's proposal.

Mr Mehta: Being half American doesnt make you eligible for competing this Deal Mr Raizada. I hope you understand. This Project is exclusively only for Indian Businessmen.

He increased the speed of his Car because denial was something he never liked , be it from anyone.

Arnav: Count your days Mr Mehta. It wont be long when this Deal would be in my hands wholly.

His tone had the power to send shivers of fear in the Opposite person's body. Mr Mehta was hoping he would not be in any kind of trouble in future.



Getting Surprises was very common when you have ASR in your friend or enemy list. He could reach you anytime , without prior notice and can scare the hell out of you if you dont deserve his gentleness. Luckily Mehra was not in the Office and Arnav Singh Raizada was turning back to leave. Suddenly he felt a pull towards the only lighted cubicle of this office floor at the corner. Was Mehra there? With any of his Staff? Could be. He came there but the cubicle was vacant. His intuitions can never be wrong. If he had felt a pull towards this place, it had to do something with him. He scanned the cubicle thoroughly and a Photo frame caught his eye. Nerves rushed the blood more rapidly into his brain as he saw the owner of his secluded life hugging a man in the picture with utmost love and care. Was it a matter of concern? Could have been if Arnav Singh Raizada had no control over his emotions. But he never took any decisions in haste. If there was another man in her life, he knew ways to isolate her again, for him, only for him. He took steps inside and stroked his thumb over her picture softly. In just 2 meets this girl had created a deep impact over his mind and body. There had to be a connection with her otherwise all this seemed baseless.

Suddenly he heard a man standing behind him. "Excuse me? What are you doing in my cubicle?" , he exclaimed. He stopped his actions on the photo frame and turned around to get introduced to this same man who was in the photo frame along with ASR's possession.

Arnav: Your cubicle?

The man by now had started guessing who ASR was and what kind of personality he was talking to. He quickly came forward with a smiling face.

"Sorry Sir. I didnt recognise you. I am Akash. Akash Gupta. I am Mr Mehta's Personal assitant. Sorry but Sir is not at Office. He left long back. Is there anything else I can do to help you?

"AKASH"!! So his name was Akash? And who was SHE? If it would have been any normal instance, he would pick that photo frame and pin this AKash to the wall behind, ask him who this girl was in that picture and if the answer would have been even slight negative for his consideration, this Akash would have bleed to death for coming between him and her but ASR knew to have patience too. He tried to weave his web to trap the spider.

Arnav: Akash Gupta, how many years you have been working here with the Mehta's?
Akash: (COnfused on why was he asked this): Uh. 3 years Sir.
Arnav: What do you draw in hand after these 3 years? Few 5 digits sum? How about adding another digit to it and making it look worth for your dedication?

Akash: I.. I didnt get what you mean ..
Arnav: (Smirked): Join AR Group. Quit the Mehta's.
Akash suddenly became serious and that was observed in his tone.

Akash: Thanks for the offer Sir. But Sorry. My loyalty is not for Sale. I am happy working here with the 5 digit salary. Anything else that I can do for you ?
Arnav: You can Akash. But not now. Let the time come and you will know what I want you to do.

Saying that he left the cubicle leaving Akash totally confused.


Laxmi Nagar - Same night

Anjali and her husband Shyam had come to Delhi again to spend a week here in Anjali's mayka as it was Khushi' s birthday day after tomorrow. Never did they miss to celeberate it with the family together. Like everytime , Khushi was discussing her gift with Anjali, when her mobile phone started ringing with some unknown number. She answered it.

Khushi: Hello..

No one answered her back which was strange. She cleared her throat and repeated the "Hello" again but still never got a reply back. SHe cut the call in anger and continued talking to Anjali. Phone rang again.

Khushi: Hello. Who is this?

No reply.
Anjali: Khushi, kaun hai? (Khushi. who is it?)
Khushi: Dont know Jiji. No one is talking.

She concentrated back on the call and started speaking.

Khushi: Muh mein Zubaan nahi hai yeah Ghar mein Maa behan nahi hai ? Baat nahi karni toh phone kyon karte hai? Jaiye , ab hum bhi aapse baat nahi karenge. (Dont you have a tounge to speak.? And Why do you call if you want to talk? Dont you have mother & sister at your home? Keep calling. But now I am not interested to talk)

She kept the phone aside thinking she had disconnected but it wasnt true. The call was active still and she started sharing her b'day plans with Anjali telling her how she wishes her perfect b'day to be. Something which she would wish her future partner to know and follow the same at least once in lifetime. She had no clue the person who had just called her would take things so seriously. It was like a Challenge for him now to fulfil this wish of hers because it was her first first which unknowingly he had got a chance to make happen.

Not always notepads are used to record the phone numbers, important dates and contact persons, its also been used to sketch the plans of how a perfect B'day night needs to be organised for that girl whom you consider your only belonging. The phone call was disconnected soon but not without giving Arnav Singh Raizada an insight of what preparations he had to do for the next coming night, her birthday night.


He was always a closed book. His motives, his intentions, his feelings, his thoughts, everything always remained inside him. He never allowed anyone to penetrate his mind and soul and get to know what he was. His newly built attraction towards this girl was still hidden from every outsider, even Aman Mathur who till date kept all his day to day activities. But suddenly when Aman read the notepad today which had the details of celeberating a b'day plan, he was surprised. Before he could use his brain to decipher what it meant, ASR came inside the cabin finishing his conference and snatched the notepad from him.

Aman: Uhh..!! Sorry. I was just.. Whats that by the way? Whose b'day is it?

Arnav didnt respond. He quickly took his seat and then started typing something on his laptop. His silence did reveal a lot. He was hiding something which probably was worth to know. Still not forcing his Boss for any such confession, Aman finished his official talk and walked out, hoping a day would come when his Boss would himself clear it all.

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