Part 4

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Raizada Mansion

He entered his den , his home , which was as dark as usual. The servants had gone. None of them were allowed to be in the house at night. He didnt need them. The servants had a seperate quarters at the backside of the Bunglow. He threw the laptop bag aside and checked his mobile to know if he missed any call. Just 3 missed calls from his counselor Dr Lavanya Kshyap. How could he forget this appointment? He dialed her back and she answered in almost 2 rings.

Lavanya: I thought you dont need me anymore Mr Raizada. Thats why you were ignoring my calls.
Arnav: It can happen in due course of time if you keep giving me unwanted advices Dr.
Lavanya (Sighed driving slow): Noted it down. I am going back home from the clinic, do you want me to come over RM and complete today's course?

Arnav checked the time on his watch . It was 11:00 pm already.

Arnav: Fine.
Lavanya: Good .On my way then. Bye .


She was constantly keeping an eye of his every move as he made the coffee for them and passed the Mug to her.

Lavanya: Coffee at night? Isnt that Odd?
Arnav: Thats why you are here Dr. To identify all my odds and turn it to even and normal like others.
Lavanya: Hmm. Whats bothering? Any business issue?

Arnav was quiet. He infact was lost in the thoughts of the next day..

Lavanya: Speak up ASR.. Because until you speak , how am I supposed to perform my counselling? It should be you to speak more during such sessions than me. Come on .. Tell me whats bothering you these days? Apart from your normal business deals?
Arnav: What do you think ?
Lavanya: Again a question? (She sighed again giving up).. Well. I think this time its personal. We counselor's are good face readers and I can already read on yours, its nothing to do with your work.
Arnav : She is all over my mind these days.. I cant sleep.. Cant think productive.. I visualise her all the time... I.. I feel she is right next to me at one moment and the next she is gone. Isnt that hurting Dr? Want to be near a person and find her moving away from you? It pricked when I saw her photo with some other man. If given a chance, I would have killed him ..

Lavanya almost burnt her tongue when he heard all this , especially the last statement.

Lavanya :Hold on ASR.. SHE? Who She ? Are you dating anyone ? Didnt I ask you in our first meet to tell me everything about yourself and not hide such basic things. It only complicates the sessions ASR.
Arnav: The person whom we date dont run away from us Dr.

Lavanya then realised his point. She wanted to know more about this matter now and she didnt had to ask him , he did it genuinely.

Arnav : The medicines you give me to keep my mind harmonised and in peace act negative when her thoughts cloud my mind. As if she is the drug that I need to survive. Without even being with her, I can still feel she is controlling my mind and body. Our first meet was in that rainy night where she fainted in my arms seeing me pointing a gun at my enemy, second time I saw her at a Bus Stop after almost a month , again drenched in the rain. I tried following her but she was scared of my moves . She boarded a transport and left the place. And tonight I saw her photo with some other man who works for the Mehta's.

Lavanya : Just 2 meets and this is how she is affecting you? Isnt good ASR..

Arnav: Not good? Didnt you tell me earlier my lonliness is the reason for my harsh, possessive and restless behaviour? And now when there is someone who I think can ease my mind with her presence you feel its not good.
Lavanya: Exactly. Not from your point of view but hers..ASR ..You are very aggressive and this wont be good enough for your Love life. Let me put an example here. Just seeing her picture with some other man , you wished to kill that man thinking he is coming between you and her. You think that is right? That man could be anyone. He could be her brother, her Brother in law , her best friend and in worst case even her boyfriend. But instead of actually spending your efforts in finding that first you thought something so opposite. What if one day you ask this girl out, but she denies ? I can guarantee you will force her to be with you. Because you cannot take a "NO" from anyone. You can win deals ASR not people. You will end up hurting yourself one day in winning people forcefully. And this I Me Myself nature of yours will end up hurting that girl too.

Arnav felt like crushing the mug he was holding in his hands. Lavanya had her eyes on his reactions and she quickly walked to him, snatching the mug from his hand.

Lavanya: Dont use your energy on such small issues ASR. I would suggest you, give some time to yourself, away from her and her thoughts , plan some outing, meet new people and observe humanity around you. That will reduce some of your problems, I am sure of that.

Arnav's anger was coming back to normal.

Lavanya: I should leave. Good bye. Avoid drinking coffee and try getting some sleep.

SHe picked her car keys and left his house. Arnav leaned his head on the couch behind. It was so easy for some Dr like her to advise him good sleep. Only he knows how hard it was to brush off that girl's thoughts and sleep peacefully. Everyone has an addiction, his happened to be Khushi.


Next Day - Khushi's Birthday

She couldnt miss her college today as it was her last paper after which she just had to wait for her results of graduation. But this time since her Anjali di and Shyam jeeju were here on her birthday, the entire family had decided to celeberate it in the outskirts of Delhi in a local resort which will give some change to everyone. SHyam Jha was a lawyer by profession and he rarely got such opportunities to spend time with Anjali's family. It was decided that Akash will pick Khushi from the college and the whole family will then leave for the resort.

Completing her exam, she and Payal came out side the college campus. Even though Payal was invited too , she couldnt join that family because she had some guests coming to her home tonight for dinner. She wished Khushi again and then left hurridly for the Bus stop. Khushi was about to dial Akash when suddenly a car halted before her and the driver got down.

Driver: Khushi Madam?
Khushi: Jee.. Aap?
Driver: Akash Sir has asked me to get you home. He couldnt come to pick you as he is busy arranging things for the trip.
Khushi: (Confused): Really? Okay. Chaliye..

She got inside the car which headed towards the road. She found a box of chocolates placed beside her and that definately made her day. She was more than happy thinking her brother had kept it purposely for her .She opened the box and popped one chocolate in her mouth. She loved sweets and that was nothing new. The Driver did see her from the front mirror. Her eyes were heavy and she was feeling extremely drowsy. Soon she closed her eyes completely ..


When she opened her eyes she found herself in a luxurious room surrouded by all ammenities which she could only see in her dreams. She was sleeping on a king size bed alone and the room looked as if she was in some hotel. She rubbed her eyes and scanned the surroundings. There was a white blue dress placed on the side corner with a note on it to wear and come down. She was amazed. Where the hell was she?

She drew the curtains aside to see through the Glass wall and shockingly moved 2 steps back , placing a hand on her mouth for not believing it. The Taj Mahal of India, one of the 7 wonders of the world , was right before her some Kms away with the Yamuna river bank at the other side. Agra ?She was in Agra? How did she come here? She and her family were supposed to go outskirts of Delhi in a local resort. But this was a posh five star hotel and that too in Agra. Can this be a surprise from her family for her birthday? No. Its impossible that her family can spend so much of money at a time by booking such a presedential suite . She had to find out. But tried banging the door because it was locked from outside. As soon as she banged , she heard the door opening and a lady entering inside.

Lady: At your service Maam. You are been asked to get dressed and come down.
Khushi: Service? Maam? Who are you ?And .. and how did I come here? Where am I?
Lady: Maam we are at Agra in Hotel Sand Hill.
Khushi: What ? Unbelievable. How can I reach her so early? It takes hours to travel here from Delhi then?
Lady: You came by the Private chopper Maam. Please get dressed and come out . Your birthday celeberation is awaiting your presence.

Khushi was startled . Birthday celeberation,?? Chopper? ? Agra? Was it her family only who got her here and gave this surprise? She tried to remember how it was possible and thats when she recollected that last night she had told her Anjali Di about her wish of celeberating a perfect Birthday. Yes she had mentioned to Anjali how she wanted to visit Agra on her birthday and see Taj mahal , spend hours of time admiring this wonder which was the symbol of love. So was it their plan? But in one night could they arrange everything? How?

The Lady had left locking the door again. Khushi knew what she had to do .She will change her dress. Wear this whote blue frock which was yet again her choice of dress for her birthday as she had described her Di and then go down and check where her family was. If they were the ones who planned all this then she owes a big thank you to each and every family member but what if it was someone else doing this for her?

Her heart started beating faster as she remembered that same man whom she had accidently met a month ago in that rainy night. She closed her eyes to supress jer nervousness and quickly got dressed up.


The way the Guards and the lady guided her in a car she stopped and questioned them back where were they taking her. But the lady only answered the same thing that she had repeated many a times .

Lady: To the venue of celeberation Maam. Please get inside.

All this was just like a dream which was so full of luxury, respect, dignity and much more. Though she enjoyed all this yet it would be onluy fruitful if her family had arranged it for her. She stepped in the car which drove her exactly till the banks of Yamuna river. It was dusk by now and the sun was setting behind the Taj as if crowning this epitome of love for sometime. The scene was perfect and so was the surrounding.

A small shamiana (Tent) was arranged at the bank of the river with tables full of buffet dinner , Wine and desserts at the corner. Was it a package deal which was cheaper and her family thought of booking it for her? Otherwise all this seemed impossible for their type of middle class people. She was done with this. Though she was standing at the table before the cake, she can never cut it because her family was still missing. She argued but the lady suddenly used a white scarf and blindfolded Khushi. Before she could even comprehend what was happening, someone caught her hand from behind and made her hold the knife . She felt this touch known. It was HIM. It had to be HIM. She didnt realise when he made her cut the cake. Even he was lost somewhere when he held her hand for cutting the cake. He closed his eyes feeling the moment with his favourite song playing in the background.

Aankhen band kar loon jo main
Dekhoon bas tumhe
Khwabo mein hi keh sakta hoon
Apna tumhe
Rehne de
Mera yeh waham pe hi yakeen
Na jaa abhi

Pyaar ki yeh raat hai
Ab naa jaaaa.
Chhoti si ek baat hai
Ab naa jaa

Emglish Translation

When I Close My Eyes
I see only you
In Dreams only i can say
That You are mine
Leave me in my illusion
Dont go now

This is the night of love
Dont go now
Such a smaal thing
Dont go now
A moment or two of togetherness
Dont go now
Magical night this is
Dont go now

Her heart was beating frantically with the fear of being so close to him. So it was HE who arranged all this? The chopper, the hotel ,the dress, the security , the car, the Cake, the celeberation? How can an unknown man get her so far away from her family even without taking her consent? She didnt even know him properly . She hadnt talked to him anytime, she had no idea what he was , good or bad? How could he just?

She was so lost in her thoughts that she didnt realise the cake cutting was done and she was still blindfolded . She heard his voice finally.

"Happy Birthday Khoooshi"

Her breathe hitched as she moved back feeling utmost scared. He even knew her name? Damm!! What kind of trouble had she landed in? Before she could stumble behind , he caught her hand and forced her to come back to him. She could feel him trying to feed her the cake. No way, she thought and pushed his hands back. She tried to open theblindfold but he stopped her holding her hands.

Arnav: First eat the cake.
Khushi (Struggled): First show me your face and then expect me to eat it. I challenge you whoever you are. You could get a girl kidnapped this way but if you have courage to meet her eyes then open this blindfold and let me see you.

He loved challenges and the one from the lady herself was so inviting. He opened her blindfold leaving her hands and she tried to see this man . Undoubtedly he was the same one she was scared to be with. She didnt even know his name yet and he had the audacity to get her all the way to Agra from Delhi? Arnav Singh Raizada was standing a feet away from her holding the cake peice in his hand and smirking back at her. He tried moving her hair locks away from her cheeks but she shoved off his hands

Arnav: Whats wrong ? Isnt this the perfect birthday you ever dreamed of?
Khushi: I.. I dont know who you are.. But.. Why.. why are you doing this?

There was a long pause after her question as he kept looking in her eyes finding an answer for her.

Arnav: I dont know why I am doing this .. All I know is that I want you for myself.. Khooshi..!!

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