Part 52

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Arnav and Khushi were walking to the lobby, holding hands. They were so much lost in each other that none of them paid attention to Claire Thomas who was coming from the other direction towards them.. Khushi was continuously talking to Arnav while he was busy admiring her all the way.

Khushi: Anjali di said I forgot them after coming here to Bali.
Arnav: She is jealous ( he added)
Khushi: No. She is not Jealous. Why will a sister be jealous ? She is only worried for me. Thats all.
Arnav: Why? Does she think I will eat you up?
Khushi: You Wont? ( she asked teasingly)

Arnav stopped and pulled her back, not letting her walk ahead.

Khushi: Arnavji? What are you doing? ( She tried scanning around them to see if someone was watching them or not)

That same moment they heard Claire clearing her throat. Khushi became conscious and struggled to set free from her husband's clutches. He loosened his grip on her and looked at claire with disappointment. This woman always spoils his mood.

Claire: Passion is in the Air... Well.. Bali is know for couples like you.

Khushi didnt know how to react but Arnav Singh Raizada had decided. To end this once for all. He turned to Khushi.

Arnav: Get in the car, I will come in few minutes.
Khushi: But..
Arnav (little loudly): GO..
She could see anger rising on his face. She didnt argue and slowly walked towards the Reception area, but she kept turning behind again and again to see if everything was alright with Arnav or not. The moment she left, Arnav concentrated on Claire only.

Claire: Seems like you have a good command on her. I guess dominating other people ... thats in your blood.

She saw him fisting his fingers.
Claire: I thought you would leave the Resort after knowing I own it. I am surprised you are still here. Not that I didnt want you to shift.

Arnav continued reamining silent. He was just remembering what Khushi had told him the other night. If he keeps running from his past, he will never come out of it. So today he was facing his Past.. his mother.. in order to end this matter forever.

Claire: You didnt even ask me how I came to know your whereabouts?
Arnav: Doesnt matter. I reckon you come to the point.
Claire: I am impressed. So much calmness? Who taught you? That girl?
Arnav: She is my WIFE.. And I am not going to repeat that again. Now if you are done praising my new attitude, can we talk business?
Claire: Sure.. I am eager for that as well.
Arnav: What do you want?
Claire: My Share..
Arnav: Which Share?
Claire: Raizada Property Share..
Arnav: I dont remember wanting to share my Property with Outsiders.
Claire: (gritting her teeth): I gave birth to you Arnav.
Arnav: So you want your Pay cheque for giving birth to your husband's child?

She was losing her calm now.

Claire: YES I DO.. ! I am in need of money.
Arnav: What happened to your second husband? Didnt he pay you sufficient allimony while Divorcing you?

Claire was shocked. How did he know she got divorced from her second marriage too?

Arnav: Surprised? That I am aware of all this ?
Claire: You keep a Tab on me?
Arnav: Had to. I believe in keeping an eye on my enemies to ensure they dont harm me. I even know why you need Money. It is to save this Resort from being auctioned.
Claire was totally shocked.
Claire: Great. I dont need to explain much then. You know everything. SO give me my Share and I wont have the need to blackmail you ( she openly declared)
Arnav : Blackmail?
Claire: Ofcourse. Dont you know how Indian women are? They are weak by heart. They cant tolerate their partners closeness with anyone else except them. Imagine what would your so called wife go through if she comes to know of your past affairs? And Sheetal ? With her you have spent enough time, didnt you?

Arnav was highly pissed off with what she intended to do. He held her hand and dragged her out at the place where Khushi was waiting for him. Claire was confused with his actions.

Khushi was sitting on the couch at the Reception thinking what might be happening there between Arnav and his mother. Suddenly when she saw him dragging Claire towards her, she got up. Arnav stopped at her and left Claire's arm.

Arnav: So Claire Thomas.. What were you threatening me about ? That you will openly share my Past affairs secret with my Wife? Please do that.. Right now..

He slid his arms in his pockets and waited for Claire to speak. Khushi was confused and Claire was feeling frustrated.

Arnav: What happened? Cant do ?Let me help you. . ( he then turned to Khushi).. Khushi before I met you, there were many women in my life. I dont have a clean past in that matter. I dont even remember their names now. Because I never felt anything for them.. Infact I never felt anything for any woman except you. Does that mean anything to you? Does that change anything between us? Does that give you a reason to start hating me?

For few seconds Khushi felt uneasiness with what she just heard from him. But wasnt this something she had expected ? What was his fault if he got the right woman much later in his life? She immediately cupped his face with moist eyes. Claire was just observing her reactions with shock.

Khushi: Your screwd up past can never give me a reason to start hating you Arnavji. I have already accepted you in my life wholeheartedly and even if I hadnt done that yet, it wont change my decision of loving you after knowing all this. I am glad you didnt hide it from me and declared it so openly. You dont need to feel humiliated . Hum samjhate hai.. Aap ko.. Humme bharosa hai.. Aap par.. aap ke pyaar par..

Arnav took a sigh of relief.. Also the respect he had in his heart for Khushi had grown to an infinite level knowing how much she trusts him, adores him... and in her language.. how much she LOVES him..He took her in his arms and then turned to Claire.

Arnav: Anything else left to Blackmail me Claire Thomas?

Claire was totally stunned. She hadnt expected this kind of drama from him and top of that she never thought the woman he married to was so understanding.

Arnav: Dont take an Indian woman to be weak Ms Thomas.. She is the strongest in all terms. If put to test, she never fails you. I am glad I have married the right woman. Wish my father had realised this truth . He would have saved his life from getting spoilt!!

Claire fumed in anger whereas Khushi's happiness had no bars. She was so much overwhelmed with what Arnav spoke. Even Arnav was feeling very much better after blurting this out to his mother. She had to know where she gone wrong. Claire left the place in anger.

Arnav: (again turning to Khushi): Sorry Sweetheart.. You had to go through all this.. But like you advised, I had to give a break forever to this matter.
Khushi: How did you know I wont leave you after knowing this truth?
Arnav: Pata nahi.. (I dont know)
Khushi: I know it.. ( she proudly stated).

She placed her palm over his heart.

Khushi: When you fall in LOVE Mr Raizada.. TRUST automatically builds up.

Arnav was so much lost at that statement. LOVE? Was it really LOVE? Is this LOVE? No wonder what he feels for Khushi now and what Khushi feels for him isnt different.. So if Khushi names her part as LOVE. Shouldnt his part be termed the same?

Khushi clicked her fingers to get his attention.

Khushi: Dont stress yourself now. I have a lifetime to teach you what LOVE really means.. Lets go and enjoy the Beach water.. I cant wait to play in the Sea.. Come..

She dragged him to the car which was waiting to drive them to the Shore.


After a very relaxing Private vacation of 10 days, the couple returned back to Delhi. Nothing had really changed between them here apart from their routines. Arnav had to spend his day time at Office and Khushi like a good house wife kept grooming the house and their life. Things were turning beautiful for them. She had managed to stop him from taking unwanted medicines in the name of anti-depressents. She had made him quit smoking. Whenever he still smoked in her absence, she would easily catch him and then wouldnt talk to him for hours.. He was pissed off when she stayed silent towards him and hence that addiction was soon out of his list.

Days were getting brighter and healthier.. Lavanya and Akash's Marriage date was getting finalised for which Khushi had plans to go to her Mayka for a day or two and stay with her family just to ensure she doesnt miss these beautiful moments of her Brother's marriage. It had been almost 3 months now that Arnav and Khushi had started their married life in true sense.

Khushi didnt had to bother about Arnav's denial if she had to go to her Mayka.. Thats because Arnav himself had been on a bussiness tour for 6 days. He had mostly stopped doing tours alone, he preferred taking her with him and showing her new places. But this time as she had to concentrate on her Brother's wedding, he allowed her to stay back. It had almost been 5 days now that Arnav was on his trip and Khushi at her Mayka..

Khushi was folding the sarees from the bed when suddenly she felt an immense pain in her stomach. Something which she never felt earlier.. She clutched her stomach and cried in pain. Anjali immediately rushed to her.

Anjali: Khushi? What happened?
Khushi: Di.. Its paining.. I dont know why.
Anjali: Sleep here.. Come..

She made Khushi lie down on the bed and started caressing her stomach.

Anjali: Feeling better?
Khushi: Hmm..
Anjali: I think we should show it to the Doctor. I will take you tomorrow morning .
Khushi: No Di.. Its fine. These days I am over stressing probably.. I even vomitted today morning. May be lack of sleep. ( she sighed ).. How would I get sleep when my husband isnt here?

Love for her husband was overflowing in her talks..

Khushi: You know Di.. He is facing the same there.
Anjali chuckled..
Anjali: He Vomitted too? ( she teased)
Khushi: No.. I didnt mean that .. I meant.. he too is facing sleepless nights like me here. .
Anjali: Men are not like that Khushi. They can live without their Wives..
Khushi: Arnavji cant!! ( she was so much confident.. )

Nani called the girls to start serving the dinner to the guests. Even though Khushi was in pain she didn't wanted to rest. She was the member of this house and there were so many guests
She cant allow her sister only to talr care of everything. She and Anjali came out and started serving everyone.. One of an old lady who was their long relative asked Khushi.
Lady: Khushi bitiya.. Have you come alone? Where is Daamadji?
Khushi: Jee woh kal aayenge.. Shaadi ke mahurat se pehle pahunch jaayenge..

She smiled heartily while serving the other guests. Suddenly she felt dizzy. What was happening to her? She tried to balance herself but failed. Within next few seconds she fell on the floor. The guests surrounded her to check what happened. Akash who had just finished the Haldi ceremony came out and picked Khushi in arms carrying her inside the house.


The doctor was called who examined her. Khushi was conscious now.
Khushi: Dr I am fine.
Nani: What fine? This is the second time you have fainted in past 3 days. I suppose you should get a complete check up done.
Khushi: Nani its just exhaustion. And such things happen in a wedding house.

Dr: I guess Khushi should undergo few test but that is only for a 100% confirmation. But I am sure they will be positive.

Khushi ( confused): I didn't understand Dr.. What is positive??
Dr: Your pregnancy Khushi. You are Pregnant. We just need to check which month and hence come to my clinic after the wedding happens.

Everyone were surprised to know about Khushi's pregnancy. Nani sat next to Khushi on bed and blessed her. Anjali couldn't believe it either. Khushi pregnant?? So early?? She herself had completed 2 years of marriage and was elder to Khushi yet wasn't able to give this news to the family and Khushi? She hardly had started her married life some 3-4 months back. She still hugged Khushi and expressed her happiness. Akash congratulated her too. But Khushi had mixed emotions.. She was pregnant?? She never thought that she would have a baby so soon. She remembered just a month back she and Arnavji had a conversation where he told her he doesn't want a child at this stage. He wasn't prepared to be a father. He was just coming out of his past slowly. How can she give him this sudden new responsibility? Will he accept it? What if he doesn't want this child??

She kept faking smiles as people kept wishing her. She just hoped the next morning when he reaches she is able to deliver this pregnancy news to him in ease and he too gives her proper reactions than denying to have a baby.

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