chapter one

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Yes it has been a year since that pain dark night, the night that took happiness for the Hong house, it's like the the sun has set and has not raisen yet and that night will always be remembered, but at least everyone is trying to forget, but it still hurts..

Ji-hun has been going through some mental stress, after that day he has completely lost hope of finding his little brother, he thought maybe when he had cought his mother he will get his brother, but no...

He blames himself, why did he kill her? Why could he not wait? Why did he pull the trigger?, Why? Questions that run through his mind every second of his life after that day..

Ji-hun has been drowning his feeling and emotion in alcohol, drinking from sunrise till sunset and it has become a hubbied now, nine months ago a doctor had diagnosed with depression, and he has been taking medicine for it...

But it does not help, everytime he tries to let out a smile his mind divertes to the night he kill the only hope he had to get his brother back, and it just makes him angry and makes him feel weak and pathetic, he could not protect Jimin when he was just a baby making him feel like a failure and a terrible brother..

He loved and still loves that little boy, he was his only comforter, everytime he would come from an abusive training, that little chubby boy made him feel hope and love. Until one day he got snached from him..

Ji-hun might have a smile on everytime he speaks, but he is also hurting, and all he wants his his Mochi that's all, is that hard to ask for...

Maybe in his case it is hard to ask for...

And Yoongi and Minseok seem like the tepical twin brothers, every single day they fight, and Minseok always ends up being the one who starts it all, even when he knows he will end up hidding behind Ji Hong at the end...

Those two boys have such Savage mouths that you might just cry listening at their weirdness, even Taehyuyng who thought he was the weird one in the house, he is rethinking...

And when it comes to Namjoon, it's been hard for him since that day, trying to distracte himself from it all, with studying and reading all sorts of books, he is the top of the whole school, and Ji Hong seems to be proud of him, but he could still see that he was in pain..

But for the past five months, he seems to be getting out of his shell and enjoying time with his psycho brothers, and it really brings weamth to everyone's heart..

And little Jungkook and Taehyung, oh they are not little anymore, grown man is what they refer to themselves, still struggling to live without a mother, but with Ji Hong taking up the role of mother and father they seem to be doing fine..

With all the parenting and working Ji Hong decided to work from home and anyways he ain't comfortable with women around him anymore, just to keep the boys in check, literally he can't trust Ji-hun, because he is just as mad as them and nobody what the house set on fire by seven idiots..

And right now he is busy doing some important work in the living room with some peace and quiet..

"Yoongi I'm sorry!!"

"Shut the fuck up!!"

Or maybe not, as Minseok comes down stairs at full speed, while Yoongi runs behind him, he must have said something again and the other boys just follow behind, cheering..

"Here we go again.." he thought..


Minseok calls as he runs into the living and quickly hidding behind Ji Hong, who seems to be hidding his whole body, Minseok looks so dominant when it comes to his work, but when it comes to his brothers that he has grown attached to for the past one year, he is just a big baby like to rest of them...

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