"I said I did it all by myself all these years, Brother, and I think I can do it this time too, I don't fucking need your protection-"

I know she was speaking the truth, but why did that hurt so bad?

I couldn't face her after wards, I was too ashamed to admit what kind of man I was ......so, I left the house ....

My guilt was not allowing me to speak to her ......

Older brothers /sisters are meant to hear those problems of the siblings, that parents can't solve...

I left her alone .... all my life ...

She was so habitual to dealing with her own problem that even when I tried to help her, she pushed me away ....

I was not angry at her, never was ....and never will 

It was my just me, my guilt and myself 

I couldn't push that growing guilt that was constantly making me realize .... she endured so much ...alone 

I was never there ....

I didn't care how long I had been driving; all I cared about was getting nowhere, so I just drove aimlessly down Seoul's quiet streets.

I guess it was going to be morning, because the darkness of the night was slowly fading ....

I can't recall being in this area of Seoul, therefore I'm not sure where I was.

I silently blamed my overly analytical mind for forcing me to travel here. I believe I am lost right now.

I slammed my head on the steering wheel and groaned in annoyance ......I was sleepy now, lost too...

"Where the fuck are you, Min Yoongi?" I asked myself as I looked around to recognize this area ...

"Where the fuck are you, Min Yoongi?" I asked myself as I looked around to recognize this area

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perhaps, it was the early dawn, but still my surrounds were hard to recognize ...

I got out of the car and got near that stranded bus-station.... I can see the name written but couldn't read it because of glasses ...

In the process of making a grand exit of my home, I forgot my glasses, hence, I was practically blind too ...

'Why the hell they wrote the name so small and at so much height?'

I squinted my eyes impossibly narrows and finally was able to read some words

'H... A... NYANG'


I never really heard of these areas of Seoul, I rested my back against my car and took out my mobile to navigate back home.

The road was empty, not even a single soul was there ...

I typed hurriedly to find the fastest route back home...... Y/N was alone at home, and Jackson was injured too...

I was upset but that doesn't mean I'll repeat my mistakes again....

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